
Caitlyn's Avatar
Yep.. It's true!

It has been a long ride!

For 11 years, I have been SugarButt the Great in this community, and I appreciate the opportunity to meet some of the most awesome guys in the world. I've been around a LONG time, and believe it or not, still have a few clients who have remained loyal to me the past 11 years. From an opinionated 24 year old, to the woman I have become, my service menu hasnt changed, but the experience sure has. You guys have watched me grow up and mature...but it's almost time to say goodbye.

I will not be doing massage in 2012, so If you want to get in to see me, you still have a couple months left.

I will miss all of you, and I am very fortunate to carry on, some of the friendships I have made, and can only hope Ihave touched some lives as well.


Wishing you all the best in the next phase of your life.
Caitlyn's Avatar
Thanks Lady!
DallasRain's Avatar
best to ya!!
FishGuy13's Avatar
Wow! On one hand sad to see you go, but mostly happy for you and the next phase of your life. Feel free to send me a PM / e-mail, anytime you'd like.
jacobmccandles's Avatar
Sugarbutt is leaving? I need a BIG sendoff!
erosmystique's Avatar
I wish you simply the best in all your future endeavors!
chipper's Avatar
You were my first review! I really miss the good old days when the Marsh and Beltline corner was a real hotspot. You have matured and I only wish you the very best. I should have matured as much as you did but that didn't happen.
Caitlyn's Avatar
You guys are all too sweet. oxxo
The Motley Fool's Avatar
I'll definitely try to see you before you do, but if not...good luck.

Motley Fool