Trump just delivered the biggest win for Conservatives in 3 generations

texassapper's Avatar
Roe V. Wade is dead.

Trumps 2016 win, delivered this opportunity.

One of the greatest days in American history and a win for all humanity.

Thank you President Trump
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fuck Trump and his Nazi thralls.

The 2022 midterms are no longer in question.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You mean Roe v Wade was aborted?!? Kinda ironic. Eh??
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the meltdown begins. i happen to be Pro Choice however the decision is correct. there is no right to abortion in the Constitution. it then becomes exactly what the ruling says .. a State's rights issue.

the founding fathers anticipated many things in the future when writing the Constitution but i don't see how they could have seen this several hundred years in the future.

as we all know they did provide several ways to amend the Constitution. even a grass roots way that cannot be blocked by Congress. while important that doesn't help here due to the extreme polarization of this issue.

note that this does not outlaw abortion altogether. it's now back to the States were it was before.
texassapper's Avatar
the meltdown begins...
note that this does not outlaw abortion altogether. it's now back to the States were it was before. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
For Leftards to understand this statement they'd have to know something beyond their feelz. They'd actually have to understand how federalism was designed to work. Odds are few of them do.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
For Leftards to understand this statement they'd have to know something beyond their feelz. They'd actually have to understand how federalism was designed to work. Odds are few of them do. Originally Posted by texassapper

you mean the concept of a Federal Republic with defined and limited roles between the Federal Government and the States is beyond our liberal poster's ability to comprehend?

you can't mean that, Captain!

texassapper's Avatar
And the best part are the other dominoes....

Clarence Thomas, concurring: "in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell."
And the best part are the other dominoes....

Clarence Thomas, concurring: "in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell." Originally Posted by texassapper
Clarence Thomas has always been my favorite Supreme Court Judge. He likes to stomp on unconstitutional Liberal Bullshit.
VitaMan's Avatar
Yet another issue the states can wrestle with and fight over....until one state sues another, and the case winds it way up the court system.....until it reaches the Supreme Court.

Cities fight over new sports stadiums and who will pay for them. The taxpayer ? Always, until some clever official thought that out of town visitors can pay for them by taxing rental room and cars. Of course if there is not enough money, the city is then obligated to pay. Clever governments.

As for Trump ? There are many tapes of him stating he was pro choice. Has he said anything recently about this issue over the last year ? Or has he been too busy spouting off the election fraud nonsense.

Trump is a plain scumbag carpet bagger dressed in different clothes.
texassapper's Avatar
Trump says, when asked whether he played a role in SCOTUS overturning Roe since he nominated three justices… “God made the decision.

Sweet libtard tears for lunch today!!
Thank God for the three Trump appointees to the Supreme Court ..... without them today's miracle didn't stand a chance of passing ..... a 50 year wrong has finally been made right .....
I guess the libturds don't know that elections have consequences.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Your rights are more important than those of others?

Of course they are.

Hope none of those fetuses pop you in the head for the $50 bucks in your Dickes. Hope none of them are from unfit mothers.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Fuck Trump and his Nazi thralls.

The 2022 midterms are no longer in question. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
They never were, democrats are going to get monumentally crushed.
This is a hooker board. Be careful what you wish for cause it just came true. Cover up, or be prepared to pay for 18 years...especially in Texas.