To Smoke, or Not to Smoke

Hobbyists - If you knew that a provider smoked, would you see her anyway? And if you did see her, would it bother you if she smelled like smoke? Would you return visit if their attitude and services were above par?

I'll start by giving my own answers.

First, I don't mind knowing that the provider I'm about to see smokes.

Secondly, it would bother me and disrupt the ongoings carried on BCD if they smelled like smoke. I like lfk/dfk, followed up with some fine dining. Tasting smoke/nicotine would just kill it for me (literally speaking).

And lastly, would I return even if that was the only downside? I would have to lean to probably not, but I wouldn't completely rule it out. If I did, I would probably go in hopeful for a good experience next time but if I smelled smoke again, that would probably be the end of it.

I've had dates where I knew from research that the provider smoked and I couldn't tell one bit. I've had dates from research that said the provider didn't smoke and it was quiet noticeable, even though they were fresh and clean. Which was a clear indicater to me that they were a smoker.

And that leads to my other questions.

Ladies, especially to those who smoke. To what steps do you take in order to provide your date with a fresh, clean, and odorless playground? I can only hope that smoke is the only odor we have to worry about, lol.

Also, do you request clients who smell like smoke to shower up again, even if that is the only stench to them? Would you go through a session with a client that smelled like smoke even if it was repulsive to you?

Meh, just passing the time
trekker's Avatar
I've found that the smell of cigarette smoke can have either a light or a heavy, tar-laden character. I have to admit that sometimes I find a little bit of the light smell in a woman's hair and clothing to be kind of sexy, reminiscent of a strip club hookup. The heavy smell is just plain nasty. Any more than a just barely detectable taste of tobacco is a turnoff. On a positive note, my favorite thing to taste on a woman's kiss is red wine.

The smell of smoke in hair and clothes could just indicate that the woman has simply been in a room with smokers, explaining a lot of the self-described nonsmokers who carry the smell. Of course, I'm sure there are also quite a few who are simply lying.
I am a smoker, but I always make sure I am freshly showered. I usually put my hair up if I have down time so that my hair doesn't smell like smoke. I'm crazy about brushing my teeth, for about 5 minutes, and I chew gum before I get to my destination. I also wear light perfumes, if I know ahead of time that it won't be a problem for the gentleman. I know it isn't PC to smoke, but I really have no intention of quiting. I do what I can to make my company as comfortable as possible, and I never smoke during a session with a non-smoker. That is just rude!
I have seen many guys who also smoke, so its not an issue. But I do my very best to accommodate the non-smoking folks.
Great question DaMule!
EBRTiger's Avatar
I don't mind at all if the provider smokes. I do find it sexy to watch a scantily clad attractive lady lights up during our visit.
@ Trekker - Yes, I agree with your take also. Thats why I don't really make it a deal breaker when I go see someone. In one of my cases though, I'm talking more in regards to it reeking from their skin/pores. I may smoke socially on some instances but its not a given thing with me. I know it took me a shower followed up with a bathe just to get the smell off of me.
I am a smoker, but I always make sure I am freshly showered. I usually put my hair up if I have down time so that my hair doesn't smell like smoke. I'm crazy about brushing my teeth, for about 5 minutes, and I chew gum before I get to my destination. I also wear light perfumes, if I know ahead of time that it won't be a problem for the gentleman. I know it isn't PC to smoke, but I really have no intention of quiting. I do what I can to make my company as comfortable as possible, and I never smoke during a session with a non-smoker. That is just rude!
I have seen many guys who also smoke, so its not an issue. But I do my very best to accommodate the non-smoking folks.
Great question DaMule! Originally Posted by Nicolet
Well Nicolet, it seems that you are quiet mindful of your habit and do contribute some time and effort in it not being a distraction. You are likely one of those providers I that metioned before who smokes but clients have the hardest time noticing if you do unless questioned about it.

Thanks for Caring and the Kudos
It can be a deal breaker.
gimme_that's Avatar
I don't know if I consider it A dealbreaker persay.....but if I'm making a decision to see one lady over another who have similar looks, rates, etc......and one is non smoking while the other is.......I will choose the non smoking lady.

When I first started hobbying I tried to see ladies who were non smoking exclusively.....but it severely limited the possible ladies I could see. And I quickly realized out of those who "said" they didn't smoke and wouldn't need to during seems too big a task to pull off on a multihour overnight to not smoke at all.

For me mostly the smoking is more so a security issue....and comfortability....


especially if its a first time date. I don't normally smoke, so I have to "dress down" in attire I wouldn't normally wear so as not to gain suspicion from people in my civilian life through the smell it permeats. It changes the way she smells from how she initially smelled when she arrrived. When we are cuddling and my nose is buried in her hair its a musty smoky smell. And since a lot of woman don't want to get their hair wet I'm stuck with that smell the whole night........

