Civil Discussion on rates and marketing.....

Cpalmson's Avatar
I've been a bit disillusioned lately at the traditional hobby scene. It seems that it has become too business oriented which tends to detract from what this should be all about-- having fun. I'm not here to tell providers how to run their business. This is what I have observed lately. Advertised rates have gone up, and customer service has been almost non-existent. Guys tend to call this GPS-- Golden Pussy Syndrome. This is where a lady overvalues the services she offers or has a litany of restrictions and/or upsell charges. I've noticed lately that some providers have become somewhat less friendly and more concerned about the bottom line than about offering a good time that she also actually enjoys.

I'm not placing this all on the girls either. Guys will try to sweet talk a better deal. I tend to be a non-negotiator; however, from what I've observed, there seems to a lot of negotiating that takes place--- even by girls who claim not to negotiate. It is happening. With that in mind, here are some ideas, suggestions, and questions I have.

First off, I think ladies need to do some market research to come up with a donation schedule that a) doesn't make you look like you have GPS and b) be so out of proportion that I guy seeks to negotiate. This market has 2 distinct client bases (maybe 3). The first is the out of town guy who comes to the area for vacation or whatever. These guys tend to have deeper pockets, and of course, the ladies know this and try to set an appropriate rate based on this fact. The second group are the locals here who just like seeing someone new for a good time. Now, this group probably doesn't have the deep pockets like the first group. They are more likely to budget more closely and the ones who might seek to negotiate b/c the donation rate is set slightly out of their comfort zone. Guys also need to realize that some of these providers are basing their rates on a different client base than to which they belong. This may mean not being able to afford a certain provider or reducing the number of hobby dates they have.

Second, I think everyone needs to recognize the hidden costs. If a guy is going to see a girl on an outcall to his location, but he needs to pay for the room, that is a hidden cost. With tourist season in full swing, that may mean over $100 simply to secure a location to play. Then you factor in the donation rate. All of a sudden, that date can be well north of $350. Any wonder a guy might ask to negotiate? On the flip side, if a girl is going to provide an in-call location, that is going to cost her over $100 before she even has a client. Some girls won't even consider getting a room unless she has 2 or 3 clients to help off set the cost of the room. So, that may lead to a confirmed date being cancelled or NCNSd due to a lack of enough clients to cover the cost of doing business. Think about it. A girl with a $250 rate who gets a room for $125 and only 1 client books. Her profit margin is only $125. If she had 2 clients, it goes to $375 and 3 clients to $625.

Since this location can be a boom or bust proposition, it is probably hard for girls to find consistent clients-- especially locals. Here's a question for both the guys and girls. Ladies, would you be willing to offer a somewhat substantial discount if a guy would commit to seeing you a certain number of times per month. For example, your normal rate is 300. Would you take 200 per meeting if a guy promised to see you 2 or 3 times a month? Would you also be willing to do up to 2 or 3 hours on a date with a regular for a set amount? Guys, would you be willing to see a lady multiple times a month if you could get a good deal? I ask this b/c I've become very intrigued with the Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby type of arrangement. I know for some guys, they prefer variety and by agreeing to a set number of dates that might cut down the number of different girls they could see. I wouldn't mind seeing the same girl.

Another question for the ladies, would you be more accepting of a local negotiating with you if you knew he might become a regular. Guys, would you consider becoming a regular if you knew the provider would negotiate with you on price, time, services, etc?

All I know is this, the regular game has kinda become stale. There are other options our there like UTRs, SBs. etc. I just want to see things be a little more transparent when it comes the normal P4P instead of one where all parties are suspicious of the other party.
NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar
Well me personally, I don't think my rate is out of the ball park. I'm nice clean very very clean, safe with a safe nice incall and very open minded. I know how to talk to men and give good head lol. So with that being said 200$ is a fair rate, and I do have several regulars. Whom I offer discounts too, but a man shouldn't get accustomed to shorting every time, because I mean I don't short on our time. I go out of my way to make sure my house is clean and etc. But I don't mind what so ever negotiating and even post specials time to time. But I do have bills to pay, plus I like to shop. Lol so I mean if im not shorting any then I feel the man shouldn't, especially when they become regulars the become a little more.... Needy? And I never complain but I feel they should accommodate a little more, if they're going to be asking special requests and the last few times skated with 160 or 140 for an hour.
Cpalmson's Avatar
There's no excuse for shorting a lady.
I've been a bit disillusioned lately at the traditional hobby scene. It seems that it has become too business oriented which tends to detract from what this should be all about-- having fun. I'm not here to tell providers how to run their business. This is what I have observed lately. Advertised rates have gone up, and customer service has been almost non-existent. Guys tend to call this GPS-- Golden Pussy Syndrome. This is where a lady overvalues the services she offers or has a litany of restrictions and/or upsell charges. I've noticed lately that some providers have become somewhat less friendly and more concerned about the bottom line than about offering a good time that she also actually enjoys.

