bojulay's Avatar
Jeeezzzuss some of you guys are some woose wags.From what i see this little gal Roxxxy is a certified hottie,and from what ive read, offers a great service.But im about as afraid of a pimp as i would be a paraplegic tella tubby.Spent a lot of time sorting through body parts in iraq.Being afraid of a little ole pimp would be kind of laughable to me.I think some of you guys need to grow a pair before you bother seeing any girls,what are you gonna do with a girl anyway if you dont have a set

Hey Roxxxy if you read this send me a private message,i would love to see you and defend your honor,yes sweetheart there are a few real men still out here.
Has she called yet?
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
I kinda go on the assumption the mods closed the other thread for a reason. Not gonna hash it out here other than to ask what possible good could come from reopening the discussion?
bojulay's Avatar
I kinda go on the assumption the mods closed the other thread for a reason. Not gonna hash it out here other than to ask what possible good could come from reopening the discussion? Originally Posted by Fort Worth Punk

Hey BLACK FLAG bad ass dude,one of my favorite punk bands of all,maybe
behind GBH,and CIRCLE JERKS,i actualy liked em better before Rollins,a lot of people will dis me for that i pose.Did you ever see DECLINE OF WESTERN CIVILISATION THE PUNK YEARS>great doc about early california punk bands,my all time fav movie about music THE FLAG are a prominet
band in that movie.The scene at the old church that they rented for 16 dollars a month is classic. Oh dont know so many posted about it just
thought i would throw my two cents in.Free speach without it there would be anarchy. ( tee hee,i know you'll get the pun )
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Has she called yet? Originally Posted by TheBizz
Just another guy trying to extend the drama. If you were really concerned, YOU would have contacted her by PM intending of puffing out your chest and telling her to PM you.
TrailBlazer's Avatar
So the lurking "Playa In Management Profession" finally starts a thread. Hahaha!
What the heck are "woose wags" anyway?
Wheretonow's Avatar
Jeeezzzuss some of you guys are some woose wags.From what i see this little gal Roxxxy is a certified hottie,and from what ive read, offers a great service.But im about as afraid of a pimp as i would be a paraplegic tella tubby.Spent a lot of time sorting through body parts in iraq.Being afraid of a little ole pimp would be kind of laughable to me.I think some of you guys need to grow a pair before you bother seeing any girls,what are you gonna do with a girl anyway if you dont have a set

Hey Roxxxy if you read this send me a private message,i would love to see you and defend your honor,yes sweetheart there are a few real men still out here. Originally Posted by bojulay
I think this was just another opportunity for BJ to display his command of the English language...
bojulay's Avatar
Just another guy trying to extend the drama. If you were really concerned, YOU would have contacted her by PM intending of puffing out your chest and telling her to PM you. Originally Posted by BigEddie
Now let me get this straight.If i should have PMed her,then she would have PMSed me,no wait thats not right.If she hadent POWed me then i could have escaped in time to see the rangers loose,nooooo,if i would have PMed her then she could PM another then i might PM my brother,and we could all PM our mothers.Thats it.

WOOOOW DUDE you've realy crawled into my mind and figured out how it
works.You mean to tell me that that a whole team of doctors and scientest were just wasteing their time when they could have just consulted with you. Be careful while your in there it could be a very
dark and scarry place,and your thumbs probably already been worn
a little thin.
Paging a psychiatrist. Somebody help this guy^ out.
No usefull purpose for this thread. Already been discussed