Trump's First Year: An Amazing Success

pussycat's Avatar
I agree with many things Jimmy Carter says, and particularly his statements in defense of Trump that no other President has ever been treated more unfairly by the media. Despite the unrelenting drumbeat of false charges and insults directed at the President Trump still forges ahead, and his base of 40 percent of voters remains solid.

There has never been a President in modern times who has boosted the confidence of the business community as much as Trump. Business leaders are totally and completely unphased by the media's assaults and false accusations. Equity markets have soared, unemployment has dropped, and growth is finally arrived despite tremendous barriers. Interest rates remain low and housing and construction are once again booming.

Trump has eliminated more unnecessary regulations than any President.

He has simplified the tax code, brought corporate taxes into a normal range, and passed a sweeping tax reform no one thought possible.

He has made Obamacare voluntary by eliminating the mandate forcing people to purchase private health insurance.

He has so far not invaded any countries, started any wars, or killed any American citizens. Despite this restraint he's boosted the morale of the Armed Services, and has put America's enemies of Pakistan, North Korea and Iran on notice to maintain deterrence to keep the peace.

He's reigned in the out of control intelligence community and CIA.

He's ended restrictions on oil drilling in Alaska and on America's rich coastal regions, setting America up to once again be the world's largest oil producer!

He's withdrawn the US from the insane Paris Accords on Carbon Dioxide emissions, and has returned recently Federally grabbed lands back to the States.

Under Trump illegal immigration has plunged, as potential illegal immigrants have gotten the message that they're not welcome here anymore. Contrast that to Obama, when tolerance led to thousands of parents in Central America putting their children on trains to journey here by themselves!

As for the charges of "Russian Collusion" it's turned out to a complete fabrication from one end to the other, but with a happy consequence that it yielded solid evidence of Hilary having been bribed by the Russians to sell them uranium.

If the next three years are as peaceful and prosperous as the last one Trump will go down in history as one of the most successful of all Presidents.


May not like his style, but no question on positive results.
gfejunkie's Avatar
The winning has just begun!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
We will see come November how the American voters perceive Trump's "accomplishments".

Some negatives:

Asking for funding of "the wall" despite how many times telling everyone that Mexico would pay for it.

A tax reform that will add more than a trillion dollars to the debt, despite a campaign promise to lower the debt. And a tax reform that will favor the rich. No one yet has answered my question -- how much money will you get back on your taxes when the new tax policies go into affect? Why is that?

No repeal/replace of Obamacare.

ISIS is alive and very active. The best analogy I've seen on the subject is that it is like squeezing a balloon -- you push on the balloon in one place and it bulges in another place.

Trump's popularity remains in the high 30s, lowest of any POTUS in history at this stage of the presidency. Overseas the popularity is even lower. Trump has alienated just about every leader of other countries in one way or another.
It’s funny hearing people complain about adding to the deficit when obama added more than all the previous presidents combined.

And are these the same polls that said Clinton would win in a landslide?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I think a great mid term commercial for the wall is to play the sound clips from most Demonicrats clamoring for the wall and boarder security, dating back to 1995 with Monica's boyfriend, up through 2013 with the likes of Schumer and Finklestien. Where they were for it before they were against it, then ask the question: What have they done for you lately?
Here's a goodie on my man Trump! The memories!
Specified tariffs are but one way Mexico can pay for the wall.

Like the 60s under Kennedy and like the 80s under Reagan, the economy expanded dramatically. Reduced taxes in both cases. Over 7 percent in Reagan year 3. While most focus on the "rate", and not "revenue". Economic expansion results in more revenue.

Obamacare will likely never get totally repealed, but it's as good as dead anyway, which is good for families who seek lower premiums.

ISIS is dead as an army. Trump has made them "JV", which Obama failed at doing. They no longer occupy any significant territory and it will soon be zero. They remain a terrorist organization and like others, will continue small attacks as long as political correctness continues to strangle our political leadership.

And ah yes, the "popularity" polls. Same polls that called Hillary in a landslide.

In the meantime, black unemployment is at its lowest in 60+ years.
Specified tariffs are but one way Mexico can pay for the wall.

