You get what you pay for

poppy71's Avatar
Ok it's friday and time for me to do another assessment of this site - and while I've never advocated the usage of the terms "fucktard" and "hooktard" and the recently added "modtard" - ok ok I have to admit saying them out loud cracks me up....say it with me three times and I bet you'll laugh..come it...fucktard fucktard fucktard ok ok back on track...this week has to be one of the best examples of "you get what you pay for" so I'll break it down in terms of the tardism's - modtards you're off the hook this time cause at least you guys have shown a little common sense but beware...I'm watching


Photography - ladies don't be mad but here we case example I've seen was in Dallas....lady does shoot with a guy for a "reduced session" and when he does not return the photos she gets upset and blasts professional - ok ladies, keep dealing with this "tricks that click" and you'll learn your lesson and when your photos look like crap or you don't get them back or they are posted all over the internet don't get on here and bitch about's not photographers you're dealing with - it's the "tricks that click" and you are the ones that are too damn cheap to pay a real photographer what he deserves to get a real photoshoot and be treated with professionalism. There are some great guys on here but you don't want to spend what equates to an hour of your time cost wise to get something that will enhance your image and increase your income....sooooooo quit your bitchin and complaining about these guys you shoot with - it's your fault because you chose to deal with a "trick that clicks" and not a professional.

Screening - omg this has been a week of some crazy stories revolving around ncns and screening and bottom line ladies is you gotta screen these "fucktards" (lmao - I swear that makes me laugh) - ok ladies you gotta screen...he could be a cop, he could be a weirdo, he could be your next sugardaddy, he could be the best trick in the world or your worst nightmare but damn, don't be so quick to jump on a damn dollar and screen these fucktards (snicker).

Desperation - OMFG do you all know how damn desperate you look at times and I swear it does not matter to some of you....ok let's see...I'm gonna post a thread and it will go something like this "I'm looking for a quick bng spinner but I want bbfs and she has to do greek and I'm here and waiting and I got $25" and I swear someone will post - here I am big daddy - come get a taste of't you know we're all reading this shit and if we see you jump on that bullshit then why in hell would we then want to pay your regular rates.....PM IS YOUR FRIEND - USE THAT MOFO! I don't give a damn if you suck 50 fucktards for a dollar each I just don't want to know that that's where you value yourself and feel like I'm being ripped off when I bring my 3 bills to see you....hell if I see you in those threads you'll never see my bills anyway so again....PM IS YOUR FRIEND - USE THAT MOFO!

ok enough of that - on to the Fucktards

Ok where the hell do I even start - I'm going to sum you all up in one damn catagory - Backpage is the DEVIL - you merry band of horny idiots won't stay the fuck off of backpage and you have gotten ripped off, robbed, beat up, damn near jumped and you still don't learn. Some of you guys - and this ain't just my fine folks in Htown - but some of you guys even want to carry to appointments now because you don't feel safe with these backpage girls - but still you go and see them. One simple fucktard even had a girl from backpage come to his damn house and surprise surprise, she was not the girl in the pics but dickwad said - "comeo on in" - she had stinky breath but dickwad wanted gfe and lfk but opted instead for her methmouth to go down and say hello to his real brain...and guess what - it sucked (snicker) and not in the good he kicks her out but oh no - big bad black pimp daddy was outside and he did not want the "el negros" to upset his fine upstanding neighbors - no dumbfuck - you called a bp ho and got what you deserved for brining her ass into your house...come on fellas let's be real - you're just like the "hooktards" as you all love to refer to the ladies that don't want to spend money on quality photos, you cheap ass bastards call these known ripoff artists and then act surprised and butt hurt when you get ripped off - really - I mean seriously - I mean damn dudes, can you for once try and think with the big brain and not lil Mr. Willy....Juan Fucking Garcia (it's almost sunday and that sounded better than Jesus Fn Christ - lol) really....I mean damn...and when you let your lil Mr. Willy dicktate...I mean dictate what you do - please for the love of all that's tarded keep that shit to yourself....we KNOW backpage girls are gonna rip you off - that's not a fucking alert - we KNOW backpage girls are thieves - that's not a fucking alert - we KNOW backpage is the DEVIL and again, it's not a FUCKING alert!

