Traits of a Professional Provider

Over the years I've had the opportunity to visit with some great providers and wanted to outline what made them stand out from some of the run of the mill girls. These are just a few of my observations. Guys feel free to add on.

  • E-mails/calls were answered on quickly and politley
  • On time or within 5 minutes of scheduled start - Often I have a limited time to get away and starting on time is preferable to the I'm running 15/30/60 minutes late
  • Freshly showered without heavy perfumes that could be transferred (As a side note, I've read reviews that some ladies are not fresh down below. This is inexcusable. If you know that your kitty is having issues, please get some help.)
  • Has made an real effort to look her best
  • Approachable with a sincere interest in having a good time
  • Neat/Clean/Safe - If I'm shelling out good money, I don't want to spend my time worrying if my car will be in tact when I leave
  • If it is at a hotel, please let us know where the elevator banks are located so we don't look lost when entering
  • No mention of money or upselling
  • Screening completed via P411. I personally find it a pain in the ass to send names and phone numbers for screening. I'll do it but P411 is FAR more convenient
  • No rushing...It disappointing to pay for a 60 minute appointment, but get rushed out after 25 minutes
In closing, I'll share with you, in not particular order, the ladies that were the basis for the positive traits:
  • Ebony Angel RMT
  • Marissa May
  • Anina Rae
  • Isebella Mercy
  • Victoria Lane
  • Cameron
Add Myra
sebastiandark, All very good & important point's but, IMHO one of them should be at the Top and stand alone. "ATTITUDE" (preferably, Hot Passionate Attitude) ... I was just talking to a very pretty young lady in chat yesterday about this subject, and I told her that If her Attitude was shitty towards me,

It would not matter if she looked like Marilyn Monroe, lived next door, and was the cleanest lady on earth, I would NOT see her. Now, don't get me wrong, all the other points are very important but all of them are secondary to ATTITUDE. ... Ladies, If your phone is not ringing and all these points are checked to be top notch, double & tripple check the ATTITUDE toward the client.

Clouddancer's Avatar
+ 1
This is a great post and I agree with all points. As a specialist in customer care I would suggest for the providers to do one thing. Put yourself in the clients shoes
Or should I say shorts. If you we're pending your hard earned $$$ on a man to take you to "heaven" what would you expect?. If you aren't prepared to offer the best and make each experience the best then perhaps you will understand why your phone doesn't ring.
I would add that just like in the business world it is okay to fire your customer if things are not right or expectations are unreal or not what you provide. Just be honest about it and do it up front. I find a huge part of the hobbying experience is the chemistry between us and if its not there it doesn't mean you are a bad provider it just means as with any other relationship things don't click
And one last caviate please be sober and drug free. If I want us to share a little wine I will bring it. Drugs are a total NFW
elgato111's Avatar
Attitude is very important when meeting, however, if a provider fails to return calls or answer pm sent for appointment in a timely manner(not saying within a few minutes) then the phone will stop ringing and she will be wondering why.

And like LittleMiss said, be consistent in your service so we hobbyists know what to expect each time we walk thru your door.
Clean is the only thing I worry about. Everything else too many variables. Plus i like to go into a session where we fill in the blanks vs following a script.
Attitude and Hospitality are critical for me. Make me feel welcome and make me feel like a bad-ass motherfucker. If I leave thinking about the $$$ I just dropped, then you probably failed.
DallasRain's Avatar
Attitude and Hospitality are critical for me. Make me feel welcome and make me feel like a bad-ass motherfucker. If I leave thinking about the $$$ I just dropped, then you probably failed. Originally Posted by Alien_Saint
VERY well stated!

I like to create an erotically enticing atmosphere in my incall room as well as creating a mind blowing session that we BOTH enjoy to it's fullest potential!
* Take the time to find out some preferences of his (refreshments, beverages, favorite color, any special outfit/lingerie requests, if he's allergic to any fragrances/scents)

* Always have the necessary supplies on hand (an A+ provider will not have the gent go to the store and get supplies)

* Pay attention to detail (this goes a long way & guys like this )

* Offer special incentives for regulars and repeat clientele that you enjoy seeing (Specials, longer sessions, Spice things up!)

!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
A professional is a girl that excels at every aspect of being a provider, from online presence and advertising, to appearance and cleanliness, to delivering services as advertised. Going above and beyond shows that we truly care about our clients and our job.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
This was posted in an Austin forum years ago, on the sister-site...still relevant today

Ten Things Every Provider Should Know About Their Clientele

1. That seeing you is often times the highlight and/or culmination of their day, week, or possibly even month.

2. That regardless of whether or not it’s their 1st visit or their 101st, there is always that teeny bit of anxiety and boyish anticipation once on their way to see you. Always.

3. That once in session, your words spoken carry far more weight and have a much larger impact than you might imagine.

4. That the donation willfully and happily directed toward you could have easily been redirected toward another.

5. That you often times fill a void in someone’s life which stretches far beyond that of both the physical realm and the relatively short time period the two of you spend together in a session.

6. Real or imagined, expressed or not – you DO matter and DO make a difference to so many.

7. That upon seeing you, the memory and recollection of having had a great session makes ‘getting back to normal’ that much easier and tolerable to so many.

8. That they elected to contact and see you based upon something positive and favorable that they either read or heard mentioned here or elsewhere.

9. That first-time customers are generally just as nervous as you are; regardless of whether or not they’ll admit to it or not. Possibly even moreso?

10. That seldom are the intentions and expected outcome of a session one-sided. Many truly do care and have a genuine concern for both parties having an equally great time during the session.


These are but a few of the things that I feel the provider’s out there should know about their given clientele and chosen field of pursuit. Some of which they may very well have already known. But then again, some of which not?

Short lists such as the one above serve a useful purpose when re-visited briefly prior to setting out or getting ready for that next appointment. A reminder of sorts that there is far more to what you do than meets the eye. Good things. Positive things. Important things. Things which can be easily overlooked or possibly even taken for granted over time.

I’m sure there are many other items which could be included in such a list. These are but ten.

Respectfully and appreciatively submitted………


pyramider's Avatar
Do not forget about the TAINT.

No one ever mentions taking care of the TAINT.
demsrsb's Avatar
+1 with Myra
ItalianaPrincess is right on with her remarks.