Not just a river in Africa

eccieuser9500's Avatar
It's not running the way the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist, the Democrats, the Main Stream Media, and all of the Never Trumpers think it should run, but it seems to be hitting on all eight cylinders.

Highest GDP in decades, lowest uneployment, (including minorities), in decades, great Foriegn Policy victories, getting our previous trade fiascos straightened out, getting rid of many of the stifling regulations that hamper business, and, yes, .......Making America Great Again!!
It looks like the Senate Democrats bending over and getting WELL-OILED for a good reaming
LexusLover's Avatar
It looks like the Senate Democrats bending over and getting WELL-OILED for a good reaming Originally Posted by bb1961
I'm sure it's frustrating for them to interrogate an intelligent Judge who has a grasp of reality and legal concepts regarding the appropriate role of an appellate judge. Especially when they get caught in public not even reading the documents they've gotten.
rexdutchman's Avatar
It's not running the way the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist, the Democrats, the Main Stream Media, and all of the Never Trumpers think it should run, but it seems to be hitting on all eight cylinders.

The never Tumper cult is on the ropes , That's why the NY Times is at the fake Or flake news again.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We’ll see, fellas! Sooner than you’d like.
Hotrod511's Avatar
We’ll see, fellas! Sooner than you’d like. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-06-2018, 09:25 AM
great Foriegn Policy victories, getting our previous trade fiascos straightened out Originally Posted by Jackie S
Great foreign policy victories? Really? Pissing off anyone and everyone, and as of yet, achieving nothing positive--except for bombastic claims of success as yet totally baseless. NK a "success"? Nothing real there. Iran? Nothing real there. Mexico paying for the wall? Nothing real there. Where are these astounding successes? Something may come in the future, but for now that claim is as real as a Hillary Clinton "trust me".
Hotrod511's Avatar
Another Old-T ranting post the angry Democrat :roflmao.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-06-2018, 10:55 AM
Another Old-T ranting post the angry Democrat :roflmao. Originally Posted by Hotrod511
If it is a rant, then it should be very easy for you to point out the awesome Iranian, North Korean, and Mexican successes.

Please do--I am sure many here want to see your evidence.

If you actually want to talk denial, look at these photos, and absorb WHY they were changed. Because Trump can't handle the truth--that he doesn't have near the support that he thinks he is owed. That many of the people who voted for him did so out of fear of the alternative--and have been seriously disappointed at how badly he has done so far.

The sad part is not the fake photos, it is the glimpse into the ego of the man. He is not about America, he is not about his "Conservative base" of mindless followers. He is about the Cult of Trump the Wonderful.

They show the real truth of the inauguration that people in DC (of both parties) knew--but Trumpettes couldn't accept.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Here is a prediction.

On November 7th, if the Republicans have successful results in the elections, Donald Trump will take full credit for the success.

On November 7th, if Democrats have successful results in the elections such as winning back control of the House, Donald Trump will blame everyone but himself for the loss -- the candidates who lost, his staff, campaign teams in all the states where seats were lost, Omarosa, Mueller, Bob Woodward, the anonymous (as of now) writer of the op-ed, mass media, fake news, CNN -- the list could go on and on.
Hotrod511's Avatar
If it is a rant, then it should be very easy for you to point out the awesome Iranian, North Korean, and Mexican successes.

Please do--I am sure many here want to see your evidence.

If you actually want to talk denial, look at these photos, and absorb WHY they were changed. Because Trump can't handle the truth--that he doesn't have near the support that he thinks he is owed. That many of the people who voted for him did so out of fear of the alternative--and have been seriously disappointed at how badly he has done so far.

The sad part is not the fake photos, it is the glimpse into the ego of the man. He is not about America, he is not about his "Conservative base" of mindless followers. He is about the Cult of Trump the Wonderful.

They show the real truth of the inauguration that people in DC (of both parties) knew--but Trumpettes couldn't accept. Originally Posted by Old-T
Here Old -T this is all that mattered back on Nov 8 2016

And yes you were ranting get over it Hillary lost
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-06-2018, 04:18 PM

1. You seem to have Nov 2016 confused with Sept 2018.

2. I certainly didn't vote for Clinton, not am I wishing that she won.

You are either intentionally misreading my posts, or you got your education at a school of dubious quality. Either way you have been called out on your post but have decided to just avoid actually replying to the issue. No one questioned whether Trump won in 2016.

And if--as you claim--that's all thatmatters, then why did your hero throw a temper tantrum about photos not showing enough people at his inauguration? Why would an "adult" act in such an infantile way? Or do you support childish temper tantrums and insisting on lies that claim he had the biggest inauguration crowds in history when he clearly did not?

Where are those Iranian, North Koean, and Mexican foreign policy victories?

4 simple questions for you. I will await your answers.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
We’ll see, fellas! Sooner than you’d like. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

is this another "We all know ... the pee tape will be released .. any day now. PERIOD! posts?