Kaylea - What's Up With Her???

First before I begin this discussion, I want to make it clear that this isn't a bash Kaylea or throw her under the bus campaign because I've never met her. (I would like to, but haven't, and it hasn't been from a lack of trying), thus the discussion.

The purpose here is to ascertain whether others of you fine gentlemen are receiving similar TCB treatment from Kaylea, as I am. And if so, then I won't feel bad because I'll have some company. But, if not, then I really would like to know the $60,000 question: Why me! What did I do to receive such treatment?

So, here's the deal. I've PM Kaylea, time and time again, (over several months) requesting a moment of her time; and she read the PM's but NEVER replied, as to Yes, No, maybe, or anything. Nothing but just plain silent. Common courtesy states that a reply is generally the accepted response when someone asks a question, right,

Well, several weeks ago, she finally responded, so I said, "Yeah, we're getting somewhere, now. Things could be looking up to share that moment of time with her.", so as I thought.

Her first reply was that she was out of town and to get back to her on that next Wednesday, which I did. Then her reply was that she was sick, and let look for that next week. So yeah everybody gets sick, right; so no problem, I chilled.

But to my surprise, I'm surfing that same evening, and I see a Provider Ad by Kaylea, so either she took a magic pill that bounced her back to health in less than 2 hours or....????

Well, I didn't make any big deal out of it. Just chilled and mine my business. So later I send a PM looking to share a moment of time with her. The response this time was that she was moving and that she was somewhat tired. So again, I say ok, cool. And again to my surprise, later the same day, she posts an OUT OF STATE Ad... Wow, so now, here's that magic pill again. It helped her get better and it helped her in her moving activities. What a Great pill. I could use a few of those pills myself. Lol

I try my best to believe that folks are honest. But I'll have to admit that something in these responses just don't seem to add up. So my question is: Are others getting the same type of questionable responses??? I believe my credentials are favorable. I’m an older gentleman (don’t have time for any games), with a professional career, been in the community for a while, never gotten a “bad anything” from the ladies, and a P411 Life Member with numerous Okay’s. So I’m at a loss as to why there hasn't been a firm Yes or No.

Her latest Ad today is titled " 👇 Better Than ➹Her➹ 👉❤👈 ➷Her➷ And ➹Her➹ 👆 Don't Believe Me❓ You Be The Judge".

Well, from my prospective (and hull defilade position), it hard for me to be a Judge; if she don't reply with a Yes or No on sharing time with her. Without a firm yes, or no, then my judgment (and anyone else's, that don't get a reliable answer from her) is that the Ad is misleading and potentially FALSE...

The Ad goes on to say “I pride myself on my commitment to delivering what I promise. I dislike my time to be wasted and so I only work with clients who are genuine and appreciate the real value of what I deliver."

As she noted, time is precious and I surely have no intent on wasting her time, and I definitely enjoy the delivery of what a person says. Who don’t? Well, I sent a PM this morning and I’m almost certain that she has seen it, and she still hasn't provided just a simple Yes or No.

So the question, as stated before, do you gents get the same kind of replies and TCB treatment that I previously described? Again, this isn't a Kaylea bashing; I'm just curious. I mean the community is full of fun times, to share with many. And yes, she can see whom she wants. And yes, I enjoy having fun and enjoying the ladies time just as many of you do. All I'm seeking is a real Yes or No answer.

Man, to get a firm Yes or No, would be (let me see, how I should say this). A firm yes or no (simply put….) would really be NICE! :-)

Happy? Don't get why you'd pursue someone that obviously doesn't want to see you much less write all of this to complain about her. Just because a guy has some money to spend doesn't entitle him to see any gal he'd like or maybe she's just really unorganized.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar

Happy? Don't get why you'd pursue someone that obviously doesn't want to see you much less write all of this to complain about her. Just because a guy has some money to spend doesn't entitle him to see any gal he'd like or maybe she's just really unorganized.
Originally Posted by EasyLover214
What he said.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Sometimes, you have to take the hint.
aubie79's Avatar
+1 on what Easylover said...you've put in way more effort than I would have to see her.

I did notice the 2 ads she ran today are way different ads...one is the same basic ad she posts every time and the other looks like classic BP....and her ECCIE profile is a shell. Might be something fishy going on with her or management. Lots of reasons to cast her aside and move on. Bit of a shame for a lady with so many positive reviews.
Why thanks fellow hobbyists. Again, I was just wondering if others were having similar issues because some of the ladies do seem to be unorganized sometimes, but heck, perhaps all of us have gone down that same road of too much on your mind... Well, as far as the 'hint', I figured that the majority of us are honest, and if you don't want to see somebody, then just say so, and be done with it. What does it gain to lie...

Anyway, I enjoy hitting the sound board and see what returns... And it was all GOOD!
I've found one thing in life that is true a lot of time: "It's a person right to say 'no', but don't be surprised if that person you told 'no' to; ends up being the one that could save you..."

Well Thx Gents...
On to the Next One..
Dude just move on. When I was hobbying, had similar experience with her. Of course I never did multiple messages, maybe couple of times, before I got response.

Then out of excuses etc., never met her, and never tried either after that.

Maybe she just didn't want to meet me or you. Plenty of other chicks.
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 11-10-2014, 06:56 PM
You have to consider it from their side. She tells you no. Then you want an explaination cause your ego smarts. Vicious cycle. Silence means look elsewhere.
  • zebra
  • 11-10-2014, 07:02 PM

sounds like she's busy, has a lot going on in her life and doesn't have the time of day for you or anyone else for that matter.
Her showcase like aubie79 said is a shell. The last time I looked at Kaylea's showcase, 30-45 days ago there was quite a bit more information listed about her as well as a P411 link, https://www.preferred411.com/P64450
Kaylea's last login here was at 7:18 this evening so maybe she's responding your PM as we speak.
I know what would do, Move On Brother !
Bestman200600's Avatar
If you come across as to aggressive or have to many reviews and she doesn't see guys that have been with that many women can also give you a similar response. The woman always has the choice as to who she sees or doesn't.
pyramider's Avatar
Some just need the frying pan to ring on their head ...
Gents... All of the replies are good tenets, and yes, the ship has sailed to a different shore. I guess, what tickled my small frustration was her not being straight and honest and say 'no' (up front), but instead she wasted her breath with lies (and excuses)...

The ship is now at sea... :-)
TexTushHog's Avatar
Ok, the guy gets the hint now. But I'm with him. This is a business and if a provider can just come out and say, "I'd prefer not to see you, "they're wasting your time and not being professional." Frankly, I don't blame the OP for being pissed. Not because some gal wouldn't see him, but for needlessly being given the run around.
Ok, the guy gets the hint now. But I'm with him. This is a business and if a provider can just come out and say, "I'd prefer not to see you, "they're wasting your time and not being professional." Frankly, I don't blame the OP for being pissed. Not because some gal wouldn't see him, but for needlessly being given the run around. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
TTH, that' what EXACTLY the frustration was all about. She's free to see whomever, as it relates to her financial and comfort desire. A simple Yes or No would have been 'just' fine with me (then there's no grey area--all parties would know the answer). :-)
pyramider's Avatar
Ok, the guy gets the hint now. But I'm with him. This is a business and if a provider can just come out and say, "I'd prefer not to see you, "they're wasting your time and not being professional." Frankly, I don't blame the OP for being pissed. Not because some gal wouldn't see him, but for needlessly being given the run around. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Unfortunately, that only works on the relatively normal fucktards, for the majority they will get butt hurt and start threads ...