Ok now back to our regularly scheduled programming...come on y'all give me something good for next week
Too funny!
OMG. I'm rolling off my chair with laughter. Thanks for kicking off my weekend right. Keep the insightful and hilarious commentary coming.
dearhunter's Avatar
So, can we expect this little synopsis of what is said in ROS and the ML every week.........I'm just asking

I am surrounded by stupid
poppy71's Avatar
So, can we expect this little synopsis of what is said in ROS and the ML every week.........I'm just asking

I am surrounded by stupid Originally Posted by dearhunter
Hmmm I guess you are surrounded by stupidity sitting there by yourself because this was not from ANY of the ROS or ML - if you take the time to read some other areas of eccie other than the houston reviews you'll see that this was from the public side of the me I'm not one of the fucktards that you typically get off on being a snide ass with so if you don't like what the fuck I have to say move the fuck on.
poppy71's Avatar
thanks...gwensetx and mrfmoney....glad to see I'm not the only one that gets a kick out of the fun shit around here
dearhunter's Avatar
Hmmm I guess you are surrounded by stupidity sitting there by yourself because this was not from ANY of the ROS or ML - if you take the time to read some other areas of eccie other than the houston reviews you'll see that this was from the public side of the me I'm not one of the fucktards that you typically get off on being a snide ass with so if you don't like what the fuck I have to say move the fuck on. Originally Posted by poppy71
I'm pretty sure you are.......oops I forgot to color coordinate it for you (fixed)
poppy71's Avatar
no my friend....I'm pretty sure you are Originally Posted by dearhunter
hmmm let's see...the fucktard section is two fold and came from a houston ALERT where the OP was dumb enough to call someone a Post Edited: #2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it. DED and I replied to his post openly along with others in the ALERT section....hmmm let's see...the backpage info came from ALERTS in dallas, san antonio, houston, and other areas....hmmm and none of the "hooktard" section had anything to do with ROS or ML so wtf are you talking if you are stupid enough to not understand that yes, some of us know how to read something other than the ML and ROS and actually form a complete thought then I feel sorry for you....if you think by posting that this information, which is non ML or ROS related, came from either of those areas, then you, my friend, are the one who is telling what's in the ROS and ML.

now, if you're able to comprehend this behind your big bad computer screen, let's agree to disagree - or better yet, if you have nothing else to do then go finish fucking yourself, get a life, move on, and enjoy your day
john_deere's Avatar

we need a new term...."photard". lol!!
poppy71's Avatar

we need a new term...."photard". lol!! Originally Posted by john_deere
lmao problem is that would denote that the real photographers are tards....I like "tricks that clicik" or wait wait...."clicktards".....lmao. ...ok I'm going with clicktards....lmao
dearhunter's Avatar
You see puppy71.....I am getting off right now.......hold on while I rub one out........................... .......ok, carry on.............................. .............................. .............................. ........... .............................. ..................... ...............^ that little glitch right there is where I got my nut
poppy71's Avatar
You see puppy71.....I am getting off right now.......hold on while I rub one out........................... .......ok, carry on ^ Originally Posted by dearhunter
awwwww you poor sweet little demented dweeb....I'm glad you were able to get that sit back and say can you think clearly....let's see - you spend all damn day on here fucking with people because it's your life....have fun little man, enjoy yourself, the rest of us grown folk will be out here in the real world doing what real people do....don't forget to wipe your screen and keyboard since you just rubbed out that good trust me, don't pretend like you really want to get into a war of words or wit with me...wait, that would mean you have a fair understanding of words and you have some wit to war with...never mind, you've shown that's not the case...go rub another one out for good measure...I have businesses to run.
dearhunter's Avatar write like a hooktard.......can you include the "duck lip" photos in next weeks edition?

I would give you your hooktard now.......but, you may not need one.......ijs
poppy71's Avatar write like a hooktard.......can you include the "duck lip" photos in next weeks edition?

I would give you your hooktard now.......but, you may not need one.......ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter
wow, intelligence scares you so let me put it in a language you'll understand: write like an insecure little idiot so wipe the cum off of your "duck lip" before you continue....ijs....i know i'm helping you with your post count - we gotta get you to 10,300 before the end of the weekend...ijs...I reckon you might understand me laughable little man.
wow, intelligence scares you so let me put it in a language you'll understand: write like an insecure little idiot so wipe the cum off of your "duck lip" before you continue....ijs....i know i'm helping you with your post count - we gotta get you to 10,300 before the end of the weekend...ijs...I reckon you might understand me laughable little man. Originally Posted by poppy71
WOW this really is better than Jerry Springer.
I love Eccie - keep me updated lmao

Now I have to get back to real life before I sit here and laugh at this all day .