I lost the weather report thread

What's the weather been like in the tri-state area lately?
I have been spending time in Arizona and I'm starting to feel a bit out of place. The locals are walking around in hoodies and jeans and I'm in my tank top and fishing shirt to repel UV rays and I'm getting some pretty odd glances and stares.
Is it my fault that I'm acclimated to a different weather pattern? I think the low 70's is warm AF.

Inquiring minds want to know.
Typilca 'burgh for March. It was spring yesterday, winter today.
Hey Jinny, time to come out of hibernation, fishing season is about to start.
Hey Jinny, time to come out of hibernation, fishing season is about to start. Originally Posted by Looker151
Oh I will be there for the fishing season.
Highs here around upper 40's or the next week or so. People in Florida feel the same way as AZ people do
I think I jinxed them. It was chilly and rainy here today.
My body loved the humidity. I can't lie.
69 degrees today!
The perfect number.
Heatherlicous's Avatar
Lol Im jealous Jinny, the last 2 days have been nice but its going back to freezing! ugh. I would definitely be loving some AZ weather right now!! Lol xoxo
Temps in the 80's again today.
My body is having a hard time accepting 80 degree March days. I can't imagine what the locals who do stay here all summer do to stay cool....sure it's a "dry heat" but its so different than what I'm used to.

Thankfully I'll be home in time for the trout season.
Lexxxy's Avatar
It's so nice today! Beautiful drive in
Thankfully I'll be home in time for the trout season. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
Going to try the fly rod this year?
Going to try the fly rod this year? Originally Posted by Swikgm
Yes I am.
Wanna watch?
obnoxiousram's Avatar
I am so sick of snow.
relaxedman's Avatar
Snow is gone...I've seen the sun several times already. My winter coat is packed. Spring has sprung as far as I'm concerned.
Go Bucs!!