The Three T's

Geeky80's Avatar
I stumbled across The Three T's a few years ago and realized it can be adapted to work on almost any life situation where somebody is bothering me. The Three T's is a method for children to stop a bully, but adults can use the concept too.

The Three T's are: Talk, Tell, Tackle. It's very important that they be done IN ORDER!

1. TALK to the bully first. If this step is skipped, you risk being labeled as a "tattle tale". Tell the bully what you don't like, and that if it doesn't stop, you are going to report them.

2. TELL a teacher or parent first. If this step is skipped, you risk being labeled as a bully yourself. In the context of this hobby, this would be reporting the unwanted activity to eccie mods. Tell the teacher/parent/police/mod that you have already talked to the bully directly, and it didn't stop, and if it doesn't stop, you are going to take matters into your own hands.

3. TACKLE. In a bully situation, this would be the part where you show them your BJJ skills. (not to be confused with BBBJ skills). In the context of this hobby, this would be slamming somebody publicly on eccie.

I love this method so much. It minimizes suffering for both parties. I think it should be taught in schools everywhere. If the entire planet learned The Three T's, we might even have a chance at achieving global peace.
  • AgFox
  • 03-01-2021, 06:18 PM
I look forward to a world where all problems are solved by BBBJ’s.
I look forward to a world where all problems are solved by BBBJ’s. Originally Posted by AgFox
I could get Benin’s that!