If you believe unilaterally removing an opponent from the ballot

oilfieldace's Avatar
Is just or comical, you are one sick sick puppy and are the root cause of Americas demise. Biden isn’t the problem, it’s you for installing him.

America can not and will not survive here blatant attempts by these wannabe dictators.

Happy New Years

HOOK ‘ EM!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another insult thread with no point or premise for debate.

However for once I agree with OFA.

eyecu2's Avatar

Ultimately all decisions are made unilaterally...where not everyone will be satisfied.

People that have been given decision making positions, be it a single person, a judge, a magistrate or a panel, are the ones who have determined that Trump is in violation of the 14th amendment. As far as unilateral decisions go, you can blame the orange asshole for his complicity in Jan 6th. He made his bed, and now he's gotta lay in it. When courts, even as high as the supreme Court make a decision, they do it unilaterally. Where others are going to disagree with the outcome. But anybody who is designated as an arbiter of justice and an outcome for the area of their responsibility makes these kinds of tough decisions.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Another insult thread with no point or premise for debate.

However for once I agree with OFA.

HOOK EM! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Point, it’s wrong what Maine and Colorado did and it won’t be my opinion that dictates it wrong, that will be taken care of by the Supremes
texassapper's Avatar
Ultimately all decisions are made unilaterally...where not everyone will be satisfied. Originally Posted by eyecu2
So you don't understand the definition of the word? What is it with the left and their inability to define a word?

  • Of, on, relating to, involving, or affecting only one side.
  • Performed or undertaken by only one side.
  • Obligating only one of two or more parties, nations, or persons, as a contract or an agreement.

If all decisions are unilateral, I'd like you to explain how a jury works...
People that have been given decision making positions, be it a single person, a judge, a magistrate or a panel, are the ones who have determined that Trump is in violation of the 14th amendment. Originally Posted by eyecu2
And speaking of juries, when was the trial? In fact when was Trump indicted for insurrection?

I thought people are innocent until proven guilty... because if we're going to change the rules, then we can remove Beijing Joey from ballots too because of his corrupt bribery operation. What's that you say? He hasn't been charged or convicted? hmmm, maybe you see the issue? That game can be played both ways... which in the end is NOT good for America.

But we already know that Democrats don't have Americans best interests at heart anyway... so it makes sense that you think such a foolish course of action is okay.
VitaMan's Avatar
to answer your questions:

Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment has been “enabled” by a criminal statute that sets out punishment—including disqualification from office—for rebellion or insurrection.

Section 3 doesn’t mandate a criminal conviction; and it doesn’t require proof beyond reasonable doubt.
Trump was charged with insurrection by the House, 232‐to‐197

for your education:

There is no statute explicitly designed to enforce Section 3. There are multiple legal processes currently available to enforce it.

State officials and courts, federal prosecutors, and Congress itself, have enforced the disqualification clause.

States have their own processes that allow a specified challenger to petition the state’s designated certifying body to find that an individual is not qualified to hold the office for which they are running. Those processes vary by state. They can be used to enforce the 14th Amendment disqualification of individuals who are running for president or vice president.

addressing your bias:

"But we already know that Democrats don't have Americans best interests at heart anyway"
"Beijing Joey"

The Supreme Court will make the final decision for all states to follow.
Trump coulda not been an insurrectionist. Would have ended all of this. Or he could admit he lost and that he’s running a con. I’m sure that’d bring this all to an end as well.
DNinja69's Avatar
Donald Trump sent out invitations for every liberal power base to dump truckloads of shit on him if he ran again. I agree much of it is sour grapes and hurt feelings but the man deserves plenty of pushback for some of the stupid shit he has pulled or tried to pull.
  • Tiny
  • 12-30-2023, 07:34 PM
I'm surprised you see Democrats in blue states trying to remove Trump from the ballot in the primaries. Trump's not going to win the electoral votes of Colorado in a general election anyway. But if enough blue states followed along with Colorado, taking Trump off the primary ballots, Nikki Haley might just end up as the Republican nominee. And she'd kick Joe Biden's ass. She was ahead of him by 17 points in a recent Wall Street Journal poll.

Go Horns!
... Good luck in THAT...

GO which-ever side is playing the Horns!

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
This is the kind of thing we expect in countries like Venezuela and Russia.
eyecu2's Avatar
This is the kind of thing we expect in countries like Venezuela and Russia. Originally Posted by ICU 812

Our country and politicians are not so different actually. The GOP has not held their candidates accountable in anyway, just like those countries let Maduro or Putin do.

The DEMS have tried, but a cult of sheep wearing MAGA hats and hailing a king has made this the shit show. We've got a guy like Trump who lies his ass off, uses phrases out of Mein Kopf, and has been to church so often, he can't name one Bible verse. It's a cult through and through. If the guy cares about the country he's just stop. He doesn't, he can't, because he will certainly go to jail if he's not elected president, and the only ppl who aren't holding him accountable is the GOP- that should tell you how unbiased the radical maga right is!

4 indictments 91 felonies in 4 yrs...what will 4 more years bring?? How many laws broken, how much more poor leadership??

Removed from EVERY ballot seems appropriate, and every senator realized it.

Trump is like a walking talking Frankenstein of fuckery without any self control. The countries MAGA-MONSTER. The pussy grabber, rapist, con artist the GOP says didn't get convicted,..so "totally qualified to reflect the GOP'S values".

Should be off the planet and not just the ballot; spending his final years in a small cell.
This is the kind of thing we expect in countries like Venezuela and Russia. Originally Posted by ICU 812
... Yep. ... And in America also... Who knew?

The Dems want Trump off the ballot 'cause He's WINNING.

To this point it's been nothing but APPOINTED (NOT elected)
Democrats who have chose to remove Him. ... If they can.
(Blimey! ... The Horns are playin' Washington over Seattle-way??)

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Yep. ... And in America also... Who knew?

The Dems want Trump off the ballot 'cause He's WINNING.

To this point it's been nothing but APPOINTED (NOT elected)
Democrats who have chose to remove Him. ... If they can.
(Blimey! ... The Horns are playin' Washington over Seattle-way??)

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Number one - can’t win unless there’s a game. Trump isn’t winning. Nary a single vote has been cast.

Number two - Nobody but MAGA extremists want Trump on the ballot. Reasonable, patriotic Americans want to put this dark and ugly chapter way-behind us.

Number three - over Seattle-way (right-comical ye be).

Happy New Year… OK not yet, but just wait!

Precious_b's Avatar
Whatever each State likes to do is up to EACH STATE.

Whatever happened to States Rights that you guys yelled about for Roe V Wade? Same thing.

Just like stealing the election: you can't have it both ways. Now go cry on somebody elses thread.