What Makes People Vote Republican?

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Interesting read. Non-biased and seemingly accurate article. At least now I know why.

What makes people vote Republican? Why do people usually vote for pro-business Republicans when their economic interests would seem better served by Democratic policies? We psychologists have been examining the origins of ideology ever since Hitler sent us Germany's best psychologists, and we long ago reported that strict parenting and a variety of personal insecurities work together to turn people against liberalism, diversity, and progress.

But now that we can map the brains, genes, and unconscious attitudes of conservatives, we have refined our diagnosis: conservatism is a partially heritable personality trait that predisposes some people to be cognitively inflexible, fond of hierarchy, and inordinately afraid of uncertainty, change, and death. People vote Republican because Republicans offer "moral clarity"—a simple vision of good and evil that activates deep seated fears in much of the electorate. Democrats, in contrast, appeal to reason with their long-winded explorations of policy options for a complex world.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 11-10-2016, 10:15 AM
What makes tards vote leb and democrat? when they act with violence when they don't get their way? Jail time bitch.
What makes tards vote leb and democrat? when they act with violence when they don't get their way? Jail time bitch. Originally Posted by R.M.
+1 sissy chump you really are full of shit
Satyrrical's Avatar
Using Republican and Conservative as interchangeable adjectives shows anything but complex thinking.
gfejunkie's Avatar
You lost, dude. Get over it. Like the avatar says... 'Think different'.
bambino's Avatar
Why do you like to suck cock Sap Sucker? You've over stayed your appointment. Goodbye.
They didn't vote Republican. They voted against Hillary
LexusLover's Avatar
They didn't vote Republican. They voted against Hillary Originally Posted by zerodahero
Who is "they"?

A lot of "hand wringing" is revealing itself over the issue as to "why Hillary lost the election" ... as though she was the "only choice" and/or she was the "best choice." That "assumes" that everyone voting (or even a large block of voters) DID NOT view Mr. Trump has a viable choice to be POTUS and voted for him for positive reasons. Hillary is FLAWED.

When one opens a carton of soured, lumpy milk one doesn't drink.

One tosses it in the trash where it belongs.
My parents are life long Democrats, while 2 of my brothers and I are Republicans. I went to visit them last week and they had there sample ballets laying on the table. They had early voted due to a conflict on Nov. 8th. I noticed that they had voted for Trump. I asked about it and they had voted completely Republican. So that tells me that even lifelong Democrats can get smarter.

They are a lot like me in that they are fiscally conservative but moderate to liberal on social issues. We should have voted Libertarian, but could not waste the vote on Johnson.
Interesting read. Non-biased and seemingly accurate article. At least now I know why.

https://www.edge.org/conversation/jo...ote-republican Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Democratic Policies only serve the misfits like yourself.

My parents are life long Democrats, while 2 of my brothers and I are Republicans. I went to visit them last week and they had there sample ballets laying on the table. They had early voted due to a conflict on Nov. 8th. I noticed that they had voted for Trump. I asked about it and they had voted completely Republican. So that tells me that even lifelong Democrats can get smarter.

They are a lot like me in that they are fiscally conservative but moderate to liberal on social issues. We should have voted Libertarian, but could not waste the vote on Johnson. Originally Posted by hermanhaspender
I am pushing 70, so I might be in the same age group as your parents.
I too am fiscally conservative and moderate to liberal socially.

I work hard for my money and want to keep as much of it as possible.
I believe people who work should live better than those that are able but won't.
I believe that left unchecked, Government will continually suppress the
Population to a breaking point. Our Constitution, especially The Bill of Rights, is the closest thing we have to a sacred document, and should defended at all cost.

I believe that what two adults do in a consenting relationship is nobodies
business but their own.
I believe that marriage is in reality a legal contract between two people, and if
two people wish to enter into that legal contract knowing the legal commitment involved, they should be allowed to.
I believe the "war on drugs" is a failure. There has to be a better way.
I believe we need to stop sending our young men and women off to wars to fight other people's fights.

Where I do disagree with the liberal social mindset is abortion. The fact is, we
use abortion as birth controle, since by the government's own statistics, 98 percent of all abortions are considered convienience abortions.
While I am not a religious person, there is something inherently wrong with that.
Interesting read. Non-biased and seemingly accurate article. At least now I know why.

https://www.edge.org/conversation/jo...ote-republican Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
People like you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Interesting read. Non-biased and seemingly accurate article. At least now I know why.

https://www.edge.org/conversation/jo...ote-republican Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
So when Hillary barks everyone just clicks their heels and that is a coincidence? Your source forgets that National Socialism is a left wing philosophy. People like to say that the nationalism is a right wing thing but the Soviet Union (definitely not right wing) spoke of "Rodina" or "Mother Russia". So even the Soviet Union had nationalism. So Hitler was a lefty just like Saul Alinsky, Frank Marshall Davis, and Hillary Clinton (remember her?).
lustylad's Avatar
"Why do people usually vote for pro-business Republicans when their economic interests would seem better served by Democratic policies?"

Hahahahaha.... I love the way the dimotards don't get it! They keep looking down their noses at anyone who doesn't vote according to their script - even going so far as to claim such voters are too stupid to vote for their own self-interests!

Keep it up, Sissy Chap! Keep calling 'em stupid! Keep being such a condescending jackass! Keep telling voters YOU know better than THEY do what is in their own self-interest! Everyone loves your condescension! It's a real vote-getter! Keep calling 'em "deplorables"!

And keep losing elections!


Interesting read. Non-biased and seemingly accurate article. At least now I know why. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Hahahaha.... You don't know squat.... Could someone please locate a pop psycho-babble counter-article for Sissy Chap? You know, something that explains the underlying reason dimotards want to force everyone to suck on the guv'mint teet is because dimotards aren't breast fed enough as infants?

Weak Bait, Sissy Chap!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Folks I appreciate all your feedback but the only person really sticking to topic is JD Barleycawn everyone else is either pontificating or making this about me. It's not about me. The article was actually pretty accurate. He took shots at no one he gave facts based on scientific study.

You guys won the election and as much as it pains me to say this Trump is now my president and I accept the reality of it no matter how painful. See many of us we're not like you/ When Obama won you resorted to your racism and built in fears just as the article brought out it's partly how you were raised.