Charlottesville’s Lee statue

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Charlottesville’s Lee statue meets its end, in a 2,250-degree furnace
Precious_b's Avatar

People soon forget history and the reasons behind what happened.
From the dedication ceremony:

"“Here it shall stand during the ages at the center of our lives, teaching, through the medium of beauty, the everlasting lesson of dignity and character, of valor and unselfish service . . . in the majesty of his manner. And now, in this hour of reunion and reconciliation, we know how . . . he symbolized the future for us as it has come to pass, and bade us to live in it, in liberal and lofty fashion, with hearts unspoiled by hate and eyes clear to see the deeds of a new and mightier day"

"Reunion." "Reconcilliation." "Future."

Sure sounds <insert most negative adjective here>.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
huh? what was bullshit?
There are good people on both sides.
I don’t condemn Robert E Lee near as much for being a Southern Secessionist as I do his insistence of using out dated napoleonic tactics against modern rifled weapons with long range killing power and cannon with canister shot.

These tactics resulted in massive casualties, the most famous, or infamous being “Pickets Charge” at Gettysburg.

He should have been tried as a war criminal against his own men.