A Dick?

Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 06-07-2009, 10:08 PM
I don't care if you agree with this little article I found on CL or not, but you'll have to agree that whoever put it together put a lot of thought and effort into it.

Hope the link works for all

Kelly TNT's Avatar
All I can say is.....


~Kelly TNT
I agree Kelly... damn and I will add a Wow to what you wrote! The woman who put that together has serious writing talent. Funny but while reading that article, I found myself going back in time and thinking of someone I once knew. For the one I am thinking about, substitute the penis for a vagina/breasts while switching the maleness to female, then put her in where she is a provider who does not have the ability to deal with real relationship's like Richard due to her EGO, i.e. narcissism, and all of the issues Richard has in that article and…

That article is the exact image I have of the person I once knew and loved. Impressive, most impressive.

I thought of the one from my past like this before however I do not have the ability to write like that. The authoress of that piece is very talented and I bet she has been seriously burned by someone close to her. It would appear writing is therapeutic for her as it was for me. That was a very creative piece and a very good way of describing someone with NPD, i.e. Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which the person I am thinking about most definitely has along with her other major issues.
It almost straightened out my curve.
I was unable to give an adult answer!
I think it was written by a lesbian:

Well, it's a big world; there are probably more than a few women who like penises the way I like vaginas
Which begs the question: Why does she give a fuck about what men think?

Edit: Actually it is a dude. Here's from another post:
You understand naturally. And I think that this is one of the most wonderful things about you. Because we men need touching. We like to feel that we're still fighting bears away from the cave, but, really, we need touching, just like everyone, and we don't get it from anywhere else but you. We need you. We need your touch.
Look at the location: 2 of 9. There are 8 more of these.
I didn't actually make it to the end of this well written story, since I was trying to beat off at the time. However, correct syntax and flowery prose are really sexy, so as soon as I get my man-child strength back up.....
Introuble's Avatar
I just looked at the pictures
I think it was written by a lesbian:
Well, it's a big world; there are probably more than a few women who like penises the way I like vaginas

Which begs the question: Why does she give a fuck about what men think?

Edit: Actually it is a dude. Here's from another post:
You understand naturally. And I think that this is one of the most wonderful things about you. Because we men need touching. We like to feel that we're still fighting bears away from the cave, but, really, we need touching, just like everyone, and we don't get it from anywhere else but you. We need you. We need your touch.
Look at the location: 2 of 9. There are 8 more of these. Originally Posted by FatManHobbyist
Hmmm.... I still think its a chick writing that as the technique being used to create confusion on the author's gender has been used before and seems to be working but I wonder how the 7 of 9 reads(and looks).
  • YSD
  • 06-08-2009, 02:16 PM
I guess that I will be contrarion to this. I did not like it at all nor did I think it was so insightful. Certainly it is well written, but to me, life is never cut and dried, it is never if A then B, it is never a rote process. So much goes into making a relationship work---so many moving parts if you will. Listen I was married for 25 years to a most excellent woman who unfortuantely passed away several years ago.

When I was reading this, I was thinking about how lucky I was to have found someone who loved me, lived with me, and put up with my garbage while I was always somewhere in the spectrum mentioned in the article. she took me and loved me and still I know that I needed work on myself---and vice versa.

There is no formula to love. There is no recipe for magic. And my fear is that if you assume that you are somewhere on the spectrum you are not mature or fulfilled enough or too self centered for love. Love hits you on top of the head and does not have a neat and tidy checklist. It just happens. so I don't like to get too introspective. the article makes it appear that if you are not this you are that---and life doesn't work that way.
Jericho, I understand your point and view. I did not mean that life is rote or if you are A then you get B because you are correct. Life is what it is and love does not know any boundaries. I, too, was fortunate enough to have someone for more than 25+ years but for me, life took a different turn and we divorced.

My fascination with the piece was in how it was able to capture my view of someone from my past in a way that expressed what that person really is. I found the writing to be very creative as well as fanciful hence my appreciation of the authoress’ ability to write prose. I was not in agreement with the basic premise of the piece although I know it is true more than it is not. By no stretch do I think life does, or should, work that way. The one I was reminded of does fit with the male character that the authoress wrote about although that does not mean the female I was thinking about is in any way like a guy. No doubt the person I was thinking about is a girl with a ton of issues that are female in all regards although NPD is not gender specific.

You are also very correct as there is no formula to love and it will find a way to hit you right between the eyes when you least expect it to do so. I know because I had it happen to me in of all the worst possible places… right here in river city in the P4P world.
I liked the writing as well. I do not have to agree with everything to enjoy someone's thoughts.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-08-2009, 05:31 PM
omg. wow and i dont know what else to say.....man blow up dolls have really changed....and cpi where did you get your banner? that is to wild.....
Fawn, those dolls are not of the blow-up type. I have read about them where they are made of latex and are solid and supposed to be very life like. The cost is on the order of 5K or more USD per doll.

It is freaky that the dolls have changed as much as they have but then there are a serious group of pervs running around...
They sure have! Kelly, is that you?