CONFIRMED EVIDENCE!! Trump Received Millions From Foreign Governments as President

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Repeat after me, MAGAS: EV-I-DENCE.

That’s the difference between reality and the half-baked conspiracies promoted by your lord-god.

Trump Received Millions From Foreign Governments as President, Report Finds
House Democrats released evidence that the former president took in at least $7.8 million from foreign entities while in office, engaging in the kind of conduct the G.O.P. is grasping to pin on President Biden.

Jan. 4, 2024, 10:03 a.m. ET

Donald J. Trump’s businesses received at least $7.8 million from 20 foreign governments during his presidency, according to new documents released by House Democrats on Thursday that show how much he received from overseas transactions while he was in the White House, most of it from China.

The transactions, detailed in a 156-page report called “White House For Sale” that was produced by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee, offer concrete evidence that the former president engaged in the kind of conduct that House Republicans have labored, so far unsuccessfully, to prove that President Biden did as they work to build an impeachment case against him.

Using documents produced through a court fight, the report describes how foreign governments and their controlled entities, including a top U.S. adversary, interacted with Trump businesses while he was president. They paid millions to the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.; Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas; Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York; and Trump World Tower at 845 United Nations Plaza in New York.

House Democrats highlighted the transactions on Thursday as a counterweight to Republicans’ impeachment inquiry into Mr. Biden, which has sought to tie him to international business deals by his son Hunter Biden before his father became president in a bid to prove corruption or influence peddling. They have so far failed to show that President Biden was enriched in any way by any of those transactions.

”By elevating his personal financial interests and the policy priorities of corrupt foreign powers over the American public interest, former President Trump violated both the clear commands of the Constitution and the careful precedent set and observed by every previous commander in chief,” Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the top Democrat on the Oversight Committee, wrote in a foreword to the report.

Among the countries patronizing Mr. Trump’s properties, China made the largest total payment — $5.5 million — to his business interests, the report found. Those payments included millions of dollars from China’s Embassy in the United States, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and the Hainan Airlines Holding Company.

Saudi Arabia was the second-largest spender, shelling out more than $615,000 at the Trump World Tower and Trump International Hotel.

Eric Trump, the former president’s son, has long insisted that foreign interests did not influence his father’s presidency and that any profit the company earned on the hotel stays was returned to the federal government through a voluntary annual payment to the Treasury Department.

The Constitution prohibits a president from accepting money, payments or gifts “of any kind whatever” from foreign governments and monarchs unless he obtains “the consent of the Congress” to do so. The report notes that Mr. Trump never went to Congress to seek consent.

The report also acknowledges its own limitations. Democrats fought aggressively through years of litigation to gain access to only a portion of Mr. Trump’s business records. After they won court rulings, Mazars USA, the longtime accounting firm for Mr. Trump that cut ties with him and his family business, began in 2022 turning over documents related to his financial dealings.

The development came after Mazars said it could no longer stand behind a decade of annual financial statements it had prepared for the Trump Organization.

But once Republicans won control of Congress, they dropped the effort to force Mazars to continue with its production of documents about Mr. Trump’s business dealings.

Representative James R. Comer, Republican of Kentucky and the chairman of the Oversight Committee, made clear he had abandoned any investigation into the former president’s financial dealings and was instead focusing on whether Mr. Biden and members of his family were involved in an influence-peddling scheme.

Still, Democrats say they received key material before the investigation was shut down.

“Critically, even this subset of documents reveals a stunning web of millions of dollars in payments made by foreign governments and their agents directly to Trump-owned businesses while President Trump was in the White House,” the report states. “These payments were made while these governments were promoting specific foreign policy goals with the Trump administration and even, at times, with President Trump himself, and as they were requesting specific actions from the United States to advance their own national policy objectives.”

The report is the result of a multiyear investigation into Mr. Trump’s receipt of payments from foreign-controlled entities while in office. The investigation began in 2016 under the leadership of Representative Elijah E. Cummings, Democrat of Maryland, who died in 2019.

It noted that Mr. Trump sometimes bragged about the wealth that foreign governments had provided him, including at a campaign rally in 2015, when he suggested that his personal financial incentives might influence his dealings with another government.

“Saudi Arabia, I get along great with all of them.,” the report quotes him saying. “They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much!”

The report urges Congress to consider adopting new disclosure rules to help the legislative branch obtain information for proper oversight. It also recommends a more formal procedure for presidents and other officials to seek Congress’s permission when they receive and want to retain wealth from other countries.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just in case you skimmed over this -
"Among the countries patronizing Mr. Trump’s properties, China made the largest total payment — $5.5 million — to his business interests, the report found. Those payments included millions of dollars from China’s Embassy in the United States, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and the Hainan Airlines Holding Company.

