Upcoming Birthday - Suggestions?

I'll be turning 70 in February and I want to treat myself to a special birthday gift/celebration. Does anyone have any suggestions to make it an event I won't forget (at least not until the Alzheimer's sets in)?
Chung Tran's Avatar
The Bible says ''three score and ten'', is One's life expectancy, so I suggest planning a big funeral!

Kidding. The Bible did say that, but from what I gather, many people exceed that life expectancy figure. You should be in that group.

But I would not make any major plans. Covid is spiraling, February is not likely to show real improvement. I can't imagine anyone making big party plans before Spring, at the earliest.
LOL.... I don't have my funeral planned yet, but I did tell me son that I'd better be getting a double blow job from some hot 20-something girls on my deathbed or he was out of the will!!

You're right about the COVID concerns. I don't intend for this to be an event with a lot of people. What I have in mind is more one or two other participants who make it memorable. Of course, we'd all have to be very certain that none of us had anything communicable.
Great milestone to approach. I have mine in a week. I’m from Dallas, but going to Oklahoma to celebrate. Reached out to my beautiful go to girl there and she has it all set up. I got the hotel suite. She is 30 and her girlfriend (36) are set for 12 hours / lockdown / naked / no holes bared / anything I want session with 2 additional beauties dropping by each for 2 separate 3 hour sessions of 3 girls on me independently.
Start planning early. Go to your all time favorite and let her help you set it up. No matter how crazy you think you can plan - she will be able to make it even move epic. I plan to bring my Red Bull and Gatorade! Good luck!
mtabsw's Avatar
Take a 3x5 card and write your wishes in case you "go with your boots on" so to speak.
Sherry of DFW's Avatar
happy birthday--you are a youngster---best years are ahead of you