Question for the fellas....

Veles's Avatar
  • Veles
  • 04-07-2021, 09:34 AM
If you had 10K to blow on a provider, what would your ultimate fantasy be? Who would you like to fulfill that fantasy with?

I think I would take a Caribbean vacation. With who would be a question. Ideally it would have to be someone I have seen several times in the past and am comfortable with.
St. Lucia I heard is one of the better islands. Never been but wish to go there and scuba. Then I'd rent a boat and sail around for a bit.

Would probably hit above a 10k budget. So optional with that budget I'd get vip festival tickets and bring a younger provider along Staff Edit - Biomed1 and find out if she's a better dancer than I am lol
Rollypolly's Avatar
5 day Cruise somewhere like Alaska with a stop in Canada. Either that or a trip to the mountains, sleeping under the stars.