Stupid Fuckin Google Doodle !!!

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 08-07-2012, 04:09 AM
So, they have had these little doodles for the Olympics all week at least...

Well, today, they just sucked about 30 minutes of my life away.

Hurdles? UGH.

Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right SPACE BAR Left Right Left Right Left Right Left SPACE BAR Left Right Left Right Left Right SPACE BAR Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right

Seriously, I hate it when they turn these things into games.

This is almost as bad as the Pac Man one.


BTW - I suck at hurdles. Best score is a 18.2 with a 1 star.
damnit, Ze...
so you decide to spread the addiction!!

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 08-09-2012, 03:44 PM

I have to HAVE better willpower than a fucking Google Doodle!

*sits on hands*
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
Today's soccer one swallowed my soul and half an hour of my day. Damn you for pointing these out.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
Now a flash animation is a doodle? Sweet lord help me. After 15 years of learning programming languages, graphics, web design, and animation programs... they are compared to the scribblings of a child.

That little game you played took about the same amount of time and hard work it takes to paint an entire large house from top to bottom and a special knowledge the plebeians would hardly have a clue about.

With all due respect, I object to that term for the masterpiece, although common as we have a lot of talent working hard to compete these days, few understand that a flash game really is a hard piece of work. Do you know what an event handler is? That's quite a bit of logic to wrap your mind around.

Anyway, aside from my rabid geek rage :P I admit those games are pretty addictive and please understand that I mean only humor in my nerdiness.

LOVE that avatar ZE I don't remember where I first saw that animation but it is a favorite of mine. I think it goes back to myspace actually, when it was popular still.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 08-11-2012, 01:10 PM
Um... it IS CALLED a "Google Doodle" See this -

Note the special section devoted to "Interactive and video doodles"

The space used for the logo IS term'd a "doodle" and yes, even the flash games get thrown into that category because of the generic-ism of the space itself. If no one else on this board knows how tough it is to work with flash, I do.

The cat has been my thing for years now. I get yelled at when I change it. LOL.
pyramider's Avatar
Now a flash animation is a doodle? Sweet lord help me. After 15 years of learning programming languages, graphics, web design, and animation programs... they are compared to the scribblings of a child.

That little game you played took about the same amount of time and hard work it takes to paint an entire large house from top to bottom and a special knowledge the plebeians would hardly have a clue about.

With all due respect, I object to that term for the masterpiece, although common as we have a lot of talent working hard to compete these days, few understand that a flash game really is a hard piece of work. Do you know what an event handler is? That's quite a bit of logic to wrap your mind around.

Anyway, aside from my rabid geek rage :P I admit those games are pretty addictive and please understand that I mean only humor in my nerdiness.

LOVE that avatar ZE I don't remember where I first saw that animation but it is a favorite of mine. I think it goes back to myspace actually, when it was popular still. Originally Posted by exoticdanceweardealer

You consider the google doodles a masterpiece? I doubt if the geeks at google spent more than 20 minutes on each of those doodles.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
You consider the google doodles a masterpiece? I doubt if the geeks at google spent more than 20 minutes on each of those doodles.
They got well paid for it anyway, I guess that's all that matters when you are a high end flash developer. No, those doodles as Google calls them actually are pretty complex. It is possible with some of those it didn't take an exceptional amount of time granted they really knew exactly what they were doing to pull off those effects. Let's use the hurdle game for example: They had to animate a scrolling background, they had to create all of the graphics, add a scoring system in action script, they had to program the event handlers every time someone presses left, right, or up, they had to implement the social sharing scripting as well.

It might not have taken them a huge amount of time but from my experience in flash for over 15 years, I know I couldn't make that game so easily.