
chevfet's Avatar
Okay, here is a question for you guys and gals, chime in. Why is it that these lovely ladies try to upsell when they give crappy service?
I have seen a few different providers and to be honest the best ones are the ladies who do not try to run up the price. I mean some of these girls think they are all that. Don’t get me wrong donations are donations and you pay for what you get, but my experience is that the ladies who are average priced offer the best services. So thank you ladies who give quality for your time.
I haven't ran in to any up selling from girls on this sight. You should read a bunch of reviews on the provider you want to see, and you'll know going in what the donation is. And once you're screened, most providers will discuss any questions you have before you meet. In my experience, donations haven't even been discussed once I arrive. It makes the session much more enjoyable that way. Now those ladies from the other sites always seem to be running an up sell game, IMO. I stay away from them. I only see providers that have excellent review here, and provide the session I want, at the price I think is fair.
pyramider's Avatar
I have not been upselled since I start hobbying. Now when I used to frequent strip clubs ....
Crimson32's Avatar
I was going to comment,,but, I noticed that your Avatar is a Vikings Helmet and I just lost my appetite.
I've never been up sold, either. There are reviews of Providers that did the upsell and I just won't see them. Now if they say extra for CIM or GREEK in their ads/showcase, I don't consider that upselling.

Providers who upsell missed their calling; they should have been in car sales.
Duke of G's Avatar
Chev...why would you ask ladies (or gents) to comment about another lady's business? Why not address the providers you are saying that have upsold you? Everyone else has no idea why some lady might have upsold you.

General questions like "why does X happen in the hobby" are bound to recieve useless comments and just as vague answers.

You also say "run up the price." Do you mean you are actually being asked for more money in exchange for additional services after you arrive? Or are you simply making comment on rate increases?

Broad statements like "average priced offers the best service" also seem odd. That seems more like "average price offers the best value." That is, if you believe that you get what you pay for, as you said, then there is a reason for higher price points on some ladies' time.
They try to upsell because they know you won't return. They do not get repeating business so they need to fleece you for all they can get.

The best ladies have the best service and never have to upsell because they know you will be back.
chevfet's Avatar
Duke, great point in ref to the asking of question. I was just posting a general question. It has only happened to me twice, and all info was discussed before hand. Though again just a general question curious of othes experiences. Thanks
Im sorry i think that all ladies rates should be all-inclusive. I say this becuase then their is never a worry with how much fun you can have before she asks you for more money. My rates are all-inclusive and for the reason that i said above.

If they are going to charge more for certain things then they should be listed so its NOT a surprise when you get their to see her.
Im sorry i think that all ladies rates should be all-inclusive. I say this becuase then their is never a worry with how much fun you can have before she asks you for more money. My rates are all-inclusive and for the reason that i said above.

If they are going to charge more for certain things then they should be listed so its NOT a surprise when you get their to see her. Originally Posted by Kaci Snow
Do your reshearch and ask the provider up front if she offer what your looking for.
Thuck Fat's Avatar
The best ladies have the best service and never have to upsell because they know you will be back. Originally Posted by stevejobs
Exactly! There's a reason why I frequently return to see a select few of ladies and always leave with a smile.
Chaz76040's Avatar
Everything should be inclusive or at least state what isn't....upselling for certain things is too much like asking for $ for a rates are for time.....
Duke of G's Avatar
Any lady foolish enough to list services that are "inclusive" is also inviting trouble down the road. There is a legal reason that smart providers only offer TIME for money.

Putting out ads, or confirming on the phone that you offer a particular service for money is a slippery slope, especially when things start looking like the law is invovled. Smart providers don't make that mistake.

Many ladies and gents seem to forget some basics of why providers don't attach their face to ads stating that they will perform sexual services for money.

Those that do make it clear that sex is for sale are the ones you read about in the Alerts section every so often.

Hence...a rate is "inclusive" because you are paying for time. What happens is between you and the provider, and reputation and other means should easily confirm that you will find a mutually fun time.
DallasRain's Avatar
Exactly! There's a reason why I frequently return to see a select few of ladies and always leave with a smile. Originally Posted by greedy

good advice

reviews tell ALOT!
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar

It seems a little odd that you would be worried about this subject following your antics with Queen Sophie last August extending into September or have you conveniently forgotten them?
See post #57 where you are specifically mentioned and carry on from there.
