The Good, The Bad, and The Not So Pretty

Time for an interesting thread break up the ADS and meaningless chat.

Why did I call it The Good, The Bad and The Not So Pretty?
Most everyday (er, well at least once a week) thoughts come to mind about things I appreciate in a client, things I don't appreciate (or makes me frown) and well, some things that are just what they are.

There are several scenarios that come to mind, but here's a few to start.

THE GOOD: When a client brings a beverage of your choice (this was more typical back in the day)

THE BAD: Showing up 20 mins early and then getting perturbed because they have to wait in the parking lot until session time.

The Not So Pretty: Bad Hygiene - loose hairs - cockiness

Of course this goes both ways so lay it out there folks.

One point I would like to make. The negative behaviors can most always be corrected thankfully. Open communication with a good client can be beneficial!
shooter6.5's Avatar
I show up at a location for a scheduled and confirmed appointment at 11 AM with a new provider who is also a dancer. We text back and forth and she says she willk text ready--so as I am watching the lot I see a person who looks like the person I am scheduled to visit.

It is now 11:05. She goes to the window and is trying to get a room--past our scheduled time. I approach her and we talk. She says they will not give her a room. So I have driven about 40 minutes to get there, and no appointment. I drive back, with a stop on the way to an asian spa!!!!!!
40 minute drive back also.

So I text the provider and say, next time reduce the rate by 50$ or extend the visit by 30 minutes. She text back and says, my rate is set at 300$. She could care less and in my opinion is being pimped, as she was on the phone the entire time.

Too bad as she did look great in person and in her pics she has on OH2. All in all, not a big deal to me as this hobby has changed a lot--mostly for the bad, for both the men and women. I very seldom see new providers as most of those experiences have not met my expectations. This one certainly did not.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Given the subject of the Hobby:

The Good:

Pt 1: A provider that is available when she posts that she is available (P411 available now) Pt 2: A provider who has excellent TCB/BCD skills AND gives 100% effort to please her client for getting 100% of her donation.

The Bad:

Pt 1: A provider after agreeing on scheduling a session at 2:00PM tommorrow, has me sit in my car in the parking lot until 2:30 or longer because she is not ready yet or worse, ghosts and does a NCNS, then trys to twist it and tell everyone it is the my fault, but only AFTER I happened to report it. Pt 2: Once in session, the provider seems as though she is not there mentally and just lays there like a corpse.

The Not So Pretty:

Pt 1: Kissing a provider who just got through letting a client do CIM and her not brushing her teeth beforehand. Pt 2: Performing DATY on a provider and tasting condom or even worse, another dude's creampie.
Wile - thanks for the input .. and giving one of the GOOD scenarios. Love it ;-)

Shooter - and I know you all too well.
I definitely appreciate your experience and frustration. Glad you are able to share it. More readers can benefit from your input... for real!
So, do you have one GOOD you would like to share?
The good: When there is great chemistry. One can tell a little bit in the scheduling. But when it just feels right and both people are really into each other......Ahhhh.

The bad: Not being in the moment. When the lady is present physically, but they are actually somewhere else thinking about something else. The disassociated meeting.

The ugly: Dishonesty. Just tell the fucking truth. It is so disrespectful for either side to say one thing and do another. Some people are horrible liars. My car wouldn' dog had to.....I could have sworn I was aliens. If a provider looked me in the eye and said "I find you so disgusting I feel the need to hit the crack pipe after we are done", I would actually respect her more for being honest.
shooter6.5's Avatar
and I look at your avatar and recall some great times, and I currently see several ladies on a fairly regular basis and have great times.

And if this subject had not been mentioned I probably would have let it go but the topic was sooooooo timely. I am really hoping more comments would be made by the women. Guess we will see.

The big Russian hit it on the head also.!!!!!!!!!
* Writing a great review without TOO MUCH detail. Does not imply it should happen with everyone
* Texing you on the dot at appointment time, then says "take your time hun" when you tell them you need 5 more minutes.... ;-p)

* Being remorseful because of the wifey after a GREAT F*ck F*st

* Asking you to dinner before rolling in the sheets, then showing their worst personality at the restaurant. Kind of a turn off. Was he nervous and trying to prove something? Treating the waiter like an imbecile when he was SO NOT!
Haven't been hobbying very long but here is my thoughts

The Good: Great TCB/BCD. Making you feel like you are the only thing that matters throughout the entire visit.

The Bad: A visit that is very mechanical. Had a couple that I felt like I was just a part on an assembly line.

The Ugly: Being ghosted, only takes a second to send a text saying something came up. Hell make up a lie I don't care, just don't leaving me sitting there waiting for something that isn't going to happen.
mtabsw's Avatar
...The good: When there is great chemistry. One can tell a little bit in the scheduling. But when it just feels right and both people are really into each other......Ahhhh.

The bad: Not being in the moment. When the lady is present physically, but they are actually somewhere else thinking about something else. The disassociated meeting.

The ugly: Dishonesty. Just tell the fucking truth. It is so disrespectful for either side to say one thing and do another. Some people are horrible liars. My car wouldn' dog had to.....I could have sworn I was aliens. If a provider looked me in the eye and said "I find you so disgusting I feel the need to hit the crack pipe after we are done", I would actually respect her more for being honest. Originally Posted by Cheburashka
I agree totally - and "The Ugly" is way too common. I don't really want to know why, that's your business not mine - but it's common courtesy to just say "sorry - I can't make it"
Charlie Brown's Avatar
I'm pretty - pet me and rub my belly