Not to mention the kisses taste different including her matter if and when she brushes her teeth or gargles listerine. Since its recommended that when people brush their teeth that they wait 30 minutes or longer before performing oral, it becomes a risk as well. And if we are kissing less Ill tend to be less BFE into the night and just stick to PSE. Just from personal experience ladies who don't smoke tend to kiss more on longer engagements, especially in the morning. The more the smoke during the night the mustier the smell becomes on her hair and just in bed in general.


Unless this lady is well known and reviewed.....I feel weird about this lady who I don't know getting fully dressed to go take a 15 to 20 minute smoke break outside my outcall hotel with the full donation rate of an overnight in her purse, while I'm chilling in bed waiting for her return. After one or two cash and dashes that way its not an option for me, unless of course I book a balcony room.

But I also have to book a smoking room to accommodate her.....which can sometimes be harder to book at the finer hotels.........and I don't perfer those rooms because the smell is
usually in the sheets.

For the most part though, I have assummed sex in the hobby to some extent will require smoking more than likely on the providers part.....and I prepare for it....but it very refreshing to run into a lady that doesn't smoke....makes things much easier and comfortable for me. It just makes it seem like a job when she has to take multiple smoke breaks during our kills the afterglow factor whenn the first thing she's thinking is I need a smoke.......

I have nothing against ladies that smoke as I have seen a few that do. Sometimes it adds to their demeanor and enable them to relax and be more uninhibited......
Very insightful take Gimme. Definitely not a deal breaker with me, but it could possibly trump all considerations for a repeat.

I guess it depends on when it happens as well. ie 1st, 2nd, 3rd appt, etc...
I am fine as long as the lady does not smoke during a session or reek of cigarettes. I am Asthmatic so it will causes a problem for me.I also do not like kissing an ashtray.I can see a problem for married guys.I can see a potential problem for married of involved guys.It might be difficult to explain to there partner.
I have heard tales of ladies who smoke incessantly, even during an appointment! As a smoker, THAT would gross me out!
I remember doing a marathon, for ME anyway, for 3 hours. Didn't take a smoke break for that one! As long as I have something in my mouth, or otherwise occupied, I won't NEED a cig! LOL!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
I do not smoke but live with a smoker and my children smoke when they visit...I try to keep the house smelling "fresh" with candles/sprays & incense.
Hahahaha this is a great topic. I was kind of thinking about this earlier today, actually.

I quit smoking this past year (yay, Wellbutrin!! It really worked!). However, I will occasionally have one if I'm drinking and someone offers. No, I'm no longer a smoker, but if you want me to have a cig with you (it really turns some guys on...), then sure, I can hang.

Now, either way, I am pretty thorough about smells. I wash my hands a lot, especially since I have a dog. I rinse with Listerine and brush my teeth a few times a day. I actually carry a small bottle of Listerine with me, lol. But the problem is, if you've been anywhere around a bar or a smoker in the past couple of hours, the smell gets into your hair, and it's really obvious to non-smokers. That was one of the first things I noticed when I quit smoking--the smell really sticks to your hair and clothes. Obviously, the only thing you can do about that is shower and do laundry, hahaha. In a pinch, Febreeze (the allergen killing kind is pretty good) could help with the smoke-smell on clothing.

Having been a smoker for a few years, I'm really nonjudgmental of people who smoke. People have their addictions. People have their reasons for not giving up those addictions. For some people, that habit is something that helps them get through the day. And you know, some of us are just orally fixated I still can't help but put things in my mouth all the time...pens, pencils, penises...

Anyway, so for me, kissing a smoker isn't like licking an ashtray. It's just...kissing a smoker. I suppose I'm just used to it. I guess if it was really bad, I'd offer them a Coca-Cola or a glass of wine or something, haha.

If you're with a girl and her smoke-breath is a turn-off, I'd suggest just nicely saying something about how you're sensitive to smoke, and then offer her...something minty? LOL I dunno, that could be awkward!!
LilRed's Avatar
I can always tell when a gentleman has been smoking. I also know meeting us ladies can make a man very nervous if its a first time meeting. I will admit, the nicotine kisses are not the best in the world, but for the most part, the men I have seen do try to eat a mint or something before they come in. THAT is greatly appreciated. (Thank you to those who do.) I would not quit seeing someone who smokes, but a non-smoker would be my first preference.
I would PREFER to see an escort that DID smoke. I don't smoke anymore, but love the taste of a smoky kiss and enjoy having smoke blown in my face by a beautiful woman. In fact, I usually ask the escort on the phone if she smokes during a session. If she says she doesn't smoke, I usually thank her for her time but look for somebody that does smoke. It's that important. I don't know why I love smoke so much...I just do, and find it very erotic to have a cloud of smoke between the woman and I connecting us. I think I was born in the wrong era...I would have loved the 30s!