What would you do?

mannblak's Avatar
Gents, lets say your browsing the showcases in your area or somewhere your traveling and you recognize someone you know or knew. Perhaps a girl you crushed on in high school or college. Maybe a coworker from a previous job. Maybe someone you are a friend of a friend of.

Ladies, lets say you recieve a request through p411 or an im or your website, after verification you set up the appointment. Upon meeting you realize you know or knew this person at one time. What if it is a friends husband. Maybe someone you used to work with. Someone you go to church with, or someone on your kids school board or pta.

A meeting such as this could be intentional on the part of the client. It could also very easily be entirely innocent as some providers do not share photos of their faces.

Ladies and Gents...What would you do?

Its amazing how small this world is getting. I feel like I could be hiking through the amazon and run into someone I know. Luckily I have not experienced this while hobbying. As we as people get more socially connected, what ramifications will that have on the hobby?

So...What would you do?

true_whatever's Avatar
So many factors to consider. If she knows you outside the hobby, you are exposing yourself to being outted. It gives her an uncomfortable level of control over the situation. I guess it also depends on her risk of being outted. If she's like, a preschool teacher and provides on the side, then she has a lot to lose as well.

It would depend on all the factors and there's simply too many to make a generic yes/no decision on.
shorty's Avatar
I would talk with her about old times or work and the desire that I had to fuck her but never tried or asked. Then I would ask her if she's ready to get comfortable and let the good times begin.