Gave at the office

Guest010619's Avatar
Years back a friend told me about a former girlfriend that he saw working as an exotic dancer.
Has anyone ever run into a former co-worker, employee or employer as a client/provider, or horror-of-horrors, a family member or relative.
ICU 812's Avatar
I have a fantasy of schedualling an Indy session from Back Page. But when she knocks on hotel room door its not the girl in the picture (of course —its BP, ight?) surprise-SUPRISE, its my daughter-in-law's even hotter little sister sister!

To come back to the OP though, There have been very few female co-workers that I would have liked to see anywhere after work, let alone in some SOB venue.
pyramider's Avatar
albundy's Avatar
Not a relative, but a girl that was a very good friend of mine in high school. About four years after graduation, me and a couple of buddies went to a new, fairly nice, strip club and when we walked in, there she was on the stage with just the bottom on. AWESOME!!! She looked great! After her set, she came down and hugged me and bought ME a drink and sat at the table and bullshitted. Very cool to do in front of the guys.

When it was her turn again, she led me on to the stage and laid me down. Then she danced over me, and rubbed her tits in my face, and then sat on me and grinded. All the while my boys were hollering. THAT was a pretty fun night. Wasn't until a while later that I actually got to fuck her though.
RandB fan's Avatar
Wasn't there a session that a monger hired his ex wife for P4P without knowing it until he opened the door? gives that whole "pina coloda" song new meaning

maybe one of these instesd

I for one would love to fuck my ex in ways I do providers. Maybe I should have?

am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I was doing a girl for a long time. One day I discovered she was a friend of my son's. I kept seeing her.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
A gal, her husband, and i all worked for the same company and in the same suite of offices. He had to travel a lot. She started coming on to me really hard. Finally, after an office happy hour when hubby was out of town, I succumbed to her temptations. This went on for months
One Sunday at church, much to my surprise, there they were -- she and her husband with daughter in his arms. There was no way I could escape greeting them. As I approached them, their 4 year old daughter reached out to have me hold her. We had been very indiscreet, in our meetings so the daughter knew me. Mommy said "She's so friendly with every one." Daddy appeared unconcerned. Whew, safe. Our meetings ended.

stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid