Covid 19 sexulay transmitted

OK, you idiots that think COvid-19 is no big deal, read this

Can be sexually transmitted and leave guys sterile. But hay, no big deal, right?
Oh geez. More fear mongering. I'll counter with a hearty "Party On Gents" because it has a 99.98% survival rate. And by the way, get your fat asses in the gym. Because heart related issues are far more deadly and kill far more people in America than Covid ever will. And being fat can also cause sexual problems. So those of you idiots who think burgers and fries are no big deal....
shooter6.5's Avatar
Oh geez. More fear mongering. I'll counter with a hearty "Party On Gents" because it has a 99.98% survival rate. And by the way, get your fat asses in the gym. Because heart related issues are far more deadly and kill far more people in America than Covid ever will. And being fat can also cause sexual problems. So those of you idiots who think burgers and fries are no big deal.... Originally Posted by Cheburashka
Do not tell me burgers are a problem

Just kidding big guy!!!!!!!!!
  • oeb11
  • 11-13-2020, 03:30 PM
One unconfirmed study - and no evidence of male infertility due to Wuhan virus.

Skepticism is in order .
BiggD6's Avatar
Pure Bullshit. I've been in biocontamination control for well over 20 years. Fear mongering is all it is.
Oh geez. More fear mongering. I'll counter with a hearty "Party On Gents" because it has a 99.98% survival rate. And by the way, get your fat asses in the gym. Because heart related issues are far more deadly and kill far more people in America than Covid ever will. And being fat can also cause sexual problems. So those of you idiots who think burgers and fries are no big deal.... Originally Posted by Cheburashka
This demonstrates a lack of knowledge about how serious this is. The many, many long term health effects already documented as well as more being found shows it's not just dying one has to be worried about. Healthcare has quickly learned how to treat the symptoms which helped push down the death rate. And just think if we had not reacted like we did,how many more would be dead already.

Besides your analogy is very poor. Millions of people don't become deathly sick or even die from eating one burger or even a hundred burgers. One exposure to this can make you sick or even kill you.
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Here’s a question then.
La has 60-80 customers a day as well as Sun, Lux, Maple
If this was such a big issue why has no one posted a I caught ???
I would think that with all the back to back appointments with Thr Don and Dfk would definitely be an issue. But it does not seem so.
Oh geez. More fear mongering. I'll counter with a hearty "Party On Gents" because it has a 99.98% survival rate. And by the way, get your fat asses in the gym. Because heart related issues are far more deadly and kill far more people in America than Covid ever will. And being fat can also cause sexual problems. So those of you idiots who think burgers and fries are no big deal.... Originally Posted by Cheburashka
Ummm.... last I heard, in the US there were about 10 million people diagnosed with COVID and something like 240 thousand dead. Not sure how you get a fatality rate of 0.02% from those numbers. It actually calculates out to a 2.4% fatality rate. About 100 times higher than your number. Also, gyms are one of the top 5 places to contract COVID... so maybe your advice is as bad as your math.
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Ummm.... last I heard, in the US there were about 10 million people diagnosed with COVID and something like 240 thousand dead. Not sure how you get a fatality rate of 0.02% from those numbers. It actually calculates out to a 2.4% fatality rate. About 100 times higher than your number. Also, gyms are one of the top 5 places to contract COVID... so maybe your advice is as bad as your math. Originally Posted by jack_hill
Spoken like someone who does not go to the Gym.
Where did you see this study ?

I actually go to multiple gyms.
First off. Exercise raises immunity.

Second everyone is masked up and sanitizing everything
Sanitize before and after use.
Safest place I feel is at the gym
No wallmart, restaurant or bar.

Try it and you will see.

See we lost the gyms for 4 months and no one wants a repeat.
So yea everyone does there part
Bestman200600's Avatar
What the news people never say is the 87% of the people in Texas that have had the virus have recovered and have antibodies. Texas is working thru the problem. Tell Washington to go screw itself.
Speedjet's Avatar
Spoken like someone who does not go to the Gym.
Where did you see this study ?

I actually go to multiple gyms.
First off. Exercise raises immunity.

Second everyone is masked up and sanitizing everything
Sanitize before and after use.
Safest place I feel is at the gym
No wallmart, restaurant or bar.

Try it and you will see.

See we lost the gyms for 4 months and no one wants a repeat.
So yea everyone does there part Originally Posted by AmericanHardwood
I have to agree with AmericanHardwood that going to gym is much safer than going to Walmart, restaurants and bars. The gym I go to, make you wear a mask, gloves, clean equipment before and after use. They have a special crew who cleans equipment frequently. That's my opinion.
Spoken like someone who does not go to the Gym.
Where did you see this study ?

I actually go to multiple gyms.
First off. Exercise raises immunity.

Second everyone is masked up and sanitizing everything
Sanitize before and after use.
Safest place I feel is at the gym
No wallmart, restaurant or bar.

Try it and you will see.

See we lost the gyms for 4 months and no one wants a repeat.
So yea everyone does there part Originally Posted by AmericanHardwood
(CNN)A small minority of places where people go frequently account for a large majority of coronavirus infections in big cities, according to a new modeling study.

The researchers -- from Stanford University and Northwestern University -- used cell phone location data from SafeGraph to model the potential spread of Covid-19 within 10 of the largest metropolitan areas in the United States: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Washington DC.

The study, published in the journal Nature on Tuesday, suggests that reducing the maximum occupancy in such places -- including restaurants, gyms, cafes and hotels -- can slow the spread of illness substantially.

"On average across metro areas, full-service restaurants, gyms, hotels, cafes, religious organizations, and limited-service restaurants produced the largest predicted increases in infections when reopened," the researchers wrote in their study.
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Oh. So it’s just a theory.

The researchers -- from Stanford University and Northwestern University -- used cell phone location data from SafeGraph to model the potential spread of Covid-

They used cell phone data Not actual visualization of what’s really going on
Curios why this study did not account the fitness community is health conscious
They care about Covid. Is aware of Covid and takes precautions.
Wallmart no sanitizing. Not even the carts now or the multiple items touched and put back
Fast food. Really ?? 16 yr old kid scratching his nuts is safer ?? Yea off work he’s with all his buddies drag racing and tearing up the city.
Churches. Well let’s pray it away. Pack em in and don’t forget to tithe

100% gyms are the safest place I feel during this pandemic
And if you havent been to the gym
You won’t understand how tight the cleaning is right now.
Great job La fitness. Your doing it Right

You want fatality rate ? You want risk? You want to see how dangerous it is ?

Studio and Spas
Multiple Dfk all day traffic shitty sanitation and no one had stepped up and said. Fuck I caught c19 from a girl.
Shit that makes you scratch your head.
Everyone running around freakin out but still fuckin. With no worries.
Maybe pussy juice is the cure.
Where’s the study. Sign me up
Oh. So it’s just a theory.

The researchers -- from Stanford University and Northwestern University -- used cell phone location data from SafeGraph to model the potential spread of Covid-

They used cell phone data Not actual visualization of what’s really going on
Curios why this study did not account the fitness community is health conscious
They care about Covid. Is aware of Covid and takes precautions.
Wallmart no sanitizing. Not even the carts now or the multiple items touched and put back
Fast food. Really ?? 16 yr old kid scratching his nuts is safer ?? Yea off work he’s with all his buddies drag racing and tearing up the city.
Churches. Well let’s pray it away. Pack em in and don’t forget to tithe

100% gyms are the safest place I feel during this pandemic
And if you havent been to the gym
You won’t understand how tight the cleaning is right now.
Great job La fitness. Your doing it Right

You want fatality rate ? You want risk? You want to see how dangerous it is ?

Studio and Spas
Multiple Dfk all day traffic shitty sanitation and no one had stepped up and said. Fuck I caught c19 from a girl.
Shit that makes you scratch your head.
Everyone running around freakin out but still fuckin. With no worries.
Maybe pussy juice is the cure.
Where’s the study. Sign me up Originally Posted by AmericanHardwood
I get it, you guys like going to the gym and so you are going to do everything you can to rationalize why it is extremely safe to do so. I don't agree.

While sanitizing and cleaning is a great idea (wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands) spread from touching surfaces is not thought to be a common way that COVID-19 spreads.

The virus that causes COVID-19 spreads mainly from person to person, typically through respiratory droplets from coughing, sneezing, or talking. Cleaning of equipment does nothing to prevent this spread. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that being in an enclosed space with a bunch of people that are exerting themselves, huffing and puffing away, is not the safest place to be.

Granted, if everyone is wearing masks all the time (shower, anyone?) and maintaining a distance of more than 6 feet (droplets spread further when breathing is heavier) it is definitely safer than packed in with no masks. But to say that 100% gyms are the safest place during this pandemic is unsupported by what we know today.

By the way, I have never said that practicing the hobby was safe either.
Oh. So it’s just a theory.

The researchers -- from Stanford University and Northwestern University -- used cell phone location data from SafeGraph to model the potential spread of Covid-

They used cell phone data Not actual visualization of what’s really going on
Curios why this study did not account the fitness community is health conscious
They care about Covid. Is aware of Covid and takes precautions.
Wallmart no sanitizing. Not even the carts now or the multiple items touched and put back
Fast food. Really ?? 16 yr old kid scratching his nuts is safer ?? Yea off work he’s with all his buddies drag racing and tearing up the city.
Churches. Well let’s pray it away. Pack em in and don’t forget to tithe

100% gyms are the safest place I feel during this pandemic
And if you havent been to the gym
You won’t understand how tight the cleaning is right now.
Great job La fitness. Your doing it Right

You want fatality rate ? You want risk? You want to see how dangerous it is ?

Studio and Spas
Multiple Dfk all day traffic shitty sanitation and no one had stepped up and said. Fuck I caught c19 from a girl.
Shit that makes you scratch your head.
Everyone running around freakin out but still fuckin. With no worries.
Maybe pussy juice is the cure.
Where’s the study. Sign me up Originally Posted by AmericanHardwood
I get it, you guys like going to the gym and so you are going to do everything you can to rationalize why it is extremely safe to do so. I don't agree.

While sanitizing and cleaning is a great idea (wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands) spread from touching surfaces is not thought to be a common way that COVID-19 spreads.

The virus that causes COVID-19 spreads mainly from person to person, typically through respiratory droplets from coughing, sneezing, or talking. Cleaning of equipment does nothing to prevent this spread. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that being in an enclosed space with a bunch of people that are exerting themselves, huffing and puffing away, is not the safest place to be.

Granted, if everyone is wearing masks all the time (shower, anyone?) and maintaining a distance of more than 6 feet (droplets spread further when breathing is heavier) it is definitely safer than packed in with no masks. But to say that 100% gyms are the safest place during this pandemic is unsupported by what we know today.

By the way, I have never said that practicing the hobby was safe either.