Newbie but not

Let me ask for some advice and comments here. I sought an appointment with a provider recently but got rejected.

My screen name is new, but because of some personal issues I had to leave for a while, so I came back and got a new screen name. But I have been around this site and the one previous to it for years. I never have written many reviews for good reason. My job and career would be utterly destroyed forever if I were to have any of this discovered so I am very careful in how I approach this hobby. I don't belong to verification sites for that reason. Naturally, many providers think I am a newbie though I have seen 5 or 6 providers in this area in the last couple of years, as well as others in other states.

So I guess I kinda have to start over huh?

Or see some newbie-friendly providers?
I guess I should mention that it was an out of town provider on a visit.
vicinms's Avatar
You shouldn't really have to start over, since the 5 or 6 ladies you did see should be able to vouch for you, to the satisfaction of other providers who know them (or at least know of them).

Many verification sites (like Preferred411) are very discreet and will only call your office during their initial verification of you. It's Ok if you are the one who answers the phone too (as I did when I registered). You can then pay you membership with prepaid credit cards that aren't even in your name (think I used a Green dot from Walgreens). P411 is acceptable to the majority of providers with no further info.

Add to that a $15 pay as you go Hobby phone from Wal-mart (which lets you pick the Area code of it's phone#) and a gmail or yahoo email account that isn't tied to your real name and you can post reviews without any info that could be traced back to you.
Ok, great! Thanks for the advice! And I have also began re-acquainting myself with some of the ladies I have seen so it is straightening back up!
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto with Vic

hope you have fun baby!