Why is everyone here living in the past?

waverunner234's Avatar
I hear so much shit about the past I can't believe it.

Forget Reagan he's dead. Forget Founding Fathers, they are also dead.

We live NOW

waverunner234's Avatar
I really feel sorry for that Gold Fish.
He's going No Where, like all of us.
waverunner234's Avatar
Amazing, I guess America is asleep?
waverunner234's Avatar
So how do we protect America when we are all sleeping?
waverunner234's Avatar
So how do we protect America when we are all sleeping? Originally Posted by waverunner234
Well I guess we don't.

Goddamned fuckers
waverunner234's Avatar
Oh I have a very positive message here,
In 5 days from now I'm gonna quit smoking.
1-25-12 is the date.
waverunner234's Avatar
I just ate about 50 shrimps.
Can't we make those in America? On the bottom it said that it was import from Thailand.

Thanks Kroger, big money Industry.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I hear so much shit about the past I can't believe it.

Forget Reagan he's dead. Forget Founding Fathers, they are also dead.

We live NOW

Originally Posted by waverunner234
Turns out all those guys were right about "Trickle-Down-Economics". Or part right.
They outsourced all of our jobs overseas. They outsourced so many jobs that now the outsourced jobs are being outsourced back to us by the Chinese.
How bizarre that the Chinese pay so much better than the American companies who sent the jobs overseas in the first place.
I'm being paid to remove Japanese equipment from a German wafer fab that used to be owned by an American company that moved operations overseas because of huge utility rebates and tax breaks. The Americans sold the fab to the Germans because the rebates and tax breaks were stopped and their product could not compete without being propped up. The tax breaks were destroying the local economy without adding jobs. The Germans finally closed it because the equipment could be sold for way more than they paid the Americans (who wrote off a huge loss on the taxes they paid in the US but which they didn't pay taxes on their off shore profits). Now the Chinese are buying the equipment, paying me to remove it, shipping it to China where they will pay me to re-install it. Paying me a lot, plus a generous per diem.
I'm happy, I'm sad, I'm outraged, I'm elated, I'm disgusted, but most of all,
I'm making a shitload of money.
They set me up with a deal that will move my retirement 5 years closer and keep me well paid as a consultant for the next 10 years.


COG-It looks like you could be half right about what's happening to the US. But you couldn't be more wrong about who is doing it.
Looks like waverunner put something funny in his pipeline and smoked it.
So, Waverunner, here is one for all of the "Obamaites"

George W. Bush is no longer President. Stop living in the past and accept your failures.
anaximander's Avatar
Of course they're dead.
They were men of substance and honorable values.
The Founders set this up for posterity;
i.e. the FUTURE. Our rights do not belong to us.
They belong to citizens not yet born.
We are mere caretakers.
We remember the Founders then we remember
their mission to free and liberate man.
Why on earth would anyone want to forget that.

Oh yeah those who would enslave us and reduce us
to being subjects of a new monarch.
Are you so clueless you don't see that?

Besides we are about modernity.
American Republican Federalism is the most
advanced governmental entity created for
the protection and advancement of its
citizens since ancient Athens.
Socialism is just tyranny repackaged.
Nothing is new from the democrat side
of the aisle- enslave fellow man
and reduce them to wards or subjects
if you think that sounds better.

Free enterprise went to the Moon.
Socialists build death camps.
So, Waverunner, here is one for all of the "Obamaites"

George W. Bush is no longer President. Stop living in the past and accept your failures. Originally Posted by Jackie S
LMAO! 8 yrs to fuck it up; expectations to fix it in 4 yrs. It's not about excepting failure it's about everyone working togather to solve it. That's not going to happen though to special interest politicing.
I B Hankering's Avatar
LMAO! 8 yrs to fuck it up; expectations to fix it in 4 yrs. It's not about excepting failure it's about everyone working togather to solve it. That's not going to happen though to special interest politicing. Originally Posted by Milehigh65
Your man said he'd have it all fixed during his first term. So, what's with all the back-tracking and sand bagging? Accept the fact that he lied - and continues to do so.
Looks like waverunner put something funny in his pipeline and smoked it. Originally Posted by gnadfly
waverunner234's Avatar
Hey I just woke up and no I didn't smoke anything funny.
But hey, that bottle of Vodka is empty now.
No clue how I did that!!!!
waverunner234's Avatar
I hope I didn't insult anyone.