BackPage Guy Jacked Me Around!Arlington

  • T!na
  • 10-17-2011, 05:32 PM
Hello Ladies,
My Name Is T!na i got a call from a guy (i will Hold name)wanting to meet up today now he called me at 12:14 Pm to set up an appointment with me he ask general information my location exc. and told me he would come but need i let you know we spoke at that time i had been running a lunch special crazy special out this world 40Q 80 HH 140FH so the time he called it was going on he called me back ladies at 3:58 now even tho its this time i still talk to him let him know to come through he says he about 15min away He calls at 4:40 so I'm thinking maybe this guy is jacking me around with me letting him still come by with special not going on at this point I'm heading out but i didnt i answer he stats" i passed the exit didn't think you would answer" so i tell him how long.he says I'm turning around now ladies it445 at this point i wait ten mins and pack up keep in mind he knows my location and all so i text him and tell him I'm leaving no response till 5:10 text back saying I'm here then another text came in saying he was down to green oaks and circled back traffic was i just want to know am i wrong about not seeing him?? I felt as if why he could text me back after that..Then another text comes in saying he gonna have to write an review on me for wasting 30 min of his day..are you serious..(Im thinking at this point so i tell him go ahead hun because i was thinking the same ..I guess at this point he trying to plea stating how far he was but honestly at this point i missed out on things too but i just wanted to get this out for you ladies and hopefully this situation won't happen to you.

What should i do at this point?i have all the texts and calls but what good will that do..?

For the ladies his # was 817 *7* 1*3*

Do not include full numbers. Its real life info. The ladies can PM you if they need more info
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Boltfan's Avatar
So is this perhaps a way around not posting rates?
  • T!na
  • 10-17-2011, 09:36 PM
racerj's Avatar
If the communication to your client was anything like what I just read here I can understand the confusion.
  • T!na
  • 10-18-2011, 11:44 AM
Thank You racer j it just really made me not want to see him he mad it seem like i was just a nobody he mentioned "I'm not arguing with you your just an provider.." That really mad me no waste any more time listen or trying to figure out if he was ok or not..

I'm sorry that whatever happened to you happened to you.
BigPurdy's Avatar
Wow, does your keyboard have one of these? (.) or these? (,)

Sorry, not bashing, it just made my head hurt.
I'm not quite clear on anything you wrote, but you have a phat ass!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
About a year ago, there was a guy that did something like this to me.

And it was one of those days that I didn't have much going on and I really wanted to make the money. So I jacked with this idiot. And he kept missing the turn. Or he was down the block.

Then he had to run back home on an errand. Then he didn't show. Another 45 minutes after he was supposed to be there, he did it again. Missed a turn, etc. I couldn't believe that I was putting up with this mess and then I finally said stop it and we weren't meeting.

Then, he was upset. He wasted a few hours of my time and well, it just was what it was. He called and texted and you can pretty much guess the rest. Sounds very similar. And he did end up saying that I cancelled on him.

I generally don't get myself into these situations but well, sometimes even us more experienced ladies will do dumb stuff like this. Try not to fall into this type of trap again.

Don't be surprised if he calls you back wanting to see you again. I kept his number for a long time and he tried to call me back a few times.

Set your boundaries and stick with them. Don't go around and around with a man. This advice is the same that I would give a male friend of mine. If he or she is jerking you around and you've taken a good thirty minutes of your time trying to get something done, just call it a day and don't go any further with it.

At that point, you're REALLY wasting your time. For me, it would have been better if I had just read a good book.

lol. if the texts or phone conversation was anything like the post here..I can certainly understand the confusion on his part.

Wow, does your keyboard have one of these? (.) or these? (,)

Sorry, not bashing, it just made my head hurt. Originally Posted by BigPurdy
Red Tex's Avatar
Thanks for Whispers for translating!
Dallasguy's Avatar
Tina, I'm sorry this happened to you. Based on what you say, the guy shouldn't have jerked you around like that (makes it more difficult for the rest of us).

  • T!na
  • 10-19-2011, 01:29 AM
Thanks Everyone!!
Sorry for the missing (.'s)&(,'s) was upset and fusrated BIGPurdy!!! .
Wow I don't know just I read but must be bad for provider but not good guy is doing this things to provider make her wasted time all day then he like texted cuz him lost in light maybe just excuse he made to waste provider time.

Kidding aside you have a nice ass girl. Don't worry just keep his number and let it go. I'm sure you can get a lot of business with that ass. You Hot!