We try to avoid cops in the hobby but what about cops who hobby?

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Eccie audience, I was once emailed by a man who admitted up from that he was a cop. He said he was interested in my services, NOT busting me.

The email caught me off guard and it made me think a bit. He also said that he couldn't bust me because he would be meeting me on his own personal time, not during his cop hours.

Before I even asked for references, I thought some more. Ultimately, I decided against meeting him. Why? Simple. My paranoia set in. Too much at stake. Too many problems. What do I mean? Well.....

Say we meet and everything goes ok, he decides he likes me. Then he might want to call me up and try to intimidate me into freebies. If things got messy, or too touchy there is any number of things this man could do to me, compared to a non-cop client.

I'm pretty sure none of the guys here are gunna admit they are cops, but it made me wonder about the cops who hobby.

Ladies, have you ever had a client who was a cop? How did it go?
Naomi4u's Avatar
Ladies, have you ever had a client who was a cop? How did it go? Originally Posted by incognito isis
No. It's funny because there are ladies that admit to servicing cops. Kudos to them but I'm not that desperate for money. Usually those relationships end up going south. There was a guy that contacted me saying he was a sheriff that he wanted to see me. I told him "No". He filled out my screening form anyway and offered to pay via paypal. I still said "No". Yes cops need love too but they're not gonna get it from Naomi
I say forget them and to damn bad!
They decided to be cops and have a code of honor right? So let em honor their own dicks with their own right hands!
So Naomi, your paranoia set in, right? Mine did. I just thought it was too risky. We spend so much time trying to avoid them I just can't meet one, even if his intentions are good.
Naomi4u's Avatar
So Naomi, your paranoia set in, right? Mine did. I just thought it was too risky. We spend so much time trying to avoid them I just can't meet one, even if his intentions are good. Originally Posted by incognito isis
I'm naturally paranoid of every guy that contacts me. A little paranoia will save you from going to jail or worse so it's a good thing to have. There are ladies that will tell you that they see cops "all the time". If that is the case then why screen? for violent clients alone? Last time I checked this business is not really legal.
There's no such thing as an off-duty cop. That's why they carry guns 24/7.

And you meet one once, and he's got you forever. You'll be his side piece (daily, if not more often), you'll be giving him money, and you'll be his snitch. And when you tell him no, he'll tell you he'll bust you and give you a record, or have your children taken away. And if you say you'll rat him out to his superiors, he'll say, "go ahead," because cops are allowed to lie, cheat and steal in an "undercover" mode in order to stop crime. And all he has to say is he had this "opportunity" to go after a "ring" of criminals.

And that's the name of that tune.
There's no such thing as an off-duty cop. That's why they carry guns 24/7.

And you meet one once, and he's got you forever. You'll be his side piece (daily, if not more often), you'll be giving him money, and you'll be his snitch. And when you tell him no, he'll tell you he'll bust you and give you a record, or have your children taken away. And if you say you'll rat him out to his superiors, he'll say, "go ahead," because cops are allowed to lie, cheat and steal in an "undercover" mode in order to stop crime. And all he has to say is he had this "opportunity" to go after a "ring" of criminals.

And that's the name of that tune. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
OMG you hit the nail RIGHT on the head there. Everything you said was EXACTLY what I was afraid of. A cop can never be a wise client choice, sheesh, especially if you ever met one for an incall at your home. (I don't do incalls in my home but some do.) A cop has way more power than an escort, and he can at any time try to use that power to take from you. I'm sorry, but any provider who sees a cop is just asking for trouble.

I decided not to see the cop. I should have simply ignored him but I responded to his appointment request. I told him, up front, I do not feel comfortable meeting him. And you know what he said? He said, fine if you don't feel comfortable with me paying you cash, I can get you some drugs. What are you into??

I did not respond again. Over the couse of a year, 1 or 2 more cops did in fact email me seeking for appointments. I never responded to their requests. As a matter of fact, I believe I lied and said I was going to California for the next 6 weeks or something to one of them.

Cops can be shady.
Cpalmson's Avatar
There is something called jurisdiction. If a cop wants to see you, just make sure all the arrangements are made out of his jurisdiction. Cops are people too you know.
I've met with a prison guard before and everything was cool. Not sure about cops though. I don't think their all bad people, but like the rest of the ladies, I would probably pass as well because of the paranoia, even if they had references.
the.namssa's Avatar
Ultimately, I think you ladies are wise to pass on seeing the cops, just too much at risk, and not much to gain. The potential for problems far outweighs the advantages.

IMHO, it should be assumed that LE monitors this forum and others. I have been advised by a trusted SP that there are cops, judges, councilors, doctors, lawyers and such that see you ladies. After all LE are people too and there are the good and the bad just like the rest of the people in the world. However, I can certainly understand from an SP point of view why you may not be interested seeing such people. Bottom line is, you gotta look after yourself and do what is right for you.
Cops are people too you know. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Too bad most of them don't remember that.
Ultimately, I think you ladies are wise to pass on seeing the cops, just too much at risk, and not much to gain. The potential for problems far outweighs the advantages.

IMHO, it should be assumed that LE monitors this forum and others. I have been advised by a trusted SP that there are cops, judges, councilors, doctors, lawyers and such that see you ladies. After all LE are people too and there are the good and the bad just like the rest of the people in the world. However, I can certainly understand from an SP point of view why you may not be interested seeing such people. Bottom line is, you gotta look after yourself and do what is right for you. Originally Posted by the.namssa

I saw a district attorney back east once.
The question I have to ask myself is why did he go out of his way to identify himself as a cop? I don't make a point of telling providers that I'm an engineer and few of them ever ask. Was he hoping to put pressure on you to comply with his wishes? I know cops are human too, but the job attracts a certain type of person; the sort of person who would beat up the little kids in the playground if they didn't hand over their lollipops. Keep your lollipops for those who deserve it I say.

Incidentally, engineers are well known for their love of boiled candy on a stick.
There is something called jurisdiction. If a cop wants to see you, just make sure all the arrangements are made out of his jurisdiction. Cops are people too you know. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Yeah, I thought briefly...very briefly...about this. Cops are loaned to other jurisdictions for a number of reasons. As a "loaned" cop, they have all the powers of a cop in the jurisdiction. Even cops outside their primary jurisdiction have some authority, especially if they've notified the locals and are carrying a gun.

Remember, we had a Border Patrol agent killed in Mexico. Outside his jurisdiction? Sure, but he was still packing.
burkalini's Avatar
Don't date a cop. Are you kidding me? Why would you ever take that chance. I can't see any good coming out of it ever.