Did any one else notice? First it started with inspector farquare & Johnny Yanks Exit Stage Left Suddenly here comes Treetop78759 & Observing

Still Looking's Avatar
Did any one else notice?

First it started with inspector farquare & Johnny Yanks

Exit Stage Left

Suddenly here comes Treetop78759 & Observing

They with few exceptions will not start their own threads. There is a reason for that. No one cares what they thinck. They rush in to protect the incompetent board members here from the likes of Whispers & Myself. They also feel that what "they" thinck matters. Not what other board members thinck or MODS or ADMINS. They know best.

If Whispers and I started going to different city coed forums and ThreAD Hi-jacking all their threads and insult certain local individuals how long do you think site management would put up with that? Do you thinck Whispers & Myself could elude to threats of violence, outing & Continual harassment simply because we didn't the way things are going?

So the question here is "WHY" are they allowed to do this while others are not?
Mr Peabody's Avatar
SL, strange as it may seem, I fully support your right to ask for censoring these guys, only because I support freedom of speech, no matter what kind of asshole you want to be.
Still Looking's Avatar
SL, strange as it may seem, I fully support your right to ask for censoring these guys, only because I support freedom of speech, no matter what kind of asshole you want to be. Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
Good to be on the same team for a change. Your a handy example. Never met you but you strike me as some one with their own thoughts and doesn't need others to speak / protect them. On occasion your post(s) made me stop and say huh....You also strike me as someone that would have the brains to engage the blocking feature this site offers. So why do you thinck those four are playing these games? I mean "you" didn't summons them..... right?
Did any one else notice?

First it started with inspector farquare & Johnny Yanks

Exit Stage Left

Suddenly here comes Treetop78759 & Observing

They with few exceptions will not start their own threads. There is a reason for that. No one cares what they thinck. They rush in to protect the incompetent board members here from the likes of Whispers & Myself. They also feel that what "they" thinck matters. Not what other board members thinck or MODS or ADMINS. They know best.

If Whispers and I started going to different city coed forums and ThreAD Hi-jacking all their threads and insult certain local individuals how long do you think site management would put up with that? Do you thinck Whispers & Myself could elude to threats of violence, outing & Continual harassment simply because we didn't the way things are going?

So the question here is "WHY" are they allowed to do this while others are not?
Originally Posted by Still Looking
"...elude to threats of violence, outing & Continual harassment..."
First things first.
It's "allude",not "elude".

Waddle and fetch the posts where I threatened you with violence or to out you.
Still Looking's Avatar
e·lude ēˈlo͞od/
evade or escape from (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skillful or cunning way.
"he managed to elude his pursuers by escaping into an alley"
nuglet's Avatar
BUT WAIT! WAIT LINDA!! WAIT WAIT... Who really cares???
Can we try to match them up?

Observing is ....

Treetop is ....

Saustin is. ....

I think I know who the first 2 are.
russellevans's Avatar
Did any one else notice?

First it started with inspector farquare & Johnny Yanks

Exit Stage Left

Suddenly here comes Treetop78759 & Observing

They with few exceptions will not start their own threads. There is a reason for that. No one cares what they thinck. They rush in to protect the incompetent board members here from the likes of Whispers & Myself. They also feel that what "they" thinck matters. Not what other board members thinck or MODS or ADMINS. They know best.

If Whispers and I started going to different city coed forums and ThreAD Hi-jacking all their threads and insult certain local individuals how long do you think site management would put up with that? Do you thinck Whispers & Myself could elude to threats of violence, outing & Continual harassment simply because we didn't the way things are going?

So the question here is "WHY" are they allowed to do this while others are not?
Originally Posted by Still Looking
What the fuck are you even saying? Calm down and try and "think" like an adult and then type out something which makes sense.

I don't care for observing but it seems you're asking if it's okay that they bash you while you bash others? Yes I think it's okay.
"...elude to threats of violence, outing & Continual harassment..."
First things first.
It's "allude",not "elude".

Waddle and fetch the posts where I threatened you with violence or to out you.
Originally Posted by Observing
Sweetheart, you're trying to explain simple English and grammar to a guy who purposely uses a 'c' in think. What I want to know is: does he have his spellcheck set to autocorrect 'think' to 'thinck'? And if so, does it correct every word with an 'nk' ending? Does 'bank' become 'banck' or 'drink' become 'drinck'? Inquiring grammar nazis want to know...
Sweetheart, you're trying to explain simple English and grammar to a guy who purposely uses a 'c' in think. What I want to know is: does he have his spellcheck set to autocorrect 'think' to 'thinck'? And if so, does it correct every word with an 'nk' ending? Does 'bank' become 'banck' or 'drink' become 'drinck'? Inquiring grammar nazis want to know... Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I also asked him to waddle and fetch the post(s) where I threatened him and threatened to out him.
I'm NOT calling SL a whiney dopey little bitch...
But he certainly acts like one,no?
Still Looking's Avatar
Did any one else notice?

First it started with inspector farquare & Johnny Yanks

Exit Stage Left

Suddenly here comes Treetop78759 & Observing

They with few exceptions will not start their own threads. There is a reason for that. No one cares what they thinck. They rush in to protect the incompetent board members here from the likes of Whispers & Myself. They also feel that what "they" thinck matters. Not what other board members thinck or MODS or ADMINS. They know best.

If Whispers and I started going to different city coed forums and ThreAD Hi-jacking all their threads and insult certain local individuals how long do you think site management would put up with that? Do you thinck Whispers & Myself could elude to threats of violence, outing & continual harassment simply because we didn't like the way things are going?

So the question here is "WHY" are they allowed to do this while others are not?
Originally Posted by Still Looking
What the fuck are you even saying? Calm down and try and "think" like an adult and then type out something which makes sense.

I don't care for observing but it seems you're asking if it's okay that they bash you while you bash others? Yes I think it's okay. Originally Posted by russellevans

I High Lighted In RED The Question? Did You Answer The Question?

OFF TOPIC Lack Comprehension Skills Given Pass