Advice for the dancers out there...

Please ladies, if you use self tanner, warn your customer ahead of time. I got a couple dances from a girl at The Men's Club while wearing a new pair of black slacks and noticed on the way to my car that I looked like I had slid headfirst into home plate.

Just a thought.
  • T-Can
  • 08-26-2010, 06:53 AM
Haha, been there before Hellion! Sometimes they refuse to change their tanning technique even after being told but who ever said strippers were good at listening to advice?
Yikes, sorry to hear that babe. I actually went and did the self tanner yesterday and noticed it on my clothing as well.
Went to a club, met a new girl. We played for awhile and lets just say she could not talk for a little bit.

Got home, when to the bathroom, look down, and my johnson is covered with glitter!!! Shit!!!!!! This stuff does not come off easy either! Man, my luck this wil be the one night in the quarter the wife wants sex!!. So I get him all cleaned up, big sigh of relief and go about my business.

Get ready for bed, go the the john again, and look down... MORE F***ing GLITTER!!!, I guess some of it had come off on the inside of my underwear. Was able to get cleaned up, again. Damn...

Now, my nightmare is getting a dance froma stripper with spray-on tan, wearing body glitter and lipstick, and wearing a heavy perfume.
Glitter always gives it away. I have a friend from my club days who refers to glitter and heavy perfume as "married man repellent".
I guess I should count my lucky stars that I'm single. This was more of an annoyance than a cataclysm.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Tara, no need for self tanner. Large pool over here. Please come over and lay out!!!
A long time ago in a far away land, Harry Hines. I am in some very sleazy strip club...sometimes a guy gotta go...the dancer was all over me with head in lap, kissing the little sailor though my trousers. I walk out into the sunshine and my steel gray trousers have lip stick all over the crouch...thankfully the SO wasn't home till later and those trousers went into a dumpster.....ladies please think...cause us guys seem to be incapable of thinking...
ooo im cumn to that pool with her i need a natural tan with no lines
or you could just use my tanning bed..... I'm just sayin...
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Tara and Jade at my pool! I have no SO. Why can't this be my life. Hot chicks in an out of my house to use the pool. Is this reserved for lottery winners?
Sounds fun i need to work on my tan to !! LOL
This thread seems to have devolved into Tara, Jade and Kaci lounging naked by the pool.

I, for one, am fine with that. I just wish I had a pool.