what if the roles were reversed

I have a gentlemen that thru a fluke had the opportunity to be a provider and now he has an idea what is like to be the provider as compared to being the client(although I don't care for those terms) but he now has a new respect for what I do. He even had the lady spread the word and has been getting emails. I giggle everytime he textes,calls or emails me asking for advice...so my question is if you had the opportunity to switch roles would you do it or would you decline?
I like it both ways!
I like being a kept man if the opportunity presents itself.
wow that is amazing...do you think the males experience what we do during sessions?
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 11-30-2010, 06:40 AM
do you think the males experience what we do during sessions? Originally Posted by Memory757
Oh, hell yes. Girlfriend, you wouldn't believe...............
i disagree with that...i think the first meeting they don't exp. the same as we do with the exception of maybe being nervous...after the first meeting things are more relaxed
Oh, hell yes. Girlfriend, you wouldn't believe............... Originally Posted by bbkid
big boi terry's Avatar
R U KIDDING ME!, yes, I would be the biggest MAN HO this nation has seen. LOL, and yes, i'm pretty always a little nervous whenever meeting someone for the first time.
London Rayne's Avatar
It has to be much harder for a guy to perform..think about it. We don't need to be really aroused to "act." If they are grossed out by some nasty woman how can they keep it up? Imagine having to go down on something gross, and you know that's what every woman is going to want lol. They may not have the same issues we do, but performance wise I would think it's a hell of a lot harder....or softer lol.
It has to be much harder for a guy to perform..think about it. We don't need to be really aroused to "act." If they are grossed out by some nasty woman how can they keep it up? Imagine having to go down on something gross, and you know that's what every woman is going to want lol. They may not have the same issues we do, but performance wise I would think it's a hell of a lot harder....or softer lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne

You are phunny gurl

I wonder if they have to put up with emails like many of us ladies get.

Hey saw you pics can you send more. Or Hey wanna see you in 30 minutes
London Rayne's Avatar
Can I get a discount? You offer cim right lmao! It's the holidays can I get that for half off? Can we just have dinner and go from there? I don't have refs but I can bring you my AARP card!

Grrr..no I think women have way more tact and we are known to tip better...ask any waiter or bartender out there!
No joke we ladies I do think tip better. I mean look at the Chippendale guys. They all have very nice cars, great houses/condos and get their college paid for.
  • MrGiz
  • 11-30-2010, 09:40 AM
London pretty much nailed my answer!!

There ain't no way I could do what you girls do.... unless, of course, I could choose each and every client!! And we all know how successful we would be then!!

I found a pretty healthy respect for the job you girls do, a few years ago.... guys who think it's easy work , have no clue!!

London Rayne's Avatar
Of course you are Very choosy in who you see. Screen Screen and Screen some more.

I also never see more than 1 person per day and BFE is extra doncha know.

I supply the protection too.
London Rayne's Avatar
You can't really screen PSYCHO! It just kind of creeps up on you lol. You can't always screen stupid either lmao!
I can tolerate Stupid and I can tolerate Stubborn. It is when they are Stubborn and Stupid that I can't abide.

I lay out my clothes in an escape pattern on the floor and check under the mattresses and pillows for weapons first thing. Open a window if the weather is nice and see if bushes are underneath the second floor.