Recurring Dreams... Anyone Else Have One?

CassidyBlue's Avatar
I’ve had a recurring dream for around 15 years. It always starts about October of every year. This is it…..

It is Christmas Eve, I am in a room, blazingly lit by candles; the room is richly decorated in heavy brocades in a deep maroon. There is a man with a beautifully muscled body, lying naked on his back, his skin looks amazing and oh sooooo inviting. I am dressed in a white g-string, a diamond cuff bracelet adorns my right wrist, my hair is in the style I now wear it (this is a first), long to mid back with soft flowing blonde curls, my skin is tanned and shimmering and I can feel my body on fire with desire for what is to come. I am so wet that I am close to panting with desire.

On all fours I crawl from the foot of the bed over the top of him, playfully whipping him with my hair as I move to my destination, his mouth…..

I have never seen his face and we never actually kiss. The dream ends there every time. I actually tried to make this dream a reality once, hahahaha, that did not work!

Anyone here have recurring dreams? Do you believe they will ever come true? I have a fantasy that this person is my “true love” and I have just yet to meet him…

Well, a girl can dream.
  • YSD
  • 12-03-2009, 12:54 PM
I'll bite on this. However, this is certainly not as exciting as yours Cassisdy.

For years I used to dream over and over about the end of the world. For example I would be away from home and it would start and I would try with all my might to get home. Once there I would come to grips with what was happening and talk to the loved ones there. I would wake up wet with sweat and unbelievably rattled.

This dream re-occurred for many years. It is so vivid I could describe it in detail to you now from where I was to the clothes I was wearing. However, I have not had this dream for probably 10 years or so. It was all terribly unsettling.

Now watch me have this dream tonight LOL!!!
Magnetron's Avatar
For years I used to dream over and over about the end of the world... However, I have not had this dream for probably 10 years or so. It was all terribly unsettling. Originally Posted by Jericho99
You'll have it again in 2012... >: >

But Cassidy, I hope you find him. Sincerely.
OldGrump's Avatar
I used to have a few and tried some dream interpretation specialists years ago. It seems they aren't as literal as they seem (shucks). Most things are representative of something else. It is amazing that, once things change and the message is received, the dreams stop. At least they did for me.

Cassidy, yours sound a lot more exciting then mine. I hope for your sake, you keep having them - or experience much more exciting events that make them unnecessary.
shooter6.5's Avatar
WAHDD--We all have different dreams!!!!

So here we are. Located on an overwatch position in a far away place in the Middle East. There are three of us, I am on the weapon-a custom made .338 Lapua. Topped of with the best scope and night vision gear money can buy, not to mention a custom made suppressor. FoX is on the spotting scope reading weather conditions. We have a third person with us who is providing rear security. Not a member so I cannot give up his name.

We have been on station for about four hours when out of a slight cut in the earth walks three individuals, who are all armed with short barrel AK-47. One is about 6'5", 210 and a long salt and pepper beard. Left arm appears to be intact but not as useable as the other. Second individual is about 5'10" wears glasses and walks with a slight limp. Third guy is an obvious security guy.

All individuals are dressed in typical dress for the region. FoX is on the scope and from prior knowledge positively ID's number one and two as the current leaders of Al-Queda.
The distance is about 650 meters. Wind is a half value blowing three to nine. Easy shot and great conditions. The real question here is who do you take first--and this is a snipers ultimate climactic situation.

I always wake up at that point--and I will always wonder who went down first!!!!!!!!

I know they all three went down!!!!!!!!!

We get to the same point in our dream Cassidy--just through different mind sets.

Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!
I actually have a dream where I am on the edge of huge cliff and nothing but this huge mass of water is waaaay far far down. I looked it up in a book of dreams what it meant to have reoccurring dreams and according to it, it means either your running away from something, basically either needing to let something go, or face what it is your running from. Havent figured out what the heck it is Im supposed to be running from is the problem....age maybe? I dunno...
Bestman200600's Avatar

I like your dream. Its very hot.