
shorty's Avatar
What's your thoughts on unsolicated pm/emails from a Verified Provider that's offering, that you don't know or even had a flirty conversation with?
What's your thoughts shorty? Can I spam ya?
Just pullin your chain sexy, muah!
whitechocolate's Avatar
I have gotten unsolicited PMs from providers whom I never met but had exchanged PMs in the past and I dont mind. My position is that if I have exchanged PMs with them at any point or even mentioned my interest in them in anyway in a post, they can PM me letting me know about any specials or that they will be in town or whatever they want to chat about. Same with emailing me. I dont mind providers being "selectively" aggressive in promoting themselves as long as it is truly aimed at me and not mass emailing or PMing.
burkalini's Avatar
Don't want them or need them
Sweet N Little's Avatar
It's not cool at all.
(stop being so sexy shorty lol)
Chica Chaser's Avatar
#8 - Misuse of our Private Messaging system will result in consequences. You are not to spam members using the PM system. You are not to send invitations to other sites using our PM system. You are not to harass others using our PM system.
Somewhat of a gray area. Spamming and harrasment are pretty arbitrary for each individual in this context. I would say that if you ask someone to stop PM'ing you once...they better stop or deal with the consequences. Further, ladies if you are doing this, better make sure the guy is welcoming of these types of solicitations. If you are asked to stop sending them, I highly recommend you do exactly that.
Take it with a grain of salt. We all get spam. If a lady is sending out mass emails, in your opinion, what do you think that means? I'm really curious what a guys perspective is on this.
whitechocolate's Avatar
I have never received a "mass" emailing or mass PMing from a provider. Even if the provider looks and sounds fantastic, it would not be viewed positively.
Maybe if she sounds desperate enough, you can get a free session on spec. Although that would probably raise all kinds of health concerns.
shorty's Avatar
LaVixian. . . You can pull my chain anytime!!
This is truly a touchy question. While I refrain from making any unsolicated contact, for fear of it being unwanted or welcome. There are times that I would love to thank someone for a good time, gift or card they may have left me, or just to let them know I;m think of them. Many leave you with the impression that a call, text, e-mail, or pm is welcome anytime, others want no contact of any type. The question is which is which?? Wish something could be noted in their contact info. Until then belive I'll stick with no contact until contacted
shorty's Avatar
My only problem is I've never PM/Email nor even directly commented to lady offering. Seems to me, that the person is being aggressive in trying to get new clients. Don't mind the PM/Email if you want to ask a question or respond to something in private. Don't get wrong, I do like ladies that do send PM/Email letting me know when there going to be in town or offering specials. This is if I've talked to the lady through the forum or PM/Email beforehand.
LaVixian. . . You can pull my chain anytime!! Originally Posted by shorty
Lol, good to know
shorty's Avatar
Chelsea. . . I don't have a problem with ladies making contact after the session. Actually, I prefer that and I usually let the ladies know it.
I don't mind receiving PMs from any lady, no matter the subject. Who knows....might spark my interest in her.