Get your Nerd on! (And I'll form... the head!)

jbravo_123's Avatar
So to feebly attempt at derailing too many other threads, I figured I'd start a thread in here to battle over best starship captains, debate Star Trek vs Star Wars, celebrate Bronydom, discuss the benefits of a daily Hentai regimen, collaborate various cosplay tips, review the lastest Steam downloads, bitch about the latest in the New 52 or the most recent reincarnation of Jean Grey, contemplate who would win in a fight between Buffy and Edward (Buffy, duh), how much we all hate Leonard and Penny is way too good for him, why a longsword is better than any other melee weapon, and pretty much whatever else you can think of.

Have at thee!

Also, obligatory:

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Soooo... It's the one nerd thread.

One thread to rule them all, one thread to find them, one thread to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."
jbravo_123's Avatar
Soooo... It's the one nerd thread.

One thread to rule them all, one thread to find them, one thread to bring them all and in the darkness bind them." Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
This is actually a MTG card I own (as altered by the artist):

Ok... to start things off. NetFlix fairly recently has uploaded a bunch of Cartoon Network shows.

I'm currently working on rewatching Batman Beyond and we're rewatching Justice League together.

It may be because we tend to like DC stuff more, but is it just us or does the Justice League just seem to be more inspiring and iconic than the Avengers?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 04-23-2013, 09:15 AM
Buffy vs Edward would turn out a draw. Buffy is always on the rag so she really can't fight that great. Edward would fall in love with that perpetual period and they would end it there. The best starship csptian is captain Amedala from battle star. Last Excile was a pretty good steam movie but I've seen better.
One problem with that showdown: You think Angel is gonna let sparkly ass Edward get waist deep in some Buff Mufffin? Hellllllll naaaahhhhh.....
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Ok. To finish off some of what we started.

Star Trek:
If I'm going into a fight I want Sisko. If I want do cool Project X/Harold & Kumar shit call Kirk. If I want someone who actually knows "This is inefficient bullshit." Janeway. Picard is the all arounder. BTW, I loved Quantum Leap but Scott Bakula's getting tossed out an airlock. STITD will decide bizarro world Kirk's fate.

Rumiko Takahashi was/is the Nolan Ryan on manga/anime. Meaning I think she was the 1st mangaka (& on top of that female) to get the mad cash. Ranma 1/2 STILL outsells InuYasha.

Whenever people talk about Masamune Shirow's work they always gotta pull Ghost in the Shell out their ass. Do people forget he wrote Appleseed 5+ years earlier?

Without Chris Nolan DC can't do live action for shit. Just like Marvel is shit at direct-to-video movies. Speaking of Marvel. They fucked themselves over giving up Spidey & FF to Sony. Though comics as a whole have been shitty for awhile.

Anyone who does *insert* vs. Twilight & has Twilight winning is full on retard.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Buffy vs Edward would turn out a draw. Buffy is always on the rag so she really can't fight that great. Edward would fall in love with that perpetual period and they would end it there. The best starship csptian is captain Amedala from battle star. Last Excile was a pretty good steam movie but I've seen better. Originally Posted by trey
You mean Admiral Adama? Original or reboot BSG? (Amidala is Luke & Leia's mother...) Regardless, I like the Cylons more myself - they're hotter plus they come back when they die!

One problem with that showdown: You think Angel is gonna let sparkly ass Edward get waist deep in some Buff Mufffin? Hellllllll naaaahhhhh..... Originally Posted by Glynette
Psh, Angel's too busy getting his ass kicked in LA and wrecking the world.

I've seen different variations of this shirt as well:

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 04-23-2013, 10:00 AM
Yeah adama I'm not good with all the names but I liked battle star, I saw the first one as a child and watched the second last year. Sucks Caprica got cancelled it was a good series and never was properly ended. Never liked the Buffy tv show to much girl shit. But my chick watched it saw a few episodes, I asked her if she still finds vamps with cramps and she had no clue what I was talking about. So maby Edward would only love tv Buffy as movie Buffy would make him just to hungry to hold since she'd rag all the time.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Yeah, NetFlix recently got the original BSG (and the terrible BSG in the 80's show) up on their streaming list. We started watching the original, but got sidetracked.

I watched most of Buffy (god, Faith was hot) and I think most of the series was fine, but it went downhill when it made the change from WB to UPN.

Likewise, Angel started out ok, but also sadly went downhill.

Honestly, while Firefly has a huge cult following these days, it's probably good that it was cancelled before Whedon could wreck that too.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 04-23-2013, 10:30 AM
In current sci fi Oblivion was not bad, predictable at times but entertaining. Saw the preview for superman and the next Star Trek and they look interesting.

DG made me wonder who would in out of batman vs iron man? Both are near the same wealthy guys but still human. Iron man has the suit but batman has the toys. I think bats pulls out a EMP thing from his utility belt and fries IM. What say you?
*Edit* Bman wins it, hands down. He has enough sense to know when to bow out, reform a strategy/ build something, come back and clean house.

So Picard (aka my husband) is coming to town end of may, who's going to that comic convention? More importantly, who's dressing up??? I'm thinking of cosplaying the Injustice: God's Among Us Harleen (alternate) or Vixen.
jbravo_123's Avatar
In current sci fi Oblivion was not bad, predictable at times but entertaining. Saw the preview for superman and the next Star Trek and they look interesting.

DG made me wonder who would in out of batman vs iron man? Both are near the same wealthy guys but still human. Iron man has the suit but batman has the toys. I think bats pulls out a EMP thing from his utility belt and fries IM. What say you? Originally Posted by trey
Not to make DG sad, but Batman wins. There's no bigger cheater in comics and you can't beat the power of Plot.

I have high hopes for Man of Steel. Sure, Superman is more emo but having Zod as the villain will make fight scenes much more interesting (while Luthor is Superman's most famous villain, Superman can't really just zip up and full out punch Luthor in the face).

*Edit* Bman wins it, hands down. He has enough sense to know when to bow out, reform a strategy/ build something, come back and clean house.

So Picard (aka my husband) is coming to town end of may, who's going to that comic convention? More importantly, who's dressing up??? I'm thinking of cosplaying the Injustice: God's Among Us Harleen (alternate) or Vixen. Originally Posted by Glynette
Interestingly, we were mildly considering Comicpalooza this year. Apparently they're doing a joint thingy with GalactiCon, so there should be even more to see this year than in years past.

Comicpalooza is also the love child of the former owner of Midnight Comics (you know the one that kept moving locations). At the end, he actually sold his store to focus on and try and make Comicpalooza work.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
A dragon coming in first is epic, a duck in second place is the best!
jbravo_123's Avatar
Yeah, I remember reading about Smaug topping $$$ lists.