Hot Street Walker

Saw a hot street walker today near wyoming/central. She had a shoulder length red/orange wig on and a green skirt. Dark skin

Anyone have any info? She looked hotttt
I think it’s this one.

Saw her walking on central as well and damn!
If that's her I want some lol
She said it wasn't her
Maybe this one?
Saw her around lunch, fun time!!!
The one dweezle22 posted has been there recently too in that area, she’s also a fun time and highly recommend!
captberserk's Avatar
There was one in a turquoise body suit that used to go by Cupcake, she is great Rhode Island and Central. The other that was on Mesilla and Central was ok, I recommend. A few days ago there was a tall black girl on Alcazar and Central in the afternoon that was smoking hot, she wanted to do a car date, had to decline at the moment.
Anymore info on this Cupcake?
There was one in a turquoise body suit that used to go by Cupcake, she is great Rhode Island and Central. The other that was on Mesilla and Central was ok, I recommend. A few days ago there was a tall black girl on Alcazar and Central in the afternoon that was smoking hot, she wanted to do a car date, had to decline at the moment. Originally Posted by captberserk
captberserk's Avatar
Sorry not a whole lot, car date, clean, smelled good, negotiates. Have nto seen her at the corner in a couple of days.

Anymore info on this Cupcake? Originally Posted by Expresso Jim
Do these chicks only do car dates?
2nd girl said no also
captberserk's Avatar
Some do, like the girl at Mesilla would take you to the
American Inn & Suites thats right there, one quoted me 4 big ones for a room. Cupcake was car date only.

Do these chicks only do car dates? Originally Posted by Wishbone2288
Most girl will say that wasn’t them because they charge lower on the street then in the ads. Love when they are walking because they don’t charge as much and you can negotiate, but all sometimes back fires
Maybe. Also I'm on the lookout for a tall amzonian one I just saw bright pink dress over 6ft. Def draws attention lol. BTW they also have light up heels now? Like whattttt???
Greetings, Gents. Noob here... I went up central trying to score a bj, didn't see anything mildly attractive. When/where is a good time/area? Or is it just luck of the draw?
Greetings, Gents. Noob here... I went up central trying to score a bj, didn't see anything mildly attractive. When/where is a good time/area? Or is it just luck of the draw? Originally Posted by MrLoverMan505
Luck of the draw...