President-elect says "Landslide victory". True?

President-elect Trump has repeatedly stated that his victory was a "landslide". Do you agree?
What do the results of this election -the scale of victory- mean in terms of the new administration's agenda?
bambino's Avatar
I'm pretty sure he means an "Electoral" landslide. If you look at it that way yes. Clinton lost by a larger electoral margin than any democrat in 30 years.
LexusLover's Avatar
President-elect Trump has repeatedly stated that his victory was a "landslide". Do you agree?
What do the results of this election -the scale of victory- mean in terms of the new administration's agenda? Originally Posted by Muy Largo
Did you vote for him?
I B Hankering's Avatar
President-elect Trump has repeatedly stated that his victory was a "landslide". Do you agree?
What do the results of this election -the scale of victory- mean in terms of the new administration's agenda? Originally Posted by Muy Largo
IMO, Trump's victory in the electoral college was significant, but not a landslide. However, the fact that the Republicans kept the House and the Senate while winning the presidency makes Trump's victory as significant as a landslide.
LexusLover's Avatar
Actually, who really gives a shit whether it was a "landslide" by anyone's standard .... given THE FACT that the darling of the Liberals and the "heir-apparent" to the Obaminable Throne .. aka the Oral Office toilet seat .... was "ahead" of Trump in the early summer of 2015 by 16 points ...

...HIS sound defeat of HER and her also rans was an ASS-KICKING!!!!

And a lot worse of one than ...

... the First Black President who was a "community organizer" gave her in 2008!

Bill failed her again!!!!!
Not a landslide either electorally or popularly.
But a landslide effect in that it will essentially give the Republicans all three branches of government.

But remember Trump is an anti-establishment Rep and may not work well with others.
LexusLover's Avatar
But remember Trump ... may not work well with others. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yes! Won't that be a refreshing course correction for the World!

Obama TO RUSSIANS 2012: "I'll have more flexibility after election."


JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Landslide is rather subjective. If Trump was expected to win and did win with what he did then it would not be a landslide. However, if Trump was expected to lose (which he was) and goes on to win by a significant margin then I guess you could say landslide. The important thing here is "mandate". Does he have the blessing of the electorate to make some strong changes in how we do things? I'd say that he does since not only did he win the electoral college vote but the GOP still maintains control of the House and Senate. Three for three in other words.
Landslide is rather subjective. If Trump was expected to win and did win with what he did then it would not be a landslide. However, if Trump was expected to lose (which he was) and goes on to win by a significant margin then I guess you could say landslide. The important thing here is "mandate". Does he have the blessing of the electorate to make some strong changes in how we do things? I'd say that he does since not only did he win the electoral college vote but the GOP still maintains control of the House and Senate. Three for three in other words. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And with the GOP control of the House and Senate and Trump's win, we won't have a hard " left turn " of SCOTUS !!!!
And with the GOP control of the House and Senate and Trump's win, we won't have a hard " left turn " of SCOTUS !!!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I said many times before the election that it was about one thing. The Supreme Court.

The House. The Senate. The Presidency. Conservative SCOTUS nominees.

Pretty convincing.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And with the GOP control of the House and Senate and Trump's win, we won't have a hard " left turn " of SCOTUS !!!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
That's what I'm hoping for. It may not be a landslide, and Trump may be a disaster, but he is not the catastrophe of biblical proportions that Hillary would have been. I hope.
LexusLover's Avatar
Landslide is rather subjective. If Trump was expected to win and did win with what he did then it would not be a landslide. However, if Trump was expected to lose (which he was) and goes on to win by a significant margin then I guess you could say landslide. The important thing here is "mandate". Does he have the blessing of the electorate to make some strong changes in how we do things? I'd say that he does since not only did he win the electoral college vote but the GOP still maintains control of the House and Senate. Three for three in other words. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
One other "element" in the Russians-Are-Coming scenario that is being INTENTIONALLY IGNORED are the State races for Governors and State Legislatures ... not to mention the recent U.S. Senate race in Louisiana. So, the Russians "HACKED" those also?

How much of the U.S. uranium holdings did HillaryNoMore approve to be sold to the "HACKERS"?

How much was the Foundation paid by the Russians for Bill to ACCEPT the speaking invite by the "HACKERS"?

All this HACKER bullshit is to cover up the turds in the sandpile and make excuses for a lame candidate.

And to detract from this activity by the HACKERS:

LexusLover's Avatar
Republican Governors 2015

After the 2016 elections ...

Republicans will control 25 states and the Democrats only 5.

The "Russians" did it???? Or was it Comey? Or was it the Martians?
Confession. I am unhappy with both major parties. I struggle with the behaviors of each. I tend to prefer public service oriented public servants. I prefer public servants who can use language with precision, and can accurately express their views. I don't like gamesmanship. Special interests are expert at confusing regular folks like me. Today's sophisticated public relations operations are a couple steps ahead of most people. Many citizens are apt to use self-serving information. I find President-elect Trump to be a bragger and he often lacks the level of respect for others I prefer in civil relations. He certainly has been successful as a business person, at least in the sense that he has accumulated lots of money and property. He seems prone to hyperbole, though. His level of nuance seems a bit shallow at times. His declaration that he won a landslide seems a bit over the top to me. He fell short of something like 45 or 46 % of the overall popular vote. That means most people did not vote for him. His electoral college victory is rather unremarkable, if you review presidential elections to the Civil War and the electoral college history. I have long viewed the electoral college as a troubled system, and this election revealed -once again- some of the inequities. But that's a different subject. What is remarkable about President-elect Trump is the surprise factor of his victory. That is quite remarkable, and damn interesting. But a landslide? In my opinion, not so. There were many in his own party that did not support him, even warned others about him. I do not feel he should behave as if he possesses some sort of mandate. That demeans the majority of Americans who voted for a different candidate, or perhaps, voted against Mr. Trump.
I think someone is a little butt hurt...