I'm not placing this all on the girls either. Guys will try to sweet talk a better deal. I tend to be a non-negotiator; however, from what I've observed, there seems to a lot of negotiating that takes place--- even by girls who claim not to negotiate. It is happening. With that in mind, here are some ideas, suggestions, and questions I have.

First off, I think ladies need to do some market research to come up with a donation schedule that a) doesn't make you look like you have GPS and b) be so out of proportion that I guy seeks to negotiate. This market has 2 distinct client bases (maybe 3). The first is the out of town guy who comes to the area for vacation or whatever. These guys tend to have deeper pockets, and of course, the ladies know this and try to set an appropriate rate based on this fact. The second group are the locals here who just like seeing someone new for a good time. Now, this group probably doesn't have the deep pockets like the first group. They are more likely to budget more closely and the ones who might seek to negotiate b/c the donation rate is set slightly out of their comfort zone. Guys also need to realize that some of these providers are basing their rates on a different client base than to which they belong. This may mean not being able to afford a certain provider or reducing the number of hobby dates they have.

Second, I think everyone needs to recognize the hidden costs. If a guy is going to see a girl on an outcall to his location, but he needs to pay for the room, that is a hidden cost. With tourist season in full swing, that may mean over $100 simply to secure a location to play. Then you factor in the donation rate. All of a sudden, that date can be well north of $350. Any wonder a guy might ask to negotiate? On the flip side, if a girl is going to provide an in-call location, that is going to cost her over $100 before she even has a client. Some girls won't even consider getting a room unless she has 2 or 3 clients to help off set the cost of the room. So, that may lead to a confirmed date being cancelled or NCNSd due to a lack of enough clients to cover the cost of doing business. Think about it. A girl with a $250 rate who gets a room for $125 and only 1 client books. Her profit margin is only $125. If she had 2 clients, it goes to $375 and 3 clients to $625.

Since this location can be a boom or bust proposition, it is probably hard for girls to find consistent clients-- especially locals. Here's a question for both the guys and girls. Ladies, would you be willing to offer a somewhat substantial discount if a guy would commit to seeing you a certain number of times per month. For example, your normal rate is 300. Would you take 200 per meeting if a guy promised to see you 2 or 3 times a month? Would you also be willing to do up to 2 or 3 hours on a date with a regular for a set amount? Guys, would you be willing to see a lady multiple times a month if you could get a good deal? I ask this b/c I've become very intrigued with the Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby type of arrangement. I know for some guys, they prefer variety and by agreeing to a set number of dates that might cut down the number of different girls they could see. I wouldn't mind seeing the same girl.

Another question for the ladies, would you be more accepting of a local negotiating with you if you knew he might become a regular. Guys, would you consider becoming a regular if you knew the provider would negotiate with you on price, time, services, etc?

All I know is this, the regular game has kinda become stale. There are other options our there like UTRs, SBs. etc. I just want to see things be a little more transparent when it comes the normal P4P instead of one where all parties are suspicious of the other party. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
I do offer clients that I like and see me on a regular basis a special rate but they have to be held to a high standard of respect! Not asking for discounts! And showing their gentlemen side after numerous dates. No I don't advertise it because if I did it would make the assholes try to fake being a gentleman for a bit to get a discount but a Tiger does not change their stripes so they can't fake it for long!

