Loyalty discounts for Regulars

Okay... let's see how this goes in an open forum:
Ladies, does loyalty from your regulars have rewards? Specifically
if say Mr. 15 Seconds comes to see you every week or every other week, do you offer a discount strictly between the two of you outside and away from any posted 'specials'?

And out of curiosity, should Mr. 15 Seconds find you're giving UTR discounts to John Long Time who seldom comes to see you or post reviews, should he just say 'it's just business' and feel it's okay or should he feel a bit unappreciated?

I'm looking to post 4 options on a private poll on the first question which is most interesting to me. I hope to get genuine honest responses.
I can only speak for myself--

Regular friends do get a discount and priority scheduling with me. Now that I am FBSM, I'm booked a good chunk of the time, so the priority scheduling has become quite the perk for some of my gents.
I have my favorite flavors, and they are grandfathered in ofcourse.
bigtxhorseman's Avatar
Now, one would think Loyalty = Discount or something thereother.....it don't.
And here's a reason why, money is money and we all need it. As a "regular" you like the services given and you "fear" any action that might upset the service. Well as a business woman or what the hell ever you call it....if the customer doesn't ask for a discount you damn well ain't gonna give one cause the poor schmooh shows up like clockwork every week. The whole "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" deal applies...
Am I wrong?

Had a few pissie posts tonight folks, sorry. I'm busy kicking myself in the ass for coming to west tx....forgive me
TheWanderer's Avatar
Yes and No bigtxhorseman. That's one scenario but I've also been fortunate to have had the other....ranging from a "regular" discount all the way up to a complete freebie, kind of along the lines of buy 5 get one free.
I was blown away...literally and figuratively.
So I bought a half dozen more just for good measure.
I moved away and she disappeared but if we saw each other today, I'm sure we would probably laugh and end up meeting later that night.
Good stuff.
Been grocery shopping at the same Tom Thumb for 20 years. They don't give me discounts...WTF??

Business is business...if I were a Provider I wouldn't give any discounts. The occasional "Specials" are cool, tho.
Yes Prolongus, but you don't have to wonder whether or not your produce at Tom Thumb is safe, polite, etc...

My regular guys get better deals-- I don't have to screen them, worry about them, or wonder if I am going to have any problems with them. Generally, the ones interested in coming back are the ones I "clicked" with anyhow, so I'm always happy to see them again. Now, sometimes the "better deal" amounts to more time as opposed to a lower rate (depending on the gents needs). But yes, I like to give my favored friends a reason to keep coming back
First off, thanks to all who voted on the poll and second to those who have or will post comments. Just under 67% of providers do offer some discount to their regular clients, so on behalf of all us 'regulars' - 'Thank you very much!' To those who don't, thank you anyway.

Prolungus, most grocery stores and quite a few other places accept coupons or have rewards cards to get discounts. They are businesses but I dare say you don't present your cock at the cash register and ask for a BJ. This is THE most personal, intimate service business of all, but I do understand it is a business.

Still I was just curious as to how many ladies do offer some reward to their clients some of whom they have seen for years on end and have not only helped their finances but their reputations as well. Most do and that's great.

The other question really should likely be a separate thread to the guys as I'm curious as to how they would feel if they never got a discount or grandfathered rate after years or months as a regular client to find others getting let's say, 'unadvertised' discounts and specials. Do you say it's 'just business' and it's okay.... or would you feel unappreciated?

Thanks for the input.... bright day today, but it's a drag. The Rangers lost in heartbreaking fashion..... so close...
Bestman200600's Avatar
If you see a girl 3 times a week there should be a frequent flyer discount.
I don't post or review but this one I found very intersting and couldn't resist adding my 2 cents worth.

Personally I have been offered in the past either a discount or offer to be seen at an old rate rather than a newer and higher rate and in all cases have politely and happily laid down the full donation (no discount taken).

If I see someone on a somewhat reguar basis it is due to us clicking, meaning in all aspects I thouroughly enjoy my time spent with them on ALL levels. Great conversation, non-rushed, true GFE experience, ect., ect.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, If I see a particular lady regularly it isn't about the $$$ it's about the quality of the session and the person I'm seeing.

Just my feelings on the topic.....bash away! lmao
I hope only providers are voting on the poll to make it accurate...

"Personally I have been offered in the past either a discount or offer to be seen at an old rate rather than a newer and higher rate and in all cases have politely and happily laid down the full donation (no discount taken)."

But just the offer is a reward and acknowledgment of appreciation of some kind...
bigtxhorseman's Avatar

I would hope more of us do the very thing you do. 1. if you don't have the money, don't hobby...this ain't K-Mart or Traders Village, where it's expected to haggle. 2. it should be about quality, nuff said on that and Third, if you show some sort of appreciation each visit should get better and better....it's a win, win

then there are those who feel like they haven't accomplished anything until they beat somebody out of a nickel....that happens on both sides
Prolongus, most grocery stores and quite a few other places accept coupons or have rewards cards to get discounts. They are businesses but I dare say you don't present your cock at the cash register and ask for a BJ. Originally Posted by legman+
Well shit...tried that at Tom Thumb about an hour ago to this HOT Cashier Girl and they threw my ass out, I'm now banned for life at Tom Thumb...(just that one, not all of 'em).
Discounts have been offered to me before but I always make it up in the tip...these ladies gotta pay rent.

Good post, legman+...and if the discounts make the Provider and Client happy, all's well in Hobbyland.
I do pay what's advertised and tip too. The six-shooter is most often down to one shot these days on top of it.

Just for the record, two things no lady cannot and hopefully never will say about me are that I visit with bad hygiene and haggle over prices. If a guy thinks he's going to get the best from a lady doing so, he should definitely stop smoking or popping whatever he's buzzing on.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Prolongus you shouldn't try to do the cashier.