Jan 6 and the National Guard troops

VitaMan's Avatar
Yet another MAGA member says Mr. Trump didn't send National Guard troops on January 6, because Nancy told him not to. And this time, it is 25,000 troops, not 10,000.

Mr. Trump is the only one that had the authority to do this. And MAGA members are saying he could not do it because of lil old Nancy. What kind of weak President was he ? He bows down to Nancy ? He has no one else to listen to ?

"I didn't send the National Guard...because Nancy told me not to." (wink, wink)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He should be tried for treason and executed (if found guilty, lol)
lustylad's Avatar
Yet another MAGA member says Mr. Trump didn't send National Guard troops on January 6, because Nancy told him not to. And this time, it is 25,000 troops, not 10,000.

Mr. Trump is the only one that had the authority to do this. And MAGA members are saying he could not do it because of lil old Nancy. What kind of weak President was he? He bows down to Nancy? He has no one else to listen to? Originally Posted by VitaMan

You're correct to say Trump had sole authority to call in the DC National Guard. (As opposed to individual state NGs, where he would need the consent of each Governor.) Since the purpose would have been to protect the Capitol (Nancy's turf), it would have been disrespectful NOT to ask the Speaker of the House.

Had trump acted unilaterally, the Dems probably would have freaked out and said it was proof he was planning a coup.

By the way, the DC National Guard has only 3,400 active members. Here's a report that DC Mayor Muriel Bowser actually did request (and receive approval for) activation of 340 NG troops 2 days before Jan. 6.

Precious_b's Avatar
No one from the NG says they received orders from the Big Cheato.
Only a tweet from a press secretary states he did. Second hand tweets are not to be confused with official Executive Orders.

Same secretary stated that instead of trying to calm those down on the Capital ground, he was asking for and calling Senators to shore up his claims to hold onto power.

No where on any timeline of january 6, I could not find anyone from the National Guard who stated that #HeWhoShallBeNamed called for them to come to the Capital.

For those who need a refresh what occurred.
ICU 812's Avatar
In about any of the less developed countries of ASfrics or South ASmerics the outgoing president would have called in the troops to actually seize the seat of power.

That is a coup. The events of Jaan 6, 2020 do not fit that scenario.

In my view, a small portion of a very large crowd becsme an unarmed mob that entered the Capitol Building. Manuy of them committed cts of vandalism. One unarmed woman was shot and killed by capitol police.

In the video I have seen, there does not seem to be any coordination, direction or plan of action. Th4ere have been arrests made of "Proud Boys" and "Boogaloo Bois" for conspiracy. My recollection is that no guns were conficated in th capitol.

The crowd outside that not riot, dispersed peacefully.
Bushjumper's Avatar
Also, that woman who was killed by the capital policeman was an Air Force veteran.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
In about any of the less developed countries of ASfrics or South ASmerics the outgoing president would have called in the troops to actually seize the seat of power.

That is a coup. The events of Jaan 6, 2020 do not fit that scenario.

In my view, a small portion of a very large crowd becsme an unarmed mob that entered the Capitol Building. Manuy of them committed cts of vandalism. One unarmed woman was shot and killed by capitol police.

In the video I have seen, there does not seem to be any coordination, direction or plan of action. Th4ere have been arrests made of "Proud Boys" and "Boogaloo Bois" for conspiracy. My recollection is that no guns were conficated in th capitol.

The crowd outside that not riot, dispersed peacefully. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I believe your statements to be true other than "an unarmed mob that entered the Capitol Building". We do not know whether or not anyone had guns that day inside the Capitol. Maybe yes, maybe no. But many were armed.

"In the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, a popular narrative has emerged: that because rioters did not fire guns that day, they were not really "armed."

But a review of the federal charges against the alleged rioters shows that they did come armed, and with a variety of weapons: stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs."
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 01-07-2024, 08:35 AM
Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years

One should consider what that makes you if you believe anything Trump and his croonies say.
I believe your statements to be true other than "an unarmed mob that entered the Capitol Building". We do not know whether or not anyone had guns that day inside the Capitol. Maybe yes, maybe no. But many were armed.

"In the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, a popular narrative has emerged: that because rioters did not fire guns that day, they were not really "armed."

But a review of the federal charges against the alleged rioters shows that they did come armed, and with a variety of weapons: stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs." Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

... How many of them were armed that walked in the Capitol?

How many arrests were made INSIDE the Capitol building
on that day?

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... How many of them were armed that walked in the Capitol?

How many arrests were made INSIDE the Capitol building
on that day?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Inside the Capitol? Yah, they all checked their weapons at the window they climbed thru! LOLLING!

Arrests whilst the cops were fighting for their lives, outnumbered 15-1?

You’re just getting sillier and sillier and this thread is getting dumber and dumber.
The actual Facts

For 2 weeks prior to Jan 6 it was publicly announced that a large group of people would demonstrate at the capital building in Washington DC.

Large demonstrations like this have occurred many times, and the Washington DC police and other security people were always able to keep the crowd from entering the capital grounds.

January 6, the full size of the crowd wasn't even there yet and people were in the building.

Pretty obvious that some group inside the security forces wanted to stage this storming of the building to make it look like it was not peaceful.
eyecu2's Avatar
I believe your statements to be true other than "an unarmed mob that entered the Capitol Building". We do not know whether or not anyone had guns that day inside the Capitol. Maybe yes, maybe no. But many were armed.

"In the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, a popular narrative has emerged: that because rioters did not fire guns that day, they were not really "armed."

But a review of the federal charges against the alleged rioters shows that they did come armed, and with a variety of weapons: stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs." Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

There were many weapons visible by DC police and other officials commented to command centers' as the protestors made their way down to the capital. They saw some men carrying AR style rifles, and a lot of miliary grade backpacks, body armor and glock style pistols that were at the waist of MANY people. This whole- they were unarmed tourist's is a ruse by the the morons who want to normalize a violent mob who broke windows and threaten to hang the VP, (ust before stopping at the gift shop to buy a copy of the constitution.) snick

Some shit just can be made to go away no matter how many times FOX "news" tells you to try.
Precious_b's Avatar
In about any of the less developed countries of ASfrics or South ASmerics the outgoing president would have called in the troops to actually seize the seat of power.

That is a coup. The events of Jaan 6, 2020 do not fit that scenario.

"In my view", a small portion of a very large crowd becsme an unarmed mob that entered the Capitol Building. Manuy of them committed cts of vandalism. One unarmed woman was shot and killed by capitol police.

In the video I have seen, there does not seem to be any coordination, direction or plan of action. Th4ere have been arrests made of "Proud Boys" and "Boogaloo Bois" for conspiracy. My recollection is that no guns were conficated in th capitol.

The crowd outside that not riot, dispersed peacefully. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Don't forget Europe and Asia. More coups have successfully occurred with, as you describe, "unarmed" people. Firearms are a rather recent invention in human history. How in the world do you think leaders of the world held on to power before people became "armed"? Oh....They didn't.

Now to interject *MY* opinion. Unless someone can show how January 6 occurred organically, it would be very hard to dismiss the fact that it was an attempt to overthrow goverment as we know it. The fact that *MY* opinion can be dismissed by those that have a finger in it has not happened since no one who was involved would willingly give up records of communications of such.