The Beard

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  • ftime
  • 09-10-2012, 04:12 PM
I'm having a debate with a "friend" of mine. Not a provider, but a civillian. She is 5'5" and about 128. Very pretty girl. She has let her bush go. All the way to the sides. She has pushed out several young'ins and has wide hips (in my not so humble opinion) for her frame. She keeps the bush trimmed, but wide. Clean down in the business part. I think the wide bush cut makes her hips look wider. I personally would prefer a landing strip. She tells me I'm wrong. Opinions?
I shave and let it grow and shave when i can't stand it anymore lol. I tried a freakin landing strip, not a easy task (I can't get the fucking thing even) lol, so I just shave bald. I say its her pussy, let her keep it the way she likes!
More power to her! God, I love a woman who looks like a woman.
pyramider's Avatar
I shave and let it grow and shave when i can't stand it anymore lol. I tried a freakin landing strip, not a easy task (I can't get the fucking thing even) lol, so I just shave bald. I say its her pussy, let her keep it the way she likes! Originally Posted by bustyamy

What's so hard about a landing strip? If you have it uneven just say the landing strip is from a different airport.
Sisyphus's Avatar
I shave and let it grow and shave when i can't stand it anymore lol. I tried a freakin landing strip, not a easy task (I can't get the fucking thing even) lol, so I just shave bald. I say its her pussy, let her keep it the way she likes! Originally Posted by bustyamy
I've lived in Houston over 5 years now. Have YET to see a level street or sidewalk. Why should this be any different???

To the OP...diff strokes for diff folks. Civvie or ain't the only one going there. Let the 'market' decide. It IS an election year!
chicagoboy's Avatar
To the OP...diff strokes for diff folks. Civvie or ain't the only one going there. Let the 'market' decide. It IS an election year! Originally Posted by Sisyphus
Bush isn't on the ballot any more.
pyramider's Avatar
Bush ain't just the name of an airport.
ftime's Avatar
  • ftime
  • 09-10-2012, 09:07 PM
The question was really if the the wide bush made her look wider. Sort of like wearing stripes. Not a referendum on Bush, I mean bush. Anyhow I look at it from a different angle and closer up than she does.
klutz's Avatar
  • klutz
  • 09-10-2012, 09:33 PM
I find a hairy cunt disgusting these days... almost as if it's a total lack of hygiene... especially in Houston with the heat... and the sweat... and the... oh God I'm gonna go throw up...
Sarunga's Avatar
Landing strip it is...for me too.
seeker7's Avatar
My mother was a natural. Whenever we went to the pool, she always had a little spread sticking out of her suit where bush meets leg. I thought it was gross, but I was a kid and didn't say anything.

It is fairly simple to shave or wax the "hairy leg spread" and trim the forest to a short, neat appearance with a pair of scissors. The hair is an odor catcher and I keep my yard mowed regularly. Don't think it's too much to ask any woman to do the same.

Landing strip, bare, heart, etc. is a matter or personal preference. Just keep it short and neat. Don't go for the "Miss Afghanistan" look.
Whenever i do a landing strip it looks more like a chicken strip - crooked.
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  • klutz
  • 09-13-2012, 11:18 PM
Had a girl bitch at me for shaving my stuff saying that my hard wood floors hurt her vuh-jay-jay.... and yet she was the type that would complain for getting pubes in her mouth while giving a bj... ugh... had to kick her to the curb.
seeker7's Avatar
I use a #0 or #1 trimmer. Mowed, but not stubbly feeling.