Things are shaping up for Bloomberg nicely!!!!!

bambino's Avatar
Those are our resident political savants words!!!! Bloomberg just dropped out!!!!

HoeHummer's Avatar
Did yous eat him, jumbo?

  • oeb11
  • 03-04-2020, 08:39 AM
Yes -
Mike Bloomberg is suspending his presidential, says he’s endorsing Biden

Mike Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York who had hoped to self-fund his way to the Democratic presidential nomination but was spurned by voters in Tuesday’s balloting, has dropped out of the race.
Bloomberg, a media tycoon worth an estimated $60 billion, entered the race in November and quickly spent hundreds of millions of dollars of his own money to flood social media, television and radio with ads that boasted “Mike Will Get It Done.” In a still-crowded field, Bloomberg projected an image through the airwaves as a moderate candidate with the governing experience, bravado and financial resources to take on President Trump.

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Through exorbitant sums of money and despite skipping the first four state nominating contests, Bloomberg managed to rise in national polls, earning the ire of fellow candidates who accused him of trying to buy his way to the nomination. His unconventional campaign schedule also meant Bloomberg avoided any truly unscripted public appearances until the Feb. 19 Democratic debate in Las Vegas, for which he qualified after the Democratic National Committee changed its rules to eliminate a donor threshold.
Debating for the first time in more than a decade, Bloomberg appeared stoic and shaky in a performance that was widely panned. In particular, he was on the receiving end of several significant hits from Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who opened the debate referencing allegations that he had made profane, sexist comments toward women.
“I’d like to talk about who we’re running against, a billionaire who calls women ‘fat broads’ and ‘horse-faced lesbians,’ ” Warren said within the debate’s first few minutes as Bloomberg stood stone-faced to her right. “And no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.”
Later in that debate, Warren cornered Bloomberg on nondisclosure agreements his former employees had signed regarding sexual harassment or gender discrimination.
“We have a very few nondisclosure agreements,” Bloomberg acknowledged on the stage. “. . . None of them accuse me of doing anything, other than maybe they didn’t like a joke I told. And let me just — and let me — there’s agreements between two parties that wanted to keep it quiet and that’s up to them. They signed those agreements, and we’ll live with it.”
The Bloomberg campaign waved off his debate performance, vowing he would shake off the cobwebs in time for the next debate in South Carolina. But in a sign of their fear that her criticism had struck a vein, he later released three women from their NDAs; he said those were the only women who had made personal accusations about comments he made.
His focus remained on delegate-rich Super Tuesday states, where Bloomberg had been heavily advertising in the hopes of seizing support from underperforming moderate candidates — including former vice president Joe Biden and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) — as well as blunting the rise of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).
He began mocking his Nevada debate performance and was seen as doing better in a South Carolina debate, but the contrast between his smooth ads and his persona on the stage was so jarring that his poll numbers began to decline.
Worse for Bloomberg, Biden resurrected his candidacy with a strong showing in the Feb. 29 South Carolina contest and moved to consolidate the moderates who Bloomberg had hoped would flock to him in the event of a Biden collapse.
The day before the Super Tuesday primaries, in which Bloomberg appeared on the ballot for the first time, Klobuchar and former South Bend, Ind., mayor Pete Buttigieg dropped out of the race and endorsed Biden. Former candidate Beto O’Rourke, a onetime congressman from El Paso, also endorsed Biden the night before Texans went to the polls.
Bloomberg spent Super Tuesday campaigning in Florida, insisting that he planned to stay in the race until the Democratic convention in July.
When a reporter asked whether he risked taking away votes from Biden, Bloomberg suggested Biden had as much responsibility as him to winnow the field.
“Joe’s taking votes away from me right now. I think that is true,” Bloomberg said. “Have you asked Joe whether he is going to drop out? When you ask him that, then you can call me.”
Bloomberg refused to set a bar for his own performance in the Super Tuesday voting, saying he was not sure he would win any state.
“I have no expectations for today,” he said about the voting happening around the country. “But we will have a decent number of delegates.”
He also acknowledged that his only path to the nomination at this point was a contested convention, resulting when no candidate receives a majority of the pledged delegates.
“I don’t think I can win any other ways,” he said. “But a contested convention is a democratic process.”

Bloomie is stepping down - as if he could stand any lower!
Donna brazile - Chief at DNC - announces the price for bloomie's resignation from the race is $1billion a month through Nov 2020 - paid to the DNC and assorted corrupt ratholes they will divert the money to.

Bloomie agreed - inlage pat to distance himself from Lizzie and her supporers Omar and Tlaib.

Donna Brazile also announced a new cnn program - a soap opera of the DNC entitled "democracy 2020"!! Sponsor options available - but must be socialist Correct.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2020, 08:41 AM
Those are our resident political savants words!!!! Bloomberg just dropped out!!!!

BAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
Bloomberg's ultimate goal was to make sure Trump does not get reelected. Which I 100% agreed with.

Now you have two Socialist's vs Biden. I'd rather it been against Bloomberg but Biden is better than Sanders or Warren which is wtf Mike didn't want.

Things are working out nicely.

Well not for Hunter!

That SOB just got a spotlight shown on him until November.
bambino's Avatar
Did yous eat him, jumbo?

LOLLING! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
He would fit up your ass piggy!!!!
  • oeb11
  • 03-04-2020, 08:45 AM
Surprise - did ftw get Help???
a cogent post without namecalling and scatology.

is there hope for the future of the Fascist DPST's poster child????
Stay tuned and find Out!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar


at least they'll stop playing his gay campaign ad's now ..
bambino's Avatar
Bloomberg's ultimate goal was to make sure Trump does not get reelected. Which I 100% agreed with.

Now you have two Socialist's vs Biden. I'd rather it been against Bloomberg but Biden is better than Sanders or Warren which is wtf Mike didn't want.

Things are working out nicely.

Well not for Hunter!

That SOB just got a spotlight shown on him until November. Originally Posted by WTF
He got in because he thought he could win. Didn’t take long to expose his warts. Fauxcahontas put the final nail in.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2020, 09:23 AM
Surprise - did ftw get Help???
a cogent post without namecalling and scatology.

is there hope for the future of the Fascist DPST's poster child????
Stay tuned and find Out! Originally Posted by oeb11
Who is ftw?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2020, 09:33 AM
He got in because he thought he could win. Didn’t take long to expose his warts. Fauxcahontas put the final nail in. Originally Posted by bambino
Bloomberg could have won without Biden in the the time Bloomberg got in Biden chances were sinking. In fact the were still sinking right up until last Saturday.

I still think Bloomberg would have wiped the floor with Trump. 60 billion vs 3 billion would have been fun to watch Trump squirm.

But it looks like Sleepy Joe....his VP pick will be the most important since Ronnie chose George.

To be honest I'm not sure Biden is up to the task.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bloomberg could have won without Biden in the the time Bloomberg got in Biden chances were sinking. In fact the were still sinking right up until last Saturday.

I still think Bloomberg would have wiped the floor with Trump. 60 billion vs 3 billion would have been fun to watch Trump squirm.

But it looks like Sleepy Joe....his VP pick will be the most important since Ronnie chose George.

To be honest I'm not sure Biden is up to the task.

Originally Posted by WTF

Corn Pop FrankenBiden isn't gonna win.

Commie Bernie isn't gonna win.

it's gonna be a happy TRUMP new year in America.

Surprise - did ftw get Help???
a cogent post without namecalling and scatology.

is there hope for the future of the Fascist DPST's poster child????
Stay tuned and find Out! Originally Posted by oeb11
Perhaps WDF got "Mod help." Don't worry it won't last. It's what he is.
bambino's Avatar
Bloomberg could have won without Biden in the the time Bloomberg got in Biden chances were sinking. In fact the were still sinking right up until last Saturday.

I still think Bloomberg would have wiped the floor with Trump. 60 billion vs 3 billion would have been fun to watch Trump squirm.

But it looks like Sleepy Joe....his VP pick will be the most important since Ronnie chose George.

To be honest I'm not sure Biden is up to the task.

Originally Posted by WTF
And that’s why you’re a political illiterate. Bloomies own words concerning frisking were as racist as any politician since George Wallace. Fauxcahontas destroyed him on the Me Too front. He’s a lackluster person and doesn’t debate well. And that’s just scratching the surface with him. He’ll never be POTUS or the Mayor of NYC if he ran again. If I was Biden, I would keep some distance with Bloomberg. The black folks don’t like him much.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Gotta admit, I'm surprised by the recent changes. I guess I believed all the hype about Bernie having a lock on it and thought Biden's senility would do him in but Democrats aren't all crazy apparently but if Joe is the best hope they have.........

I don't think Warren got over the 15% threshold in a single state meaning she didn't get a single delegate and didn't she lose Mass.?

I can't imagine her staying in this thing but then my track record on prognostications on what Democrats will do isn't looking so good. If she drops out, I guess most of her supporters will swing to Bernie but I say with humility and reluctance, that it still looks like neither Bernie or Joe will get the 1991 needed but with Bloomberg out, there is no doubt in my mind that the Supers will give it to Joe.

So a Trump Biden cage match! Holy crap! Biden could have a full blown mental breakdown on national TV!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Bloomingmoneyspender didn't listen when a lot of folks previously told him the national stage is NOT NYC.