George Will column - What if Texas goes blue?

This is what happens when the IFFYs of the world spend all of their political capital fighting gay marriage and other stupid social issues:

If Texas goes Democratic, they will be virtually assured of having 270 electoral votes from a solid block of 19 states and DC. NY, CA, IL, and TX will all be blue states.

The GOP has squandered the last 20 years fighting and losing on social issues. If that had focused on fiscal conservatism, economic nationalism, and controlling unfettered immigration, they wouldn't be in such a mess.

Instead, we got all that evangelical Christian bullshit from a bunch of adulterous hypocrites that distracted from the disappearing middle class.
This is what happens when the IFFYs of the world spend all of their political capital fighting gay marriage and other stupid social issues:

If Texas goes Democratic, they will be virtually assured of having 270 electoral votes from a solid block of 19 states and DC. NY, CA, IL, and TX will all be blue states.

The GOP has squandered the last 20 years fighting and losing on social issues. If that had focused on fiscal conservatism, economic nationalism, and controlling unfettered immigration, they wouldn't be in such a mess.

Instead, we got all that evangelical Christian bullshit from a bunch of adulterous hypocrites that distracted from the disappearing middle class. Originally Posted by Revenant
I agree. Get the Fukin religion out of the platform.

I no more need some bible thumping baptist preacher telling me what to do than I do a radical Muslim Mullah.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Texas turning blue?

Good luck with that shit!
Texas turning blue?

Good luck with that shit! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Did you read the article? Or just blow smoke out your ass?

Demographics are changing. People from blue states are moving here and bringing their left wing politics with them. And Hispanics are a bigger and still growing percentage of the population.

So, yeah, you might well see Texas flip. Dallas used to be solidly Republican. Now it is solidly Democratic. Just like Houston, Austin, and San Antonio.

In other words, ALL the big cities are Democratic already. What next, if not the entire state? Bye-bye Louis Gohmert.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Not in your lifetime, jackass.
This is what happens when the IFFYs of the world spend all of their political capital fighting gay marriage and other stupid social issues:

If Texas goes Democratic, they will be virtually assured of having 270 electoral votes from a solid block of 19 states and DC. NY, CA, IL, and TX will all be blue states.

The GOP has squandered the last 20 years fighting and losing on social issues. If that had focused on fiscal conservatism, economic nationalism, and controlling unfettered immigration, they wouldn't be in such a mess.

Instead, we got all that evangelical Christian bullshit from a bunch of adulterous hypocrites that distracted from the disappearing middle class. Originally Posted by Revenant
I doubt very much Texas will turn blue. It's a very strong red state.

Look at this current graph:
Not in your lifetime, jackass. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Really? Not in my lifetime? How about in the next presidential election?

Try reading this part of the article again:

"In 2000, Republican candidates at the top of the ticket -- in statewide races -- averaged about 60 percent of the vote. By 2008, they averaged less than 53 percent. And Republican down-ballot winners averaged slightly over 51 percent."

The GOP is BARELY winning in Texas.

Texas going blue has been a topic for 5 years or more - except to folks like you. You have your head in the sand.
I doubt very much Texas will turn blue. It's a very strong red state.

Look at this current graph: Originally Posted by SassySue
That is for the Electoral College in the current election (2016). I'm not talking immediately. I don't expect Texas to flip in November.

i am talking about over the next 5 years - 10 years tops. If demographics keep moving in the current direction, what then?
There are 2.5 million Hispanic citizens in Texas that are not registered to vote. Their participation would change everything.
gfejunkie's Avatar
i am talking about over the next 5 years - 10 years tops. If demographics keep moving in the current direction, what then? Originally Posted by Revenant
Not if they keep practicing self-genocide, no.

(Message to all liberals: Please keep taking full advantage of Roe vs Wade.)
the problem is thinking: "everyone I know is a hard working, right thinking, common sense texan so texas cant turn blue"

but you don't know everyone

and everyone isn't a hard working, right thinking, common sense, born here person

and the spread of voting yourself a paycheck, greedy, covetousness, who cares I want everything I can get right now for me thinking is a growing, ugly pervasiveness
That is for the Electoral College in the current election (2016). I'm not talking immediately. I don't expect Texas to flip in November.

i am talking about over the next 5 years - 10 years tops. If demographics keep moving in the current direction, what then? Originally Posted by Revenant
Oh, I see what you are saying now. I also found this link of electoral college graph which is interesting. It shows Texas as now leaning republican. A lot of the Hispanic population in Texas are unregistered voters though. However, they do have a lot of Black voters and women. Trump is losing the majority of Hispanic, Black, and women votes. Also, many of the young voters who wanted Bernie Sanders. His own racial comments did it.
Just this morning I read in the newspaper how the Texas Voter ID law was 'kicked in the nuts'
The Hispanics remember how they were treated as second class citizens, and with Trump demonizing them, guess who they will vote for.

In the days of Bush Jr, he got 50% of the Hispanic vote. but not now...
There are 2.5 million Hispanic citizens in Texas that are not registered to vote. Their participation would change everything. Originally Posted by wildcharlie
Them not being registered has never stopped the dumbascraps for getting them to vote " early and often ". Look at Box 13 and Lyin Lyndon Johnson's 1948 Senate win and how many unregistered voters and " absentee " cemetery dwellers voted for Lyin Lyndon. And now with the decision from the 5th circuit court, they're free to vote out in the open " early and often ".
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where were you in 1948, Gey Rey? Had your parents swum the Rio Grande yet?