Like the 60s under Kennedy and like the 80s under Reagan, the economy expanded dramatically. Reduced taxes in both cases. Over 7 percent in Reagan year 3. While most focus on the "rate", and not "revenue". Economic expansion results in more revenue.

Obamacare will likely never get totally repealed, but it's as good as dead anyway, which is good for families who seek lower premiums.

ISIS is dead as an army. Trump has made them "JV", which Obama failed at doing. They no longer occupy any significant territory and it will soon be zero. They remain a terrorist organization and like others, will continue small attacks as long as political correctness continues to strangle our political leadership.

And ah yes, the "popularity" polls. Same polls that called Hillary in a landslide.

In the meantime, black unemployment is at its lowest in 60+ years. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
ISIS has not gone anywhere, take it from someone who has many brothers and sisters still fighting the good fight. I worry right now what they are planning, because they have been laying low for a while. Nobody will ever defeat ISIS because there is always more to step up.
And no doubt Trump is the most popular person in the world today, but it is not for the reason that he is doing such a great job.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
ISIS has not gone anywhere, take it from someone who has many brothers and sisters still fighting the good fight. I worry right now what they are planning, because they have been laying low for a while. Nobody will ever defeat ISIS because there is always more to step up.
And no doubt Trump is the most popular person in the world today, but it is not for the reason that he is doing such a great job. Originally Posted by Aroundagain
The question that has to be asked is "Does anyone feel any safer today from possible ISIS attacks than they did a year ago?" The defeat of the ISIS force in Iraq has done nothing to reduce the threat of ISIS violence throughout the world.

Taxes?? Once again, all Trump supporters are saying how wonderful the tax reform is and will be but for some reason refuse to answer the question as to the impact on themselves.

Yes, the polls must be taken with a grain of salt. They predicted Moore to win in Alabama. I don't think any polls predicted a Clinton "landslide" but they most certainly predicted a Clinton victory. The polls were particularly wrong in 3 states out of 50 -- Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. And many of the polls in those 3 states were within the margin of error. The most incorrect polls seemed to be in Michigan where Clinton had a +5% advantage. Today's presidential opinion polls have Trump, AT BEST, with a -10% approval rating. And that's an improvement since the tax reform package passed.
Trump attorneys discussing options for potential Mueller interview.

"Trump's legal team has reportedly talked about options for the interview that include written responses to questions instead of a sit-down interview."
Oh fuck no!
Mueller should demand a face to face sit down. Fake news, no collusion, nothing to hide...what's the problem then?
Trump can't complete five sentences without lying, so his lawyer will have a zillion bogus reasons why he can't testify under oath.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The question that has to be asked is "Does anyone feel any safer today from possible ISIS attacks than they did a year ago? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Why yes I do - feel safer. In fact, I felt safer on election night last year knowing our 2nd amendment rights were going to remain right where they are and probably even improve a little from there. But in more recent times, hell f-ing yes, ISIS is getting their buttocks spanked faster than Sue_Nami can spank you. Though it cost much less for Sue... Turns out, most of what it took was to recognize the enemy and pursue them with all alacrity. OBozo thought they were the JV team and no clue what a shovel was, much less a shovel ready project.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Trump can't complete five sentences without lying, so his lawyer will have a zillion bogus reasons why he can't testify under oath. Originally Posted by Observing
He only needs but one sentence: You're fired. Anything other than that should be ye olde Demonicrat response - the fifth. Futt Buck 'em.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah'm kinda disappoint'd in ol' Donaldt. It's bin a muthafukkin' hole yar an' Killary ain't in jail , Obama bin Laden ain't bin ex'cuted fer treesun , we ain't invaded Norf Koreeya an' killedt ol' Kim Jong Uno , an' Ah still see all these goldurn Messkins out an' about a-cuttin lawns, an' fixin' roofs, an' pickin' vegetubbles, a-takin' jobs away frum good ol' Ah'murricans thet needs'em instaid o' bein' rounded up an' shippedt back 'crosst tha Rio Grande an' sellin' Chiclets laik the Good Lord intended!

He needs ta step up his game an' fulfill ALL his promises 'r else he's jus' anutha lyin' politico as fer as Ah'm corncerned.