Hobby Thankfulness

So it's that time of year when some of us get sentimental and want to express our gratitude to others. I will start. I hope others will join in. If not I guess I'll just look foolish but it wouldn't be the first time, and undoubtedly not the last either.

First off, I'm thankful to have met all the providers I've seen. I enjoyed meeting all of you, even if only once.

I'm very thankful for my regular ladies. It is so nice to have a rapport with each of you and share the good times together. I am not going to name any names here because inevitably I will leave someone out and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but you know who you are.

I'm not sure if people know but I've been on hiatus from the hobby for a bit and will be for a while longer. Nothing serious, just attending to some real world financial matters. During that time a number of ladies have made it a point to keep in touch and I'm thankful for that. It helps me feel like I'm staying connected until I get back in the mix. Again, the ladies know who they are and I have no wish to inadvertently exclude anyone.

There are both providers and clients who have given me good advice when I needed it, and sometimes when I needed it but didn't know I needed it. I will name people on this one (and still hope I don't forget anyone!):

In alphabetical order (gotta be diplomatic y'know): arealone, Ashlyn, Chloe, Ginger, Nova, Vannah (wherever she is), watchoutthegameisrigged, WMJ4657. My sincere thanks to you all.

And lastly, I'm thankful for the people that still read all the shit I constantly post even after me being a jackass on several occasions (hence my avatar) over the last year.

I hope some others will chime in. If not - well, it doesn't diminish the sincerity with which I meant the sentiments above. But it will kind of make me look stupid lol.
When I truly respect people I can not let them look foolish by themselves, hence I must look foolish with you if that is the way it is going to be Spanky.

Even though I am not an overly active participant in the side bar boards of this site, it does not mean that I don't enjoy reading them. I'm grateful for those who participate more actively on these boards than I.

I am also grateful to all the providers that I've met. Each and every one of you has been part of my life, at least for a little while. Some of you have become more than just "providers". Some of you have become true friends and confidants. You know that if you really needed something I would be there for you the same way you would be there for me. And in a couple of cases we've actually proven that.

I'm grateful for quite a few of the hobbiest members as well. I enjoy reading your reviews and take them to heart when making my decisions. I also respect some of your sage advice. I normally request this advice via PM, but some of it is just through watching and reading what you say in public. Your thoughts and opinions are valued by me.

I'm grateful to all the folks on ASPD Houston who literally crucified me when I wrote my first and only review there. The amount of time that I spent researching how to write a review and actually writing that review only to be crushed and then not even be given credit for it because it was my first review taught me a lot of things, but one thing really stuck out. We were all newbies here once ourselves. We need to treat each other with respect and give each other the benefit of the doubt as much as possible. I hope that I do that.

And finally, to my friend Spanky. I'm especially thankful for you. I'm thankful that you have the guts to stick your neck out and delve into topics that some people are afraid of. You are not afraid to make an ass of yourself as you say, but I think you rarely do. I respect that. You make me think.
tuckahoe's Avatar
I wish to thank all the nice ladies I have dated over a period of years. Many have given me wonderful times and memories. Many times I have not been able to have repeat dates or have as many repeat dates as I would prefer, but you still hold a fond spot in my heart. Ladies, know that you are appreciated for helping out, and I am thankful for you! Happy Thanksgiving to all! You deserve it!
I appreciate the shout out Spanky! You and a few other guys on here have been very valuable to me. Sometimes you just need someone to compare notes with and who the hell else are we going to go to for that? I won't name names but I think you all know who you are. I never mind hearing from you if we can help each other.

In addition, I have a very good male friend here, who shall also remain nameless, that I have actually met for lunch - after a year of lots of communication to establish one hell of a lot of trust. That decision to meet was certainly not taken lightly by either of us. But we both eventually agreed that it might be good to exchange RW info just in case one of us might need to be called on to help the other if they got into a jam. If you think it took a ton of trust in the other guy to do that, you are 100% correct. He and I hobby totally differently and largely run in the circles of different ladies. However, we have both had the inevitable ups and downs of the hobby, frustrations with this or that, ideas of quitting, worrying moments at home, etc. We have both been through all that and it has been very valuable to have someone you trust to talk to when you need to. We communicate mostly by text but when we can both talk safely, we have on a number of occasions.

