Why can't the hobby be legal?

It doesn't seem fair that prostitution is illegal. There are so many men who have problems meeting women for various reasons. But they still have strong sexual urges.

What's so bad about it? If a woman chooses to provide the sevice she should be able to without the fear of being arrested. And when the men get arrested they are made out to be some kind of sexual pervert. I think if it was regulated and made legal there wouldn't be as many violent pimps and human traffickers.
Same reason why drugs are illegal. You can't tax a high and you definitely can't tax an orgasm.

However, marrying for money is perfectly legal and praised upon in this country.

Therefore, Prostitution is legit! It's just not legalized and decriminalized. But alas, I still pay my taxes, like any good citizen would do.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
Same reason why drugs are illegal. You can't tax a high and you definitely can't tax an orgasm.

However, marrying for money is perfectly legal and praised upon in this country.

Therefore, Prostitution is legit! It's just not legalized and decriminalized. But alas, I still pay my taxes, like any good citizen would do. Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby

Yes, marrying for money and doing anything you would not normally do for money is prostitution by definition.

I agree with the OP point of making it legal, but I do disagree about the pimping and human trafficking as I think the cases of them will go up not down, because then it would not have to be a secret, unless it had something to do with minors.
....I do disagree about the pimping and human trafficking as I think the cases of them will go up not down, because then it would not have to be a secret, unless it had something to do with minors. Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
You couldn't be more wrong. If you legalize something then the government oversees the business' legal operations and employers are held to certain documentation standards when employing others whereas now they need absolutely nothing to "employ" a lady. Offering a legitimate business structure to "managers" that removes the risk of jail encourages them to run an honest business. Guess what that means? JOBS! I bet each one of us knows of a handful of RW ladies who would jump head first into this stuff if they saw an opportunity and wouldn't get into trouble. And they would replace the blackmarket workforce that regulation forces out.

It is illegal for the same reason drugs are. Because some small group of kings make a shit-ton of money keeping it illegal.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
You couldn't be more wrong. If you legalize something then the government oversees the businesses legal operations, employers are held to certain documentation standards to employing others whereas now they need absolutely nothing to "employ" a lady. Offering a legitimate business structure to "managers" that removes the risk of jail encourages them to run an honest business. Guess what that means? JOBS! I bet I know of a handful of RW ladies who would jump head first into this stuff if they saw an opportunity and wouldn't get into trouble. And then they would replace the blackmarket workforce that regulation forces out.

It illegal for the same reason drugs are. Because some small group of kings make a shit-ton of money keeping it illegal. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
That is what I mean, there will be more of them because they do not have to hide making the wanna be pimps and the known pimps come out of the woodwork because you can rest assured that there are more pimps out there then we know about and so there will be legit agents as in pro sports. And just think of all the tax revenue the government could make on the oldest profession in history.
pyramider's Avatar

However, marrying for money is perfectly legal and praised upon in this country. Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
I know and I want it known that I am looking for a sugar momma. I have tainted needs and desires.

It is illegal for the same reason drugs are. Because some small group of kings make a shit-ton of money keeping it illegal. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Partially correct. The liquor and pharmaceutical industries are against herb being decriminalized and legalized. They have too much money invested in antidepressants, anti anxiety, and anti whatever drugs to lose out on herb.

Always look to who would lose if something happens. Just follow the money and the truth will come out.
And just think of all the tax revenue the government could make on the oldest profession in history. Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
The "Oldest Profession" is actually farming.

The Government makes more money conducting vice stings and operations than relying on people to diligently pay their taxes in a cash-flow market. It's more convienant.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Housewives don't want the competition. Some of our providers are outstanding.
The only negative I can see happening from legalization (for guys anyway) would be the sharp decline in free bar-pussy. If it was legal, all them dumb bitches who give it up for free would start expecting payment!
pyramider's Avatar
Nah druncken dunts would not get paid.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
The only negative I can see happening from legalization (for guys anyway) would be the sharp decline in free bar-pussy. If it was legal, all them dumb bitches who give it up for free would start expecting payment! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Very true, but to be honest, there is no such thing as actual free pussy, by the time you by them drinks, eats, ect, it would have been cheaper to call an escort, if all a guy wanted was sex.
Ya but you would have to pay for the drinks etc AND the civvie's time too. Where before it was just drinks and the hassle of babysitting drunk strange.
pyramider's Avatar
There is just something about the high pitched squeals of druncken sorority girls that is so attractive. They would post taint though.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I think the taxation answer is BS. Taxation of the hobby isn't that hard. Taxation of drugs is even easier. I think it's two things: First if the hangover of Christian sexual ethics/morals. The second is that it would lower the "price" of civilian and married pussy in that men wouldn't be willing to put up with as much shit. Then many women would be required to make it on their own merits rather than through the use of the vaginal ratchet/monopoly. (And of course, this is somewhat related to Christian sexual role modeling in that women would then be economically equal, not sex objects.
The only negative I can see happening from legalization (for guys anyway) would be the sharp decline in free bar-pussy. If it was legal, all them dumb bitches who give it up for free would start expecting payment! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
God I love you. If I didn't know personally that you were a HOT lady I'd suspect you were a guy - you SOOOO get us. Might explain why meeting with you is great. If anyone wonders - some of us find a smart, sexy, opinionated girl ULTRA sexy.