A new trick: Dutch taxman hunting prostitutes

wildcat4fun's Avatar

It's a business, like any other, so the problem is? And if the moral majority/christian/hypocritical politicians would look at it as a major business in the US, the tax dollars that would flow in are enormous.

News flash.... Sex happens, sex sells, sex is going nowhere, TAX the sex business.

"it's a job just like any other..."

yes maam, you are correct. we all get F'd by the taxman.
vicinms's Avatar
I don't see it happening but I think that legalizing it and taxing it is a good idea! Since it's not legal now, I'm guessing very few women claim the income on their taxes, which also means they're not paying Social Security. At some point, these women will have to retire based on age (forget the ad for the 58 yr old provider I saw recently) and won't have any SS to draw from. It would be great if they were investing part of their income for that inevitible day but I'll bet that's an exception for most providers (I know that all these lovely ladies make it hard for me to save $). How do they survive then?

There's also the health aspect to consider! If it were legal, I'm guessing it would only be a matter of time, before the government steps in and forces regular mandatory health screening. It's not a bad idea in the interest of preventing the spread of disease. I'm no expert on the subject, but would guess that a provider could pass an STD on to a number a clients before even realizing she might have something and the same goes for guys. I've never talked to a provider about it so I'm curious - do providers have the accessories checked on a regular basis?
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Well first being in this type of entertainment,it would be very wise to be tested at least every 3 months and if you can't afford it it,at least go to the health department and have check ups.

Frankly you should do this even if your not in this type of work.

Second about the taxes.I have worked and payed taxes before and the past 3 years i have been paying taxes as self-employed and pay into my social security but the way it looks it won't be around by the time i get old enough to draw it tho.But at least they can't get me for not paying taxes,i have no problem paying them taxes.My tax return each year helps me to buy a car if i need one to show proof of income or to rent a house and my credit.Plus its proof of income where i can get loans from banks.
topsgt38801's Avatar
It should be legalized and taxed and people should be tested. This is between two consenting adults and as such the LE should be out trying to catch real criminals. It would also provide a means for the ladies that this is their only occupation to pay into social security and be able to reap retirement benefits from it. Just don't tax it too high. Got to keep it affordable for us working folks! Overall, it would increase the safety and security level for all involved as well as helping all the wonderful ladies down the road. LOL

I vote yes!!
