Shouldn't what's good for the goose be good for the gander?

Big Roscoe's Avatar
I find it ironic that so many of these supposedly 'professional' service providers have stringent cancellation policies mandating significant remuneration should a client cancel or fail to show. Of course the only reason that said policies are remotely enforceable is because the providers wield the cudgel of the dreaded blacklist which, to be frank is probably enough to convince even the most savvy and dedicated mongerer to cave in.

The irony is that, in this post-internet world, the hapless monger has neither remedy nor recourse to compensate him for the havoc wrought upon him by providers who demonstrate callous disregard for their clients' time/plans/resources, etc. To add insult to injury, these last minute canceling; no call no showing; habitually late 'professionals' demonstrate a 'devil may care'/so what attitude. Worse still, should you, the client dare mention how you've been inconvenienced by their behaviors the 'professional' service providers have the audacity and unmitigated gall to take umbrage, play the victim and threaten to blackball you or dirty up your name in the game.

I understand that most of these gals have kid problems, car problems, sore throats, doctor's appointments, and all of the other 'real life' stuff that we all do but, damn. Get your sh*t together, ladies. If you f*ck up and inconvenience someone because of your poor planning, at least try and pretend to be sorry and make it right with the other person.

If providers do indeed want to be seen as 'professional', perhaps they should look to and take cues from the actual "professions": medicine, law, dentistry, architecture, etc. I.e. Make appointments, keep appointments. Keep the client/patient/customer informed. Inform the client in a timely fashion should problems/glitches arise. Most importantly, exhibit some modicum of courtesy and regret for the inconvenience.

In twenty two (22) years, I've missed/been late for exactly two (2) hearings. Once because of unexpected illness/accident and once because of double booking by an assistant/secretary. In both instances, I offered my apologies to the client and subsequently handled their matters at a deeply discounted rate.

I'm all but certain that some sort of 'backlash' will ensue but, I feel like someone needs to say it. After all, this sh*t is SUPPOSED to be fun.
Big Roscoe's Avatar
A case is point posting NOW on this board:

Wouldn't it be wonderful for we 'clients' if we could demand free sex from every hooker that cancels, ncns, or is late? LOL, smh
Mike1961's Avatar
I've had very few problems with providers on Eccie. The couple of times there was a problem, the ladies gave ample notic and have made up for it. Sorry you've had such bad luck.