All America Wants For Christmas Is Hillary Clinton As President!

StandinStraight's Avatar
When we think about how far America has declined under Donald Trump you can’t help but think about what should have been!
Hillary Clinton wins the Popular Vote by a landslide, the people’s choice, but in a antiquated electoral college system Donald Trump becomes president.
Now we have the most corrupt administration in our history, theft, treason, colluding with Russia, money laundering, child abuse, abuse of women, white nationalist nazi’s, hatred, lies, racism, incest, stupidity, have all flourished under Donald Trump!
Our country elected Hillary Clinton but we were given the Antichrist, but during this holiday season let’s all think about what should have been and give thanks to Bob Mueller and pray for the end of our decline under the Trump attack on our country!

Better days are coming as Trumps final days draw near.

Happy Holidays
I B Hankering's Avatar

Better days are coming as Trumps final days draw near.
Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You're stupid lying ilk said that same shit last Christmas, Standing Stupid. Your lame-ass schtick is old and moldy, Standing Stupid.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
When we think about how far America has declined under Donald Trump you can’t help but think about what should have been!Events show otherwise to even the most intellectually challenged or politically corrupt.
Hillary Clinton wins the Popular Vote by a landslide, the people’s choice, but in a antiquated electoral college system Donald Trump becomes president. Wonder about your definition of landslide outside California or New York but we saved ourselves from people like Hillary thanks to the foresight of the founding fathers.
Now we have the most corrupt administration in our history, theft, treason, colluding with Russia, money laundering, child abuse, abuse of women, white nationalist nazi’s, hatred, lies, racism, incest, stupidity, have all flourished under Donald Trump! The most corrupt administration ended almost a year ago as the evidence is starting to show. The rest are baseless charges of a collaborator.
Our country elected Hillary Clinton but we were given the Antichrist, but during this holiday season let’s all think about what should have been and give thanks to Bob Mueller and pray for the end of our decline under the Trump attack on our country! Funny how you atheistic lefties go to religion. I guess it's true that the devil can quote scripture to achieve his end. Hillary was not elected by this country according to the law. Another lie...maybe that devil analogy is not far off.

Better days are coming as Trumps final days draw near. Somewhere there is wall and a bullet with your name on it. May God have mercy on your soul.

Happy Holidays Originally Posted by StandinStraight
I hope you're well paid for selling out your country but things don't usually work out for collaborators.
StandinInShit what a miserable excuse for a human being you are ..... that antiquated electoral "college" system you speak of was set up by the founding fathers to assure that all STATES would have an equal say in how the president would be elected ..... it was never intended to be a system where a majority rule popular vote would decide the outcome ..... the system is set up so that the candidates would need to acquire a majority of electoral votes, and not just those of California and New York that HilLIARy thought, plus a few states like Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan that she took for granted because she listened to her "advisors" that she had comfortable leads there ..... but I'm sure being a "teacher" that you should understand how our system works, but obviously you don't ..... and now I challenge you to do this ..... go read the_real_ barleycorn's thread titled "Better not pout, better not cry, 81 Trump accomplishments this year" ..... then, if you really do read it, you won't have to "think about what could have been" ..... there's 81 ways Trump is kicking some major ass (also known as Making America Great Again) ..... and that's a hell of a lot more than Ohdummy did in 8 years ..... but Trump's greatest accomplishment was keeping that bitchface Hilliary "Antichrist" Clinton from getting elected ..... oh and Merry Christmas to you, too .....
LexusLover's Avatar
Better days are coming as Trumps final days draw near. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
So is the next Ice Age. What's your point?
bamscram's Avatar
Not no but hell no!
hardroad69's Avatar
To say that Standing Stupid is a "shit for brains" would be a disservice to
StandinStraight's Avatar
StandinInShit what a miserable excuse for a human being you are ..... that antiquated electoral "college" system you speak of was set up by the founding fathers to assure that all STATES would have an equal say in how the president would be elected ..... it was never intended to be a system where a majority rule popular vote would decide the outcome ..... the system is set up so that the candidates would need to acquire a majority of electoral votes, and not just those of California and New York that HilLIARy thought, plus a few states like Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan that she took for granted because she listened to her "advisors" that she had comfortable leads there ..... but I'm sure being a "teacher" that you should understand how our system works, but obviously you don't ..... and now I challenge you to do this ..... go read the_real_ barleycorn's thread titled "Better not pout, better not cry, 81 Trump accomplishments this year" ..... then, if you really do read it, you won't have to "think about what could have been" ..... there's 81 ways Trump is kicking some major ass (also known as Making America Great Again) ..... and that's a hell of a lot more than Ohdummy did in 8 years ..... but Trump's greatest accomplishment was keeping that bitchface Hilliary "Antichrist" Clinton from getting elected ..... oh and Merry Christmas to you, too ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
The founding fathers were living in a different world, guns back then had to be loaded after every shot, that’s why gun laws are antiquated too and need changed just like the electoral college, we don’t live in colonies anymore.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-24-2017, 10:48 AM
I do not want either of them as president.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The founding fathers were living in a different world, guns back then had to be loaded after every shot, that’s why gun laws are antiquated too and need changed just like the electoral college, we don’t live in colonies anymore. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You're a fucking retarded liar, Standing Stupid. James Madison, et al, studied in depth how direct democracies failed throughout history; so, the Founding Fathers purposefully and intentionally rejected the model of direct democracy, Standing Stupid. For your stupid-ass to advance the argument that they "didn't know better" because of the age they lived in shows how utterly stupid your stupid-ass is, Standing Stupid.

Furthermore, before 1776 the Founding Fathers were Englishmen ... Englishmen who were at most three or four generations removed from the English Civil War wherein every, single, civil liberty chiseled in the American Bill of Rights had been violated by an overreaching government, Standing Stupid. The Founding Fathers fucking damn well knew exactly what the fuck they were doing, Standing Stupid. They studied and understood historical precedents, Standing Stupid; quite unlike your stupid-ass, Standing Stupid.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Dickhead? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Reckon assup,EKIM, WTF and Perfesser Peter Puffer / Standing Stupid have a shirt just like that ? !
StandinStraight's Avatar
You're a fucking retarded liar, Standing Stupid. James Madison, et al, studied in depth how direct democracies failed throughout history; so, the Founding Fathers purposefully and intentionally rejected the model of direct democracy, Standing Stupid. For your stupid-ass to advance the argument that they "didn't know better" because of the age they lived in shows how utterly stupid your stupid-ass is, Standing Stupid.

Furthermore, before 1776 the Founding Fathers were Englishmen ... Englishmen who were at most three or four generations removed from the English Civil War wherein every, single, civil liberty chiseled in the American Bill of Rights had been violated by an overreaching government, Standing Stupid. The Founding Fathers fucking damn well knew exactly what the fuck they were doing, Standing Stupid. They studied and understood historical precedents, Standing Stupid; quite unlike your stupid-ass, Standing Stupid.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Here is a article that explains to you what the electoral college is and why it’s antiquated. It is a very bad system meant for a different time.
RyanFromTER's Avatar
America spoke and Santa DID listen. Give it up.