Super PAC And Dark Money Spending Already Tops $100 Million In Fight For Senate Control

WASHINGTON ― Super PACs and nonprofit groups aligned with Republicans may be shying away from supporting Donald Trump, their controversial presumptive party nominee. But that doesn’t mean they’re sitting out the 2016 elections entirely.

Still trying to keep control of the White House by buying the election, with Koch Brothers being one of the main contributors. Full article:
I B Hankering's Avatar
WASHINGTON ― Super PACs and nonprofit groups aligned with Republicans may be shying away from supporting Donald Trump, their controversial presumptive party nominee. But that doesn’t mean they’re sitting out the 2016 elections entirely.

Still trying to keep control of the White House by buying the election, with Koch Brothers being one of the main contributors. Full article:
Originally Posted by SassySue
Meanwhile, a bona fide Nazi affiliate is still funding hildebeest and the dim-retards.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
SS is disqualifed to post on most topics. She is a ditz (if she is a she). We have seen nothing to indicate that "she" is nothing more than a basement dwelling link poster and shit stirrer. I recommend that everyone just stop responding to her from this point on and she/he will have to find another name.
SS is disqualifed to post on most topics. She is a ditz (if she is a she). We have seen nothing to indicate that "she" is nothing more than a basement dwelling link poster and shit stirrer. I recommend that everyone just stop responding to her from this point on and she/he will have to find another name. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Another name like ..... MRS.EKIM !!!! They both post libtard bullshit !!!! She could use her strapon on EKIM !
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Oh please...