I also prefer to see less people and you are spot on about hotels and with myself being low volume and it seems most do not like to pre-book here. It does make my rate of $350 minus $25 for ECCIE members w/Reviews, Same discount applies to P411, TER, and other sites which make verification easier! I have gotten a room for a gentleman because he was just that a gentleman and let's do the math! $325 minus $80 for the room which made my profit $245 that is not including gas taken out. I am sad to say though that I have met a lot of time-wasters on here that really makes it look bad on the Gentlemen as it gets to the point where as I do not list my number in order to get it you have to go through screening. So there are a few members that have went through screening to get my number and waste my time to try and act like they are getting an appointment but never book or want to sext! That is taking time away from my family and spending time with my children and shows a lack of respect for me and my time! Guys like that would never get a special rate as they are not gentlemen!

There is a lot that I go through to make sure I am safe, MY families is safe, and MY clients are safe and if I let assholes in that are selfish, disrespectful and have certain personalities traits that show lack of respect it can cause problems later because if they don't respect you who's to say if they get caught by LEO for something they will most likely save their own ass and give you up to save their ass!

Thanks for the awesome post on both ends it gives insight for both parties!

Love & Lust!

Gemini Starr
I think this is the type of topic that normally isn't shared out in the public but is discussed behind closed doors. Lets just see how it goes.
Oh my, great topic!
Personally, I do not have a permanent in call at this particular time. 98% of Local clientele require an in call. SO- I HAVE to work with what I've got. I DO NOT see multiple clients out of the same hotel room for obvious reasons. I have just as much to lose as you boys do. I request that we simply go dutch on the room. I feel that is very fair. My reviews speak for themselves... what you see is what you get....I am trusted and one Hell of a good time
I have recently lowered my rates. Although I know I'm one sexy woman, I'm not 21 anymore lol. I've had children. BUT age and experience have made me a unique and completely fulfilling lady.
I also understand not everyone is rich. I'm not. Unfortunately it's the whole "champagne taste on a beer budget" lol. I get that part-it's an important reason for lowering my rate a bit. Who doesn't love outstanding quality for a great rate? What really grinds my gears is when it's a low donation... and you qualify for a discount ( which I happily give )... DO NOT try to haggle with me. It's rude, disrespectful, and most of all it's like throwing an Icee on my mood. That's never good and at that point I'd rather move on because then I need a date or a cold shower. Every escort has a shit list, and that's definitely a way to get your name on it.
Discounts for repeats? Hell yes. I've done that many times. But don't pull a ghetto trick on me... I've had a regular for three years now, and he's pulled some fast ones. Just because I've trusted you enough to not accept my donation until the end of our session, DOES NOT MEAN that you can put seventy bucks in an envelope and take advantage. Needless to say he is on my shit list.
With all that in mind, I'm a reasonable lady. I had a date very recently that started rough..I misunderstood the timing. My date VERY POLITELY informed me we had fifteen minutes.. He suggested a lower donation due to this. But he was right! So the right thing was done. We both had fun and I'd love to see him again so he can get the full experience
These are my two cents... I could definitely write more but it's getting late for this milf!
Can't wait to see more feedback on the topic.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Good responses so far. This is an economic transaction on both sides. Rrabbit has a point, but I think there should be less mistrust at the start. I just think there is a lot of BS going on. I love what Megan said about champagne tastes on a beer budget. That is the crux of the situation. The problem is some girls think they are Dom Perigon while guys are wanting to pay for Miller Lite Where is Dos Eques when you need it? Stay thirsty my friends.
Discounted rates often lead to discounted service. If the lady reduces her price, that's her prerogative. If she is asking for more than I can pay, I move on. But I never ask for a discount, it spoils the mood.

If the ladies get enough business to make them happy, then their rates are fine. It just means sometimes guys like me have to decide how much quality vs quantity we need.....or if we need it at all.

My beef is that with higher prices, I expect professional treatment, but that just isn't always the case. Too often higher prices are just higher prices.

But that's the game.

We all should remember, it's a hobby-a luxury. Guys don't really need it and the ladies aren't really required to provide it. Too many ladies are in the business that don't want to be and too many guys are trying to play, but really can't afford to. The ladies don't appreciate it when a guy wants first-class service for BP prices and guys don't like it when they pay first-class prices for BP service.

So, if you charge higher rates, no big deal as long as you provide an equally high level of service and are getting enough business to support yourself.