Certainly the ladies! Wow, it takes a certain mindset and work to be a provider on a high level. Even more so to do it over a long period of time. I really admire and appreciate ladies who can take care of business in every way - and can make me forget all of my troubles for an hour or two and help this rapidly getting old guy feel a little younger for a while. If she can make me feel like a long lost boyfriend for an hour or two, she has done her job and I have been fortunate to find quite a few ladies that can. Again, I will name no names but if you are local or travel here fairly often and I have seen you more than once (other than a couple of ladies I have met just fairly recently and have not had a chance to get back to, which I will), you are on that list. Thank you for the great times!

Leading directly into that, I am thankful for a place to exchange information. I am an extremely careful guy here and without this board, I know I wouldn't be here. You can have friends here but research will always be your best friend here. I spend a hell of a lot of time on it and it is the reason I have never written a "no" review, though in hindsight I probably should have written a single one a couple of years ago. This place allows me to have a pretty damn good idea of what I am getting into when I see someone new. It always amazes me to see a guy bitching about something that should have been patently obvious before he ever went in - if he had bothered to look.
I thankful to be alive and healthy one more year. The rest is gravy. No problems, few complaints.
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar
Watchout you made a very valid statement. Brought something to my attention that I've never thought about.

Besides hope everyone has a safe and happy thanksgiving. If your traveling wear that seatbelt.
DallasRain's Avatar
good post... am thankful for the great guys I have met or/and played with here
Lliks's Avatar
  • Lliks
  • 11-22-2017, 06:41 PM
Thankful for the ladies I've met, the one's I hope to meet, and the lady in tulsa who convinced me to ck out eccie and p-411. Also appreciate the people who post on the boards so that newbies like me can learn without being a pest.
Thanks again to everyone who helps make this fun.
I’m thankful for the many friends I’ve made that have transcended hobby boundaries and offered camaraderie, an ear when I needed to vent, unbiased advice (even though I never take it ), emotional support and encouragement, and many laughs. The hobby can be very isolating for us ladies sometimes, so true friendships are invaluable.

I’m also especially grateful to the countless hobbyists who have supported me by choosing to spend their time with me over the years, allowing me to be successful financially and give my family a great life.

I’m thankful for Spanky, who keeps me entertained by “constantly posting shit.” This place would be very dull without you, hon. Ignore those star bandits... they’re just jealous.

JdeHog, thanks for our shared culinary passion/recipe exchanges and opportunities to cook together. And for fixing my stairmaster. And for just being a great friend all-around.

Watchout, thanks for being my text buddy when I’m lonely.

Nukeman, thanks for constantly being my selfless Mr.Fix-it with no return expectations. And for the fabulous dinner dates!

Also, a special thanks to Jane, whose fun free-spiritedness is absolutely contagious. It’s impossible to be upset about anything when you’re around... you’re amazing. Thanks for always being a true friend!
I'm thankful for the lovely ladies I've been able to meet through the hobby - for the fun times and memories, for providing me with motivation to get back in shape, for helping me feel less lonely, and for helping me expand my horizons.

Special thanks to Miss Ginger, for introducing me to the board, for giving me pointers along the way, for all the Crown, and all the recipes we've exchanged.

I'm thankful for the other hobbyists for providing info and more than a few chuckles.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!
WMJ4657's Avatar
Thanks for the shout Spanky!! While we have never met I feel like we know each other & have enjoyed our messages & sharing of info back & forth. Your info you have shared is truly appreciated.

I haven't been near as active for last several weeks but do drop in here occasionally & catch up on your threads.

Thanks to all the ladies I have had the privilege of meeting, Lolahhh & Tsar, you two ladies are magical & provided me with amazing memories. To all the ladies out there who take care of us guys, "THANK YOU" from this old fart!

I hope to be back a little more active again soon & look forward to making a visit to Arkansas.

Keep up with the entertaining Threads Spanky!

Happy Thanksgiving All & hopefully my Tigers can take a bite of Razorback again on Friday!!
hopefully my Tigers can take a bite of Razorback again on Friday!! Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Not much doubt about that outcome, lol.
Oh, wanted to add: I'm thankful there are so many nice GFE ladies in NWA and that visit NWA regularly. Our GFE cup runneth over.
Gents, get back on topic. But just ahead of when we do, "I really like Bret, but...." (and how many times have we heard or said that?). I am thankful we will be getting a new coach. I wished (and wish) him the best but it's a failed experiment. Now get back on topic. Me too.
I'm thankful for the freindship and companionship of everyone I've seen since coming to NWA. As a traveler it's difficult to establish any kind of relationship so seeing the wonderful ladies of this area has been a pleasure.

A special thank you to GingerDoll for the great friendship we have established and the great dates we have had