Trump vs. Trump: A Look at Donald Trump's Evolving Positions Over the Years

Yssup Rider's Avatar
It would be fair to say Donald Trump has evolved on some key issues; MTP looks back at some of his biggest position changes in the last few years.
talk about a wolf in sheep's clothes
talk about a wolf in sheep's clothes Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Better him than a barking, lying, sexual predator-enabling DOG like YOUR beloved shrilLIARy ! And do YOU wear YOUR rainbow thong to ALL of the LGBT marches that YOU are the guidon for ?
  • Tiny
  • 08-08-2016, 12:40 PM
He has indeed evolved on the issues. I would take issue with a couple of points that NBC apparently was trying to make in the video. First, you can be in favor of universal health care and still believe the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was a huge fuck up.

Second, Trump has said during the campaign that the wealthy will pay more tax if he's elected, which does not represent a change from what he said in earlier years. Yes, he says he pays as little tax as possible. This is consistent with what wealthy Democrats do. They're big hypocrites on this subject. The difference is that Trump admits it and they don't. Another example besides taxes, he says he made political donations to Democrats and Republicans "to get things done", which I guess means to curry favor for his businesses.

A few examples of tax hypocrisy from the other side of the aisle, Hillary and Bill Clinton, according to public filings, are jumping through hoops so that Chelsea won't pay 40% tax on whatever they manage to accumulate before they die. They created a tax free foundation that helps Hillary in her political aspirations and supports their lifestyles. John and Teresa Heinz Kerry, a billionaire couple, pay less income tax than some posting on this board because they've mostly invested in municipal (tax free) bonds. Warren Buffet has structured his business so he pays negligible personal income tax, but wants to jack the rate up for the hard working small businessman that doesn't have his smarts or access to legal and accounting advice.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

I'd say the GOP owns the "tax cut for the rich" issue. So would most everybody else.
LexusLover's Avatar
....Hillary and Bill Clinton, according to public filings, are jumping through hoops so that Chelsea won't pay 40% tax on whatever they manage to accumulate before they die. They created a tax free foundation that helps Hillary in her political aspirations and supports their lifestyles. John and Teresa Heinz Kerry, a billionaire couple, pay less income tax than some posting on this board because they've mostly invested in municipal (tax free) bonds. Warren Buffet has structured his business so he pays negligible personal income tax, but wants to jack the rate up for the hard working small businessman that doesn't have his smarts or access to legal and accounting advice. Originally Posted by Tiny
If I recall the Clinton Slush Fund Foundation was created in Canada ... they are living out of it. Bill as much admitted it when he popped off about having to give speeches to put food on the table ... "poor mouthing again"!

The Kerry-Heinz conglomerate includes many holdings overseas (remember Ms. Heinz wouldn't give up her personal tax returns from the businesses) for which they negotiated "tax free" status for the tomato businesses they have .. Here's a little "social" (Sept. 2013)!

Does anyone want to whine about "Putin"?
"Yes...I flip, I me flip flop flip flop...I have the greatest flip flops on the planet...I can flip you off with best of the bird shooters...and I've flopped in bed with hottest hoes on the planet....flip flop....Christ, help me out, White Knights..."
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I guess we will just quietly ignore Hillary's flip flops. Trump's positions changed while he was a private citizen. Hillary's were made to gain political advantage. On the integrity score, Trump wins again.
I guess we will just quietly ignore Hillary's flip flops. Trump's positions changed while he was a private citizen. Hillary's were made to gain political advantage. On the integrity score, Trump wins again. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
smack There is a big old kiss on your ass Donald.
  • Tiny
  • 08-08-2016, 06:09 PM

I'd say the GOP owns the "tax cut for the rich" issue. So would most everybody else. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are naive young grasshopper. There are some politicians who won't sell tax breaks (hidden tax cuts) to wealthy special interests, politicians like Bernie Sanders, Gary Johnson, and Rand Paul. But most of them will. Party does not matter. I know you are ADHD young grasshopper, but, please, listen and you shall learn.

Let's take the example of the wealthiest people on the planet, some of whom have amassed great fortunes without contributing a lick to society. Hedge fund managers. Why, historically did they donate primarily to Democrats? Was it because these masters of the economic universe thought the economy did better under Democrats? Of course not. It was because they wanted to preserve carried interest, the ability to magically convert ordinary income into long term capital gains, thus cutting their tax bills by more than half. Chuck Schumer and other Democrats were happy to help, as long as the sneaky bastards could do it secretly. And help they did, tabling it in Congress again and again.

Then why did the fund managers cut off funds to Obama in the 2012 election? Republicans will tell you it was because the wise men decided Obama was wrecking the economy. I'll call bull shit on that. There were two reasons. First, and I admit this very grudgingly, Obama is much less corrupted by special Wall Street interests than your average politician. He was happy to raise taxes on the fund managers. Hell, he was happy to raise taxes on anyone making more than a living wage, and fuck anyone who made a lot of money. In the ass. With a condom especially equipped with sharp steel spikes. And second, Obama's opponent Romney had benefited mightily from carried interest during the time he worked in private equity. He was the hedge fund's man.

If you have paid attention to Cute Old Guy's posts young grasshopper, and you should, for he is cute, and he is old, then you would know that the hedge funds this year are contributing heavily to Hillary Clinton's campaign, and nary a cent to The Donald's. That should tell you something, and it's not that The Donald is stark raving mad. Maybe he is and maybe he isn't, but that's irrelevant. The fund managers don't care. Hillary owns the "favors for Wall Street" issue. Thus the funds know that Hillary is prevaricating when she says carried interest must end. On the other hand, they don't know exactly what to make of the Donald, whether he lies or speaks the truth when he also says carried interest must go.

I hope you have learned something grasshopper.