Saudi Arabia was the second-largest spender, shelling out more than $615,000 at the Trump World Tower and Trump International Hotel.

Eric Trump, the former president’s son, has long insisted that foreign interests did not influence his father’s presidency and that any profit the company earned on the hotel stays was returned to the federal government through a voluntary annual payment to the Treasury Department.

The Constitution prohibits a president from accepting money, payments or gifts “of any kind whatever” from foreign governments and monarchs unless he obtains “the consent of the Congress” to do so. The report notes that Mr. Trump never went to Congress to seek consent."
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'm surprised Donald even allows Eric's stupid ass in front of the cameras. At least Biden has enough sense to tell his idiot son to shut the fuck up and be quiet.

"A voluntary annual payment to the Treasury Department". What the fuck does that even mean? I'll tell you what that really means, "we're keeping this shit, so good luck trying to figure out the profits we made." LOL
VitaMan's Avatar
None of this is surprising, and as long as Salty doesn't arrive with more of his "just wait for it", "proof may be coming", and other useless jibberish, everything will be fine.

Hillary and Bill were the worst, IMHO. Hillary sold access to the State Department like it was going out of style. And then they maneuvered the cash to Bill for consulting and speaking fees. Hillary never did divorce Bill, because they were a team.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Seems like the proof is in the report. So no, we don't have to wait, unless of course, we're waiting for Trump to double down on his malfeasance.
lustylad's Avatar
So lemme get this straight...

Trump is corrupt because a Chinese bank (ICBC) pays rent to maintain a branch in the Trump Tower (ground floor retail space) under a standard commercial lease it signed before he ever entered politics...

And Biden is NOT corrupt for taking his son along on taxpayer-paid Air Force Two trips to meet Chinese and Ukrainian officials (some with spy agency ties) who showered him with diamonds, 6-figure debit cards, millions of dollars deposited into phony shell LLCs (en route to Biden family personal bank accounts) and lucrative Board seats in return for nothing except being close to the "Big Guy"...

Got it!!

We all know the NYT has no fucking ethics or judgment or perspective, but why would anyone regurgitate their garbage here?
Trump is a legitimate Businessman and receives funds from foreign Countries and the Liberals regard him as an international Criminal. Biden squanders tax payer money to foreign Governments and he's an international diplomat, lol.
... Hee Hee! ... Heard from Eric Trump about this
earlier today... He was laughing and saying that these things
have been known-about for years.

The Chinese bank has been RENTING office space since 2008.
They got a TWENTY (20) year lease. ... A standard commercial one,
as Lustylad just mentioned.

... No evidence of FRAUD there! ...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No claim of fraud, mate. Straight up violation of the law.

But but but ….

Hee hee
No fraud, mate. Straight up violation of the law.

But but but ….

Hee hee Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
.... Please show us. .... Where's the FBI and DOJ on this?
If it were a "violation of the law" they'd no doubt
already be there.. ... but.. but.. but...

#### Salty
No claim of fraud, mate. Straight up violation of the law.

But but but ….

Hee hee Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Give us the Criminal Statute.
lustylad's Avatar
He can't.

The left's frivolous lawsuits against trump for allegedly violating the emoluments clause were straight-up thrown out by SCOTUS.
lustylad's Avatar
The Chinese bank has been RENTING office space since 2008.
They got a TWENTY (20) year lease. ... A standard commercial one,
as Lustylad just mentioned. Originally Posted by Salty Again
Gee whiz, salty...

I guess we should surmise that the Chinese already knew back in 2008 that trumpy was going to be elected 8 years hence - and therefore they chose the Trump Tower location for ICBC so they would have him compromised, and as President he wouldn't dare slap tariffs on Chinese imports, would he?

Oh wait, that tariff thing didn't really work out for them, did it?

... Hee Hee!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Seems like the proof is in the report. So no, we don't have to wait, unless of course, we're waiting for Trump to double down on his malfeasance. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

proof of what?

No claim of fraud, mate. Straight up violation of the law.

But but but ….

Hee hee Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Give us the Criminal Statute. Originally Posted by Levianon17

yr is playing the emoluments clause angle. that dog won't hunt and i bet many here don't even know it's origins

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i find this thread amusing

some foreign dignitaries and businessmen stay at Trump's hotels and this is "CONFIRMED EVIDENCE" ?


at least Trump's "influence peddlers" got a nice hotel room. what did Biden's "influence peddlers" get? Hunter's paintings?