Client Pictures

I have to ask these questions after reading a couple threads on the board tonight.

Are you guys (hobbyists) comfy in sending a picture of yourself to a provider? How can you trust her with your picture if you answered yes?

I ask because I saw that a couple ladies in different parts of the US require their clients to send them a picture along with references.
It would never happen..way too risky,who knows where your picture is going to end up.I personally would pass on anyone requiring a picture.
swarmyone's Avatar
Nope....never. The only picture she should need would be Andrew Jackson or Ben Franklin.
It surprises me, when I see the number of guys who have pics of gals on their hobby phone. Now, I'll be the first to admit, do I enjoy being able to see what a provider looks like, especially with her face not blocked out....yea.

But it amazes me that the girls are willing to do this. Once a picture is out on "the cloud" or whatever, it's there forever.

In terms of guys sending their pics...especially, but not exclusively, the married guys...that equally surprises me. And certainly if it was part of the screening process, of course I would respect the provider's right...but no way would I agree to that.

@swamyone...I was just going to post that, but you beat me to it by 2 minutes,lol
Here are the only pictures to worry about.
I've sent my picture to only 2 providers since I've been on this site.

1. I trusted greatly and was also in the picture with me so why not send it.

2. Said she had "heard" about me and wanted to check me out before meeting me in person.

In both situations I sent them not based on their requirement that they be sent in order to meet them but because I felt comfortable doing so. If you don't feel comfortable sending a picture of yourself to a provider, don't. If she makes a big deal out of it, see someone else. It really is that simple.
Omahan's Avatar
I have to ask these questions after reading a couple threads on the board tonight.

Are you guys (hobbyists) comfy in sending a picture of yourself to a provider? How can you trust her with your picture if you answered yes?

I ask because I saw that a couple ladies in different parts of the US require their clients to send them a picture along with references. Originally Posted by MsElena
Not me. I'll never do it.
Starry69's Avatar
Not me. I'll never do it.
A big +1 for that.
Muffrider's Avatar
I think horniness is a form of madness, or more appropriately, temporary insanity. Sometimes in that state of madness your dick will make you do things you later regret. We have to figure out how to show our dicks who's boss. Any ideas? Maybe the answer is, "Just enjoy the wild ride?"
I never ask for a client to send me pictures of himself, but you would be surprised at how many of them send it with their initial correspondence and reference information.
I appreciate it, but it's not necessary. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I think horniness is a form of madness, or more appropriately, temporary insanity. Sometimes in that state of madness your dick will make you do things you later regret. We have to figure out how to show our dicks who's boss. Any ideas? Maybe the answer is, "Just enjoy the wild ride?" Originally Posted by Muffrider
Yes! I would suspect that a provider who asked for a picture is probably a little crazy. Anyone who would ask would not be considered for any future contact.

Redwolf's Avatar
I used to send my pic to ladies after a date was confirmed and on the day before the date. The ladies always seemed to cancel on me and said that something came up. I was afraid that it was my pic. So I stopped sending it.

<----- The real me fighting the Civil War all over again lol.

When I am not in winter quarters I tend to have longer hair, I try to tend to warn ladies about that. But unlike they did back than I shower, shave and smell purdy for the ladies I see lol
Lovin50's Avatar
Would never send a picture, too easy these days to hack anyones email and even more. I will not even text. I have no issue giving a description of myself or letting someone I see describe me but no need to go farther than that.
I once sent a pic of myself taken with my cell phon towards a mirror. It was inspired by the crappy BP pics. It took a few tries to properly screw it up so I could send it without